HELP! * GREY=local LOCAL HTML version of Foils prepared 27 February 1996

Foil 3 Description of the Course

From Introduction to Web Technologies -- ECS400 Course Overview ECS400 Senior Undergraduate Course -- Spring Semester 1996. by Nancy J. McCracken * See also color IMAGE

Text: HTML & CGI Unleashed, John December and Mark Ginsburg, Publishing, 1995.
Section 1 - (2 weeks)
  • Introduction to the WWW, networking, HTML including Netscape enhancements and simple forms, Web capabilities such as searching.
  • Create web pages, collections of information and images. Other projects depending on background.
Section 2 - (5 weeks)
  • Client/server architectures, http and MIME types, CGI programming. Perl.
  • Programming in C and Perl. Implement a project using web forms to access a ³database² of information and initiate a related computation.

Northeast Parallel Architectures Center, Syracuse University,

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