HELP! * GREY=local LOCAL HTML version of Foils prepared 17 Feb 1997

Foil 3 Multimedia and Multicast

From MultiCast Technologies and Rationale Large Web Application Class, CPS600/640 Fall 1997 -- Fall Semester 97. by Marek Podgorny * See also color IMAGE

Multimedia streams tend to require higher bandwidth compared to text-based applications
Some MM applications require one-to-many connectivity
  • Desktop conferencing (many-to-many), LAN TV, collaborative computing, corporate broadcast)
Unicast method does not scale even on LANs
Broadcast does not scale on complex LANs and on WANs
Multipoint connectivity also benefits traditional applications (example: e-mail, news distribution, electronic journals)

Northeast Parallel Architectures Center, Syracuse University,

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Page produced by wwwfoil on Sun Feb 23 1997