Basic HTML version of Foils prepared 15 March 1996

Foil 17 CPS713 Case Study II) Further Computer Science Issues for CFD and NR Computational Toolkit

From Overview of Monte Carlo Case Study CPSP713 -- Autumn Semester 1994. by Geoffrey C. Fox, Paul Coddington

Domain Specific Software where user interfaces at level of mathematical equations -- not C++ or Fortran
  • Can build with Computer algebra tools such as Maple or Mathematica which then must be taught to generate efficient High Performance Fortran , Fortran77 + MPI or equivalent.
    • SINAPSE -- built from Mathematica at Schlumberger research
    • ELLPACK -- one of first and best PDE toolkits (for ELLiptic equations)
Runtime support and libraries
  • Schedulers and data decomposition tools
  • Scientific Libraries such as SCALAPACK which can be used directly to solve matrices coming from computational electromagnetics formulated with the method of moments
  • Parallel Compiler Runtime Consortium
    • Integrated support for many languages on many computers
    • Can mix programming paradigms such as
    • HPC++ for convenience and elegance with Fortran77 + MPI for efficiency

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