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Foil 17 Remarks on CPS713 Case Study III) Topic B:
Parallel Rendering of Three Dimensional Terrain data

From Case Studies of Computational Science -- Overview of Initial Information Area Applications CPSP713 (714 Prototype) -- Autumn Semester 1994. by Geoffrey C. Fox * See also color IMAGE

Rendering refers to process of creating images from a model of them
We will only look at case where image is of three dimensional world but much of our analysis will be generalizable
We intend to use such a 3D renderer to produce a 3D Image of New York State which can be navigated by children and teachers to provide a virtual field trip
  • This "New York State -- The Interactive Journey" is part of our Living Textbook project which will link remote host parallel machines to client PC's and Macintosh's in 6 schools linked to NPAC by high speed ATM network NYNET.
Current GIS systems tend only to support two dimensions properly with 3D either done crudely or in non real time mode. The Living Textbook project intends to use power of parallel machine to produce full 3D GIS.
  • Rendering and Map data will be on host parallel machine.
  • GIS Front End will be on Macintosh or PC in Schools
Much rendering research uses ray tracing and optimizes for the best possible Image quality
We will study texture mapped polygon method which is much faster and can give you ability to trade-off performance versus Image quality and guarantee real time constraint met.

Northeast Parallel Architectures Center, Syracuse University,

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