HELP! * GREY=local LOCAL HTML version of Foils prepared 27 February 1996

Foil 6 Java and JavaScript

From Introduction to Web Technologies -- ECS400 Course Overview ECS400 Senior Undergraduate Course -- Spring Semester 1996. by Nancy J. McCracken * See also color IMAGE

Text: Hooked on Java, van Hoff, Addison & Wesley, 1995.
Java is a new general purpose object-oriented language developed at Sun Microsystems. It is intended to be a simpler cleaner language than C++.
Java features support the implementation of dynamic multimedia web pages.
  • It can run in a distributed manner: Java classes, called applets, can be compiler to architecture independent bytecodes which can be downloaded to a Web browser and run on the client machine.
  • New web browsers such as HotJava and Netscape2.0 allow tags in the web pages to refer to applets on the web server. Applets can also be interpreted directly by putting JavaScript directly into the web page.

Northeast Parallel Architectures Center, Syracuse University,

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