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Foil 6 Overview of CPS713 Case Study I) Statistical Physics (and Optimization)

From Master set for Overview of Case Studies of Computational Science CPSP713 Master for Overview -- Autumn Semester 1994. by Geoffrey C. Fox * See also color IMAGE

Statistical approaches underly most approaches to study of physical systems with many particles as detailed dynamics become both impossible and irrelevant. The Central Limit Theorem or Law of Large Numbers implies that most observable quantities only depend on average properties of system.
We will give a list of topics in course labelling them
  • T for technology or computer science oriented
  • C for computationally oriented
  • A for application (physics) oriented
Note there is natural link T --> C --> A and
  • The boundaries T to C and C to A are "grey" and classification is correspondingly imprecise

Northeast Parallel Architectures Center, Syracuse University,

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