Given by Marek Podgorny at Tutorial in Poland on April 1996. Foils prepared 3 May 1996
Abstract * Foil Index for this file
Review of the networked multimedia presentations |
Requirements for the networking infrastructure supporting multimedia applications
Network technologies supporting multimedia delivery
This table of Contents
Networked Multimedia Applications and their Impact on the Network Services |
March 1996 |
Marek Podgorny |
Syracuse University |
111 College Place |
Syracuse |
New York 13244-4100 |
Review of the networked multimedia presentations |
Requirements for the networking infrastructure supporting multimedia applications
Network technologies supporting multimedia delivery
Electronic documents with attached voice and video annotations
Desktop conferencing:
Distance-learning courses offered as live broadcasts
Television broadcasts over local-area networks (LANs). |
Interactive kiosks with multimedia product information and demonstrations. |
Multimedia databases that store traditional text as well as images, audio, and video clips.
3D navigation in real and abstract landscapes. |
Simulation on demand with direct graphical output and interactive input. |
Hierarchical structure of the MM industry:
Multimedia platform builders: Of the computers sold in 1995, 80% was multimedia capable! |
Multimedia capable network infrastructure providers:
Our conclusion: Nearly all multimedia industry gears up to switch to networked applications. |
As shown on next foil, for delivery over an internetwork, multimedia applications can be grouped into categories according to
Applications that use stored data streams are not delay-sensitive. |
Applications that involve real-time interactivity are sensitive to network delay. |
Point-to-point applications involve communication between a single pair of network nodes. |
Multipoint applications typically involve a broadcast to many network nodes. |
Pictorial Representation of Time Sensitivity in Applications |
Multimedia kiosk is an important business application!
Stand-alone kiosk are expensive to maintain. Networking is an operational necessity. |
The entertainment industry wants to use kiosks as
The entertainment industry is also interested in multimedia kiosks that allow multi-person video games to occur over networks. |
Highway authorities plan kiosks with tourist information |
To provide a decent multimedia delivery infrastructure the network must provide three operational characteristics at an acceptable level:
Two latter requirements are specific to multimedia network traffic. In the past, MM traffic was very limited.
Fortunately, the technological solutions are available. |
Bandwidth requirements
Typical workstation on a corporate LAN has today available BW of 50 - 100 Kbps |
This bandwidth is only sufficient for simple MM applications |
Solution: switched broadcast networks - will be discussed later. |
Some Examples of Needed Network Bandwidth |
Typical scenarios for deficient bandwidth:
Typical scenarios for deficient bandwidth--Contd: |
II: Campus backbone
III: Wide area network
Three major components in Quality of Service requirements:
None of these factors was a design parameter of today's packet networks. |
Different applications running concurrently over the networks may have different service requirements: this imples need for an integrated service network able to handle data and stream applications. |
QoS support is sometimes referred to as integrated services. |
Guaranteed bandwidth requirement: how good are packet-switched networks for different types of applications?
For MM applications network latency requirements are in general less stringent than for compute intensive applications.
Latency issue is almost entirely under control (or lack thereof) of the networking gear vendors.
More heterogenous networks usually induce higher latency due to packets encapsulation/header changes or segmentation and reassembly. |
Jitter - audio quality killer
For video, packets that arrive too late require complex logic in the decoder. |
Dropping the late packets may cause header loss and decoder confusion. |
Processing the late packets compounds the synchronization problems. |
Remedy: network buffers, Bandwidth reservation, packet priority handling, etc. |
Typical Jitter Distribution |
One-to-many and many-to-many applications are extremely expensive in terms of both network bandwidth and processing power on both workstations and on the routers. Typically, unicast and broadcast mechanisms are used:
Multicast: the sending computer can send out a multicast packet that is addressed to all the intended recipients. The network will replicate the packet when necessary.
Global solution of the multimedia QoS problem requires broad consensus of the network gear vendors on how to implement necessary protocols and measures. |
All networking devices carrying the multimedia traffic must support the same set of mechanisms. |
Among the mechanisms discussed for QoS Support, the most elementary are: |
Priority queuing: today's packet networks are truly democratic and egalitarian -
Custom queuing: this is a bandwidth reservation mechanism.
Two possible solutions: |
ATM networking technology - QoS is a build-in feature for this type of transport. This is probably a solution for tomorrow's GII backbone. Will it work in near future?
ATM Technology -- problems!
Solution -- Integrated services over the packet switched networks
In the following, we will discuss the emerging architecture implementing so called integrated services running on top of the existing Internet infrastructure. |
The integrated services infrastructure complements two other enabling technologies:
Real-time QoS is not the only issue for a next generation of traffic management in the Internet: network operators are requesting the ability to control the sharing of bandwidth on a particular link among different traffic classes.
These network administration classes may represent different user groups or different protocol families, for example.
Therefore, in the following, the term integrated services (IS) for an Internet service model includes best-effort service, real-time service, and controlled link sharing. |
The fundamental service model of the Internet, as embodied in the best-effort delivery service of IP, has been unchanged since the beginning of the Internet research project. |
Integrated services postulate a major change.
The new components and mechanisms to be added will supplement but not replace the basic IP service. |
The proposed architectural extension is comprised of two elements:
It is important to separate the service model, which defines the externally visible behavior, from the discussion of the implementation, which will evolve during the life of the service model. |
The IS model includes two sorts of service targeted towards real-time traffic: guaranteed and predictive service.
We now discuss several basic assumptions of the model: |
Resources (e.g., bandwidth) must be explicitly managed in order to meet application requirements.
It is desirable to use the Internet as a common infrastructure to support both non-real-time and real-time communication.
There is a unified protocol stack, employing a single Internet-layer protocol for both real-time and non-real-time service.
There should be a single service model for the Internet.
Arguments have been raised against an integrated service model based on the assumptions we outlined. |
In particular, the following arguments have been presented against the necessity of a complex reservation model:
"Bandwidth will be infinite." (Continued)
Arguments against integrated services (continued): |
"Simple priority is sufficient."
People argue that: "Applications can adapt." However ...
There is an inescapable requirement for routers to be able to reserve resources, in order to provide special QoS for specific user packet streams, or "flows".
Therefore, the flow state added to the routers for resource reservation in the integrated services model is designed to be "soft", i.e., it is maintained by periodic "refresh". |
Since reservation implies that some users are getting privileged service, resource reservation needs enforcement of policy and administrative controls. |
This in turn calls for authentication of both users and packets.
The implementation framework includes four components:
The first three items will be discussed in the following foils. |
The reservation protocol will be discussed is a separate presentation. |
It is important to understand that the implementation framework discussed below is essentially an example of how the IS model can be realized. |
The framework is not a part of any proposed standard! |
This notwithstanding, the framework reveals the actual working model of the future Internet.... |
The "flow" is a distinguishable stream of related datagrams that results from a single user activity and requires the same QoS.
For integrated services, a router must implement an appropriate QoS for each flow, in accordance with the service model.
The packet scheduler manages the forwarding of different packet streams using a set of queues and perhaps other mechanisms like timers. |
The packet scheduler must be implemented at the point where packets are queued; this is the output driver level of a typical operating system, and corresponds to the link layer protocol. |
The details of the scheduling algorithm may be specific to the particular output medium.
There is another component that could be considered part of the packet scheduler or as a separate piece: the estimator.
For the purpose of traffic control (and accounting), each incoming packet must be mapped into some class; all packets in the same class get the same treatment from the packet scheduler. |
This mapping is performed by the classifier. Choice of a class may be based upon the contents of the existing packet header(s) and/or some additional classification number added to each packet. |
A class might correspond to a broad category of flows, e.g., all video flows or all flows attributable to a particular organization.
A class is an abstraction that may be local to a particular router; the same packet may be classified differently by different routers along the path.
Admission control implements the decision algorithm that a router or host uses to determine whether a new flow can be granted the requested QoS without impacting earlier guarantees. |
Admission control is invoked at each node to make a local accept/reject decision, at the time a host requests a real-time service along some path through the Internet. The admission control algorithm must be consistent with the service model, and it is logically part of traffic control. |
Admission control is sometimes confused with policing or enforcement, which is a packet-by-packet function at the "edge" of the network to ensure that a host does not violate its promised traffic characteristics.
In addition to ensuring that QoS guarantees are met, admission control will be concerned with enforcing administrative policies on resource reservations.
Finally, admission control will play an important role in accounting and administrative reporting. |
The router has two broad functional divisions: the forwarding path below the double horizontal line, and the background code above the line. |
The forwarding path of the router is executed for every packet and usually involves a hardware assist. |
The path is divided into three sections: input driver, Internet forwarder, and output driver.
The background routines create data structures that control the forwarding path.
The implementation framework for a host is generally similar to that for a router, with the addition of applications.
In routers, integrated service will require changes to both the forwarding path and the background functions.
A service model is embedded within the network service interface invoked by applications to define the set of services they can request.
The core service model addresses those services which relate most directly to the time-of-delivery of packets.
Multicast -- Send one packet to bunch of places |
RTP -- real Time Protocol |
RSVP -- reservation Protocol |
will be discussed in later foilsets |
A service model consists of a set of service commitments: in response to a service request the network commits to deliver some service.
The service commitments made to collective entities are driven by resource-sharing, or economic, requirements; these service commitments relate to the aggregate resources made available to the various entities.
For QoS requirements, the core service model is concerned almost exclusively with the time-of-delivery of packets. |
Per-packet delay is the central quantity about which the network makes quality of service commitments. |
Strictly speaking, the only quantity about which a quantitative service commitments can be made are bounds on the maximum and minimum delays. |
The degree to which application performance depends on low delay service varies widely, and one can make several qualitative distinctions between applications based on the degree of their dependence.
The taxonomy of applications into real time and elastic is neither exact nor complete. It is only used to guide the development of the core service model. |
An important class of such real-time applications: "playback" applications.
The term "playback point" refers to the point in time which is offset from the original departure time by this fixed delay. |
Data arriving after the playback point is essentially useless. |
In order to choose a reasonable value for the offset delay, an application needs some "a priori" characterization of the maximum delay its packets will experience. |
This "a priori" characterization could either be provided by the network in a quantitative service commitment to a delay bound, or through the observation of the delays experienced by the previously arrived packets. |
The performance of a playback application is measured along two dimensions: latency and fidelity.
Vast majority of audio and video applications will be tolerant. |
One can however envision applications, such as circuit emulation, that are intolerant. |
Web based Computing is likely to be intolerant if synchronizing many nodes on a single application as delays at one point, will delay all nodes |
It is important to note that late packets always decrease fidelity, even if the applications has clever "adaptive" ways of dealing with them |
Hence, intolerant applications must use a fixed offset delay.
A service characterized by a perfectly reliable upper bound on delay is called "guaranteed service". |
This is the appropriate service model for intolerant playback applications. |
In contrast, tolerant applications do not need to set their offset delay greater than the absolute maximum delay.
For tolerant applications, the "right: service model is "predictive service" which supplies a fairly reliable, but not perfectly reliable, delay bound. |
For "predictive service" the bound is not based on worst case assumptions on the behavior of other flows. |
Instead, this bound might be computed with properly conservative predictions about the behavior of other flows. |
If the network turns out to be wrong and the bound is violated, the application's performance will perhaps suffer, but the users are willing to tolerate such interruptions in service in return for the presumed lower cost of the service. |
Why two different services?
Let us discuss accommodation of the "true" adaptive applications in the service model
This alteration of the coding scheme will present a trade-off between fidelity (of the coding scheme itself, not of the playback process) and the bandwidth requirements of the flow. |
Such "rate-adaptive" playback applications have the advantage that they can adjust to the current network conditions not just by resetting their playback point but also by adjusting the traffic pattern itself. |
For rate-adaptive applications, the traffic characterizations used in the service commitment are not immutable. |
One can thus augment the service model by allowing the network to notify (either implicitly through packet drops or explicitly through control packets) rate-adaptive applications to change their traffic characterization. |
Elastic applications will always wait for data to arrive.
Categories of elastic applications: |
interactive burst (Telnet, X, NFS), |
interactive bulk transfer (FTP), and |
asynchronous bulk transfer (electronic mail, FAX). |
The delay requirements of elastic applications vary from rather demanding for interactive burst applications to rather lax for asynchronous bulk transfer, with interactive bulk transfer being intermediate between them. |
An appropriate service model for elastic applications is to provide "as-soon-as-possible", or ASAP (=best effort) service. |
One should offer several classes of best-effort service to reflect the relative delay sensitivities of different elastic applications. |
This service model allows interactive burst applications to have lower delays than interactive bulk applications, which in turn would have lower delays than asynchronous bulk applications. |
Applications using this service are not subject to admission control. |
Although the applications taxonomy was rather crude, the core service model should be judged on its ability to adequately meet the needs of the entire spectrum of applications.
Similarly, playback applications cannot be neatly classified as either tolerant or intolerant, but rather fall along a continuum. |
Offering both guaranteed and predictive service allows applications to make their own trade-off between fidelity, latency, and cost. |
Despite these obvious deficiencies in the taxonomy, there are reasons to believe that it describes the service requirements of current and future applications well enough so that the Integrated Service model core services can adequately meet essentially all application needs. |
The quantity of primary interest in resource-sharing is aggregate bandwidth on individual links. |
"link- sharing" component of the service model addresses the question of how to share the aggregate bandwidth of a link among various collective entities according to some set of specified shares. |
Multi-entity link-sharing
Multi-protocol link-sharing
Multi-service sharing
In general terms
Definition of a service supporting efficient link-sharing is difficult. |
There is a number of research models, including the idealized fluid model of instantaneous link-sharing with proportional sharing of excess where at every instant the available bandwidth is shared between the active entities in proportion to the assigned shares of the resource. |
This fluid model exhibits the desired policy behavior but is an unrealistic idealization. |
The actual service model should be to approximate, as closely as possible, the bandwidth shares produced by the ideal fluid model. |
Actual implementation may be difficult! |
There is a number of issues that have not been discussed but are quite important:
For these, access to the original literature is recommended |