Given by Geoffrey C. Fox at CPSP713 Case studies in Computational Science on Spring Semester 1996. Foils prepared 15 March 1996
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Summary of Material
This is first of three foilsets on CFD and NAS Benchmarks |
This describes the four basic NAS benchmarks and their relation to the Navier Stokes Equations in the the 5 component CFD equations |
We use opportunity to discuss time discretization and stepping in general based on Hirsch CFD book and Numerical Recipes |
Stability, Implicit and Explicit formulations are introduced |
Beam Warming Equations and their stability |
Outside Index
Summary of Material
Geoffrey Fox |
111 College Place |
Syracuse NY 13244-4100 |
This is first of three foilsets on CFD and NAS Benchmarks |
This describes the four basic NAS benchmarks and their relation to the Navier Stokes Equations in the the 5 component CFD equations |
We use opportunity to discuss time discretization and stepping in general based on Hirsch CFD book and Numerical Recipes |
Stability, Implicit and Explicit formulations are introduced |
Beam Warming Equations and their stability |
Here we summarize three foilsets CPS713NAS-I,II,III |
This Section is Based on two publications |
The NAS Parallel Benchmarks
Sec. 3: A Methodology for Benchmarking some CFD Kernels on Highly Parallel Machines
A Collection of Iterative PDE Solvers embedded in a Pseudo CFD application program is proposed (and now used by community) for the performance evaluation of CFD Codes on highly parallel processors. The solvers are also now used as a general benchmark for different parallel machines. The pseudo application program is stripped of complexities associated with real CFD application programs, thereby enabling a simpler description of the algorithms. However it is capable of reproducing the essential computation and data access/movement characteristics of large scale state of the art CFD codes. These latter features make the CFD kernels suitable for CPS713 as a framework for discussing essential computer science issues in CFD. |
NASA analysed their implicit CFD codes and identified four computational kernels which typified the majority of three-dimensional Euler (non Viscous) and Navier-Stokes (Viscous) CFD programs using finite difference or finite volume methods on a structured grid. |
1)Solution of multiple independent systems of non diagonally dominant block tridiagonal equations with a 5 by 5 block size. |
(i.e. a matrix made out of 5 by 5 blocks with one nonzero block on diagonal and one nonzero block either side of diagonal) |
2)Solution of multiple independent systems of scalar (i.e. not block) pentadiagonal equations. |
(i.e. matrix with nonzeros on diagonal and two nonzero elements either side of it.) |
These two kernels are representative of computations associated with implicit operator in the NASA ARC3D code. |
3) Regular Sparse 5 by 5 block matrix -vector multiplication |
i.e. Sparse matrix-vector multiplication where each operation is multiplication by a 5 by 5 submatrix into a five dimensional subvector
4) Regular Sparse 5 by 5 block lower and upper triangular system solution |
i.e same basic 5 by 5 submatrix into 5 dimensional vector operation with the arithmetic that of using LU decomposition on a sparse matrix.
1)Absence of Realistic Boundary Conditions:
2)Simplified artificial dissipation
3) Time Differencing Schemes
4) Absence of Turbulence Models
We can write the five basic variables of CFD as a five component vector given in Hirsch Chapters 16 and 22 |
In detail the five components are given by: |
Note this uses Ideal Gas Equation of State P V = R T with V proportional to inverse of r |
The terms E(U) F(U) and G(U) correspond to the non viscous terms in the Navier Stokes equations
The terms T (U,Ux) V(U,Uh) and W(U,Uz) include
The term H is to viewed as an external force so arranged that a simple function exactly satisfies equations |
The simple function is a linear combination of powers ( 0 through 4 ) of x h and z. |
The boundary conditions and initial conditions are similarily set to have a very simple form |
Note H does not depend on the unknown U in spite of what memo says! |
H depends only on independent variables x h and z. |
Note computational domain is the unit cube in x h and z space |
We use these greek labels to indicate one has (notionally) transformed from original physical domain x h and z. (As noted the transformation matrix has been ignored) |
We use t not t for two reasons
We will follow treatments in
Note two key approachs:
Equation (19.1.1) (19.1.6) are flux-conservative equations of general type of NAS benchmarks |
Equation (19.1.11) is FTCS (Forward Time Centered Space) for (19.1.6) |
Von Neumann Stability Analysis for constant coefficient equations |
Lax Method Equation (19.1.14) |
Courant Stability Condition Equation (19.1.17) |
Physical Interpretation in Fig 19.1.3 |
Numerical Viscosity implied in Lax's Method Equation (19.1.19) |
This discusses figures 8.3.6 to 8.3.8 of Hirsch |
Convection Equation is (19.1.6) in Numerical Recipes |
Lax-Friedrich's Scheme is called Lax Method - |
Equations (19.1.14,15) in Numerical Recipes |
First Order Upwind Scheme is Equation (19.1.27) and Figure 19.1.4 in Numerical Recipes
The Leapfrog Method is Figure 19.1.5 and |
Equation 19.1.30 in Numerical Recipes |
The Lax-Wendroff Method is Equations (19.1.37,38) and Figure 19.1.7 of Numerical Recipes
Note accuracy determines formally how fast the errors tend to zero as the time step d t tends to zero. |
Stability determines if the errors build up or reinforce each other as one iterates in time |
All time differencing schemes are valid representations of equations i.e. |
reduce to differential equation in limit of dx and d t tend to zero |
However not all differencing schemes are stable! |
We can investigate stability for simple linear equations with von Neumann's Analysis |
Let u(n)j be replaced by u(n)j + e(n)j where: |
n labels time iteration and j spatial discretization |
If the equations are linear in u, the e(n)j obeys same equations as u(n)j but with simple (zero) boundary conditions |
If equation not linear, then this analysis still governs local behavior and gives a stability condition must must be satisfied by linearized equations
If the Velocity v in convection equation is constant and |
we have the natural boundary conditions for e |
then Fourier Analysis diagonalizes difference equations |
Note that general equation: |
We expand error e in fashion suggested by Fourier solution |
See sec. 11.1 and table 11.1 of Hirsch, Volume 1. |
This analysis introduced by Beam and Warming |
(People not Hot Rods) |
This is implicit unless b = 0 when it becomes explicit |
This set of equations is defined in Equation (11.1.22) of Hirsch after he discusses a more general set involving K(n-1) |
Note we follow same notation as NAS Benchmark Paper Equation (3.11) |
Hirsch calls our |
For Stability Analysis write the linear form: |
K = W U |
where W is for one dimension and second order differencing a 5 by 5 matrix |
When analysing the convection equation with K = -v ¶ / ¶x , we get W = -ivk is pure imaginary |
Note that Explicit Euler was always unstable for convection equation but for our case, the artificial viscosity ensures that explicit Euler is stable for small enough time step D t |
Implicit Euler is always stable for dissipative systems because these by definition have Re(W) negative. |
Taking the special case q=0 and b=1 used in the NAS benchmark Equation (3.12) |