HELP! * GREY=local LOCAL HTML version of Foils prepared 31 January97

Foil 39 Scenario: Slow Boat

From Future of Multimedia Internet Systems CPS640 MultiMedia and WWW -- Spring 97 Semester. by Marek Podgorny * See also color IMAGE

The Socio-Political Scene (2)
The much-bewailed capital shortage has put several constraints on the flow of funds and has pushed the cost of capital up.
  • Demands on global capital include:
    • Continuing German reunification costs; Much larger than anticipated Eastern European/Soviet restructuring costs; Middle East reconstruction
    • Aging of the Japanese workforce; Need for enhanced productivity to accompany changing demographics
    • Huge public pension shortfall in the U.S.
    • Developing world privatization programs
    • Environmental clean-up and regulation; Public infrastructure in industrialized world
  • The general malaise is coupled with more active government. In the U.S., regulators are keeping a tight reign on the broadcast and cable industries, policing the airwaves for indecency and assuring that rates are kept low enough to allow access to almost every American - issues of social value that had re-emerged as health care reform took hold. Also, governments worldwide have scrutinized any information highway investments especially to the extent that foreign trade competitiveness and/or consumers' or employees' individual rights are concerned.

Northeast Parallel Architectures Center, Syracuse University,

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