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Foil 31 Scenario: Virtual World

From Future of Multimedia Internet Systems CPS640 MultiMedia and WWW -- Spring 97 Semester. by Marek Podgorny * See also color IMAGE

The Business Environment (3)
The standardization that occurred in the network infrastructure has been matched by business hardware and software vendors.
  • While differences in hardware architecture still exist, application program interfaces and software development tools buffer application developers from these differences and allow coordinated development across multiple platforms. Robust application development tools have simplified application development. Windows NT has become the operating system of choice, as UNIX has been unable to keep up the changes to support new applications.
The Net allows businesses real-time feedback from their customers. Customers are able to exercise their demand for control and become actively involved in the design and manufacture of their purchases.
  • Businesses, in an effort to meet these demands, have upgraded their manufacturing systems to allow this requirement. Computer aided design and manufacturing systems (CAD/CAM) evolved into consumer aided design and manufacturing systems.

Northeast Parallel Architectures Center, Syracuse University,

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