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Foil 5 History of the World Wide Web

From Introduction to World Wide Web (WWW) ECS400 Senior Undergraduate Course -- Spring Semester 1996. by Nancy J. McCracken * See also color IMAGE

1990 Tim Berners-Lee at CERN in Geneva implements a hypertext system to provide efficient information access to the members of the international high-energy physics community.
1993 Marc Andreessen at NCSA at the University of Illinois develops a graphical user interface.
1994 Web Servers increase by 10% per month.
1994 World Wide Web Consortium formed to guide the technical development of standards. The Consortium is run for the Laboratory of Computer Science at MIT, CERN, and INRIA (the French Research Institute).
1995 Netscape Communications Corp., founded by Mark Andreessen, offers many extensions in its browser.
1995 Commercial interest in the web grows. Prodigy, Compuserver and America On-line offer Web access to the public.

Northeast Parallel Architectures Center, Syracuse University,

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