Basic HTML version of Foils prepared 15 March 1996

Foil 49 General Issues for Physical Optimization in Computing

From Physical Optimization and Physical Computation CPSP713 Case studies in Computational Science -- Spring Semester 1996. by Geoffrey C. Fox

1 Various optimizations are possible at each stage of mapping. These can be (but usually are not) formulated as minimizing
  • E = E1 (Performance) + E2 (Constraints)
2 This is a difficulty if constraint ensures correctness of calculation as in code generation phase of optimizing compiler for a digital computer. Then we must have E2=0 at T=0.
3 This "correctness" issue might not be present in generation of "programs" for neural (as opposed to digital) supercomputers.
4 We can study use of physical optimization in generation or execution of program

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Northeast Parallel Architectures Center, Syracuse University,

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