HELP! * GREY=local LOCAL HTML version of Foils prepared 31 January97

Foil 44 Scenario: Upstairs/Downstairs

From Future of Multimedia Internet Systems CPS640 MultiMedia and WWW -- Spring 97 Semester. by Marek Podgorny * See also color IMAGE

A Mix of Virtual World and Slow Boat
Consumers seemed to be "nesting" in the early 90's; but by 2003, they have become positively dug in.
  • More and more of their leisure time -- and dollars -- is spent in the home; the biggest part of that, in front of and using home entertainment centers.
  • However, how they spend that time (and the money that attached to it) had begun to bifurcate.
As a product of intense income polarization and concentration of wealth in the United States, as well as the division of the population along technical competence boundaries, two "classes" have emerged -- the "haves," and the "have-nots."
  • The "haves" comprise roughly two-thirds of the population and have disposable incomes and household wealth that has grown substantially since the 90's.
  • The remaining one-third are the "have nots" who have seen their disposable incomes stagnate as they have accumulated personal debt.

Northeast Parallel Architectures Center, Syracuse University,

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