HELP! * GREY=local LOCAL HTML version of Foils prepared 15 January 1997

Foil 52 Use of Dummy Frames in JavaScript

From JavaScript Tutorial for CPS616 Technologies of the Information Age 1997 Basic Information Track of CPS -- Spring Semester 97. by Geoffrey C. Fox * Important Information in IMAGE

<HEAD> Bunch of JavaScript</HEAD>
Sundry actions that load a new URL into page
will result in loss of all JavaScript methods and properties as you load new page! This can be avoided by using dummy frames as below
<HEAD> Bunch of JavaScript</HEAD>
<FRAME NAME="ActualFrame" SRC="Thiscontainsoldbodyhtml.html" >
Now use target="ActualFrame" in <a href="URL"> and reloading ActualFrame will NOT destroy your JavaScript!
Note we defined a dummy frame which occupied one pixel (could use zero!) above ActualFrame
The * notation tells Netscape to assign the remaining rows to second frame

Northeast Parallel Architectures Center, Syracuse University,

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