RSVP handles heterogeneous receivers.
Different hosts on the same multicast delivery tree may have different capabilities and therefore need different QoS.
RSVP adapts to changing group membership as well as changing routes.
For dynamic adaptability and robustness, RSVP maintains "soft state" in the routers. The only permanent state is in the end systems, which periodically send their RSVP control messages to refresh the router state. In the absence of refresh, RSVP state in routers will time out and be deleted.
RSVP is not a routing protocol.
The RSVP daemon consults the local routing protocol(s) to obtain routes. RSVP is designed to operate with existing and future unicast and multicast routing protocols. A host sends IGMP messages to join a multicast group, but it uses RSVP messages to reserve resources along the delivery path(s) from that group.