HELP! * GREY=local LOCAL HTML version of Foils prepared 10 Sept 1996

Foil 5 Project: Data Collection

From Projects ECS400 Senior Undergraduate Course -- Fall Semester 96. by Nancy J. McCracken * See also color IMAGE

Collect data from users and store in a (flat file) database.
Scenario: Write your own! Possibilities:
  • Travel tips. Invite people to write comments, recommendations about interesting sites, restaurants, hotels in a particular area.
  • Environmental information: Collect from different parts of a country or region observation data (such as bird watch) or environmental samplings (such as water or air quality).
  • Comments and opinions: Collect at least some quantitative data to analyze.
Implementation: Design the user interface to collect the data from an HTML form and accumulate it in a Unix file. Write the Perl CGI script to handle this. Write an HTML page with a Java applet to view all or part of the collection of data. Possibilities:
  • show a map with points of data collection marked
  • show graphs that analyze people's opinions by various demographics - age, region, etc.

Northeast Parallel Architectures Center, Syracuse University,

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