Basic HTML version of Foils prepared 15 March 1996

Foil 24 Parallel AVS - Planned Project at NPAC

From Complex Systems and Parallel Computing CPSP713 Case studies in Computational Science -- Spring Semester 1996. by Geoffrey C. Fox

Forms of parallelism in the AVS model:
  • intramodular data parallelism (e.g. image processing or PDE modules) for single AVS kernel
  • intermodular functional parallelism (single kernel)
  • multi-user/kernel/department functional parallelism
NPAC Approach
  • Develop 'standard' library of data parallel modules in High Performance Fortran for regular problems (matrix, algebra, PDEs, imaging)
  • develop hierarchical/clustering algorithms for automatic decomposition of large AVS dataflow networks into a network of independent AVS subsystems
  • unify existing tools for the user-level hierarchical functional organization with the automated tools for the network decomposition
  • unify top-down approach for the single user network decomposition with the bottom-up approach for the multi-user network integration

Northeast Parallel Architectures Center, Syracuse University,

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