Given by Nancy J. McCracken at ECS400 Senior Undergraduate Course on Spring Semester 1996. Foils prepared 27 February 1996
Abstract * Foil Index for this file
This course is intended to introduce emerging software technologies relevant to the World Wide Web and equivalent subsets. The material will cover the languages Perl, Java and JavaScript and their use on the Web, including the development of interactive ³applet² programs that are distributed via a network for execution on a receiving client machine. |
Lab time will be devoted to using these languages in student projects. |
Today we will ask students to fill out surveys about scheduling lectures and labs and about students¹ backgrounds. |
Prerequisites: Students should have a good basic understanding of how computers work and should be confident in C or willing to learn C quickly. |
This table of Contents
Nancy McCracken |
Syracuse University |
111 College Place |
Syracuse NY 13244-4100 |
This course is intended to introduce emerging software technologies relevant to the World Wide Web and equivalent subsets. The material will cover the languages Perl, Java and JavaScript and their use on the Web, including the development of interactive ³applet² programs that are distributed via a network for execution on a receiving client machine. |
Lab time will be devoted to using these languages in student projects. |
Today we will ask students to fill out surveys about scheduling lectures and labs and about students¹ backgrounds. |
Prerequisites: Students should have a good basic understanding of how computers work and should be confident in C or willing to learn C quickly. |
Text: HTML & CGI Unleashed, John December and Mark Ginsburg, Publishing, 1995. |
Section 1 - (2 weeks)
Section 2 - (5 weeks)
Section 3 - (6 weeks)
Section 4 - scattered within other sections
Text: Learning PERL (the Llama book), Randal L. Schwartz, O¹Reilly & Associates, 1993. |
PERL4 is an interpreted language that can be regarded as a cross between C, Unix shell, sed and awk. It is a C-based language which can also deal directly with Unix commands and file system and easily do string processing matching. |
In this course, we will concentrate not on using PERL in systems programming, but in using PERL for CGI programming, i.e. implementing programs activated from Web pages. |
In general, we use PERL for tedious high level things which can take a long time to program but not much execution time. For computationally intense programs, we would use a compiled language such as C. |
Text: Hooked on Java, van Hoff, Addison & Wesley, 1995. |
Java is a new general purpose object-oriented language developed at Sun Microsystems. It is intended to be a simpler cleaner language than C++. |
Java features support the implementation of dynamic multimedia web pages.
Example project 1: Air Flow Products |
Suppose that a company has a collection of heating and cooling units in a product database. They can provide product information through their web pages. Furthermore, they allow architect customers to design ductwork of unusual cross-section to deliver air flow to rooms, when they want the ducts to be visible. The architects can ask for a simulation of the air flow through these ducts for the various units and view its results. |
Example project 2: Telemedicine |
Suppose that a doctor or hospital has a collection of patient records, including diagnostic images. A doctor can view this information through the web pages and also add new diagnostic images. He or she can request to run a computation to compare images or to find features on the image. |
The coursework will consist almost entirely of the three projects. Students will also be asked to keep a lab notebook that records their work and progress in the labs. Each project should be described in a report, which can be web-based, and will include, of course, a link to the web demonstration. |