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LOCAL foilset Master Support set for Engineering and Computer Science Presentations

Given by Geoffrey C. Fox at Case Meeting and ECS Presentaion on Fall 95. Foils prepared 12 October 1995
Abstract * Foil Index for this file

See also color IMAGE
Now is the most exciting time I have known for computing and communication technology development
Convergence of
  • parallel and distributed computing
  • analog and digital technologies
  • computing and communication
  • Information and simulation technologies
Changing opportunities and challenges in technology and product development, jobs , educational needs
The World Wide Web levels the computer technology (software) arena
  • Allows and Encourages small entrepreneurial companies linked in virtual corporations (InfoMall!)

Table of Contents for full HTML of Master Support set for Engineering and Computer Science Presentations

1 Central New York in the Information Age
Some Thoughts
Case Center Meeting
Sept 22,1995

2 Technology and Institutional Vision
3 Some Central New York Resources
4 Some NPAC Activities
5 Proposed Interdisciplinary MultiMedia Master's Degree IMM
6 The 4 tracks of the IMM Master's Degree
7 Proposed Academic Schedule of IMM
8 Current Computational Science (CPS) Core Courses
9 Current Proposed CPS Core Courses -- Information Track
10 Education in a Box -- Initial Steps to Understand Web Based Education
11 Scope of Certificate in Computational Science
12 Challenges and Opportunities for Information Technology in ECS
13 Abstract for ECS (College of Engineering and Computer Science at Syracuse University) Presentation on Information Technology

This table of Contents Abstract

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Foil 1 Central New York in the Information Age
Some Thoughts
Case Center Meeting
Sept 22,1995

From Master Support set for Engineering and Computer Science Presentations Case Meeting and ECS Presentaion -- Fall 95. * See also color IMAGE
Full HTML Index
Geoffrey Fox
111 College Place
Syracuse NY 13244-4100

HELP! * GREY=local HTML version of LOCAL Foils prepared 12 October 1995

Foil 2 Technology and Institutional Vision

From Master Support set for Engineering and Computer Science Presentations Case Meeting and ECS Presentaion -- Fall 95. * See also color IMAGE
Full HTML Index
Now is the most exciting time I have known for computing and communication technology development
Convergence of
  • parallel and distributed computing
  • analog and digital technologies
  • computing and communication
  • Information and simulation technologies
Changing opportunities and challenges in technology and product development, jobs , educational needs
The World Wide Web levels the computer technology (software) arena
  • Allows and Encourages small entrepreneurial companies linked in virtual corporations (InfoMall!)

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Foil 3 Some Central New York Resources

From Master Support set for Engineering and Computer Science Presentations Case Meeting and ECS Presentaion -- Fall 95. * See also color IMAGE
Full HTML Index
ECS is very strong in Computing, Communication and basic Information Science
Other parts of University are strong in Using and Delivering Information e.g. Newhouse, IST, Maxwell, VPA, School of Education ...
Rome Laboratory is premier national resource in Computing, Communication, Information Technology
NYNET and its host sites provide unique leading edge infrastructure
Innovative Medical Informatics/Telemedicine program at SUNY HSC
Business interest from NYNEX, IBM as well small entrepreneurial organizations (NYSERNET ...)
Natural base for strong Community Network CNYCITI

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Foil 4 Some NPAC Activities

From Master Support set for Engineering and Computer Science Presentations Case Meeting and ECS Presentaion -- Fall 95. * See also color IMAGE
Full HTML Index
Technologies built around ISDN/ATM networking and high performance computing
  • Multimedia Video Servers, Collaboration and Data Transport
  • WebWindows Tools using PERL Java and VRML
  • WebWork -- Distributed Computing and Software Engineering
Applications including:
  • K-12 Education -- Living Textbook
  • University Level Electronic Courses
    • CPS 615,616 Base Applied Computer Science (Computational Science)
    • Phy 105/106 Science for 21st Century
    • Courses for SU Masters in Multimedia
    • Graduate "Certiificates" in computational science at Peking/Harbin Universities in China to prototype Global learning
  • Telemedicine with SUNY HSC and new collaborations with East Carolina led by Dave Warner from Loma Linda
  • Digital Wire Service -- Newhouse School
Technology Transfer through InfoMall

HELP! * GREY=local HTML version of LOCAL Foils prepared 12 October 1995

Foil 5 Proposed Interdisciplinary MultiMedia Master's Degree IMM

From Master Support set for Engineering and Computer Science Presentations Case Meeting and ECS Presentaion -- Fall 95. * See also color IMAGE
Full HTML Index
IMM is a Joint Program Set Up Between
  • School of Education
  • Engineering and Computer Science
  • College of Visual and Performing Arts
  • Newhouse School of Public Communications
  • School of Information Studies IST
IMM could be cornerstone of proposed "Information Initiative"
IMM degree involves 36 units -- 12 courses of which 6 are required
Courses are divided into Four Tracks
6 required Courses are:
  • Proseminar: Overview of Field with 1-2 lectures per topic
  • 1 core course from each of 4 tracks
  • Capstone experience == project/thesis like activity done in teams

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Foil 6 The 4 tracks of the IMM Master's Degree

From Master Support set for Engineering and Computer Science Presentations Case Meeting and ECS Presentaion -- Fall 95. * See also color IMAGE
Full HTML Index
Track1: Multimedia Systems and Tools -- this is
    • ECS/IST area
Track 2: Multimedia Design and Applications -- this is
    • Newhouse/IST/Education
Track 3: Aesthetics and Ethics in Multimedia -- this is
    • VPA
Track 4: Management and Evaluation of Multimedia --
    • this is Newhouse/IST/Education
Each track has a core required course and a set of introductory and advanced electives
Student must take 6 electives -- one of which must be in each track

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Foil 7 Proposed Academic Schedule of IMM

From Master Support set for Engineering and Computer Science Presentations Case Meeting and ECS Presentaion -- Fall 95. * See also color IMAGE
Full HTML Index
Electives will be offerred at various times but basic cycle is summer to summer (1.3 year time)
Summer: Proseminar
Fall: Core course for Track 1: Multimedia Systems
    • and Tools
Fall: Core course for Track 2: Multimedia Design
    • and Applications
Spring: Core course for Track 3: Aesthetics and Ethics
    • in Multimedia
Spring: Core course for Track 4: Management and
    • Evaluation of Multimedia
Summer: Capstone Experience

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Foil 8 Current Computational Science (CPS) Core Courses

From Master Support set for Engineering and Computer Science Presentations Case Meeting and ECS Presentaion -- Fall 95. * See also color IMAGE
Full HTML Index
SImulation Track -- Graduate
  • CPS615 Overview of Simulation Track Computational Science
  • CPS713 Case Studies in Simulation Applications of Computational Science
Masters in Computational Science built around these core copurses CPS615,713
Simulation Track -- Undergraduate
  • CPS 311,312,313,314 Core Material and Laboratory with topics similar to CPS615/713
  • Senior Project CPS 451

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Foil 9 Current Proposed CPS Core Courses -- Information Track

From Master Support set for Engineering and Computer Science Presentations Case Meeting and ECS Presentaion -- Fall 95. * See also color IMAGE
Full HTML Index
CPS 401/601 IMM 601 Multimedia Systems and Tools -- Core course for Track 1 of IMM degree
CPS 403/703 Computational Science Elective: 1 Lecture a week -- rest Laboratory -- elective for IMM
CPS 406/606 Introduction to Information technologies and Systems -- designed as elementary elective for IMM
CPS 616 Overview of Information Track Computational Science -- advanced elective for IMM
CPS 714 Case Studies in Information Applications of Computational Science -- advanced elective for IMM
"Web Technology"/Information Track of Computational Science Masters built around CPS 616,703,714

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Foil 10 Education in a Box -- Initial Steps to Understand Web Based Education

From Master Support set for Engineering and Computer Science Presentations Case Meeting and ECS Presentaion -- Fall 95. * See also color IMAGE
Full HTML Index
Certificate in Computational Science offered at Peking University and Harbin Institute of Technology Spring 1996 is a prototype of Syracuse University (ECS/NPAC) based extension school
As Internet Connections to China are not guaranteed to be great(!) we will use Web Technology but assume that Electronic Course material will be packaged at NPAC(SU) in a Pentium PC running WindowsNT and Java
  • Possibly Oracle and Digital Video Server Support as well
  • Possibly RealAudio or similar digital audio
This will be updated in batch mode by Syracuse -- China Connection
Students in China will Interact with mentors in China and with NPAC via Internet (web and email)
Project designed by Fox,Leskiw(NPAC), Xiaoming Li(Harbin and Peking visiting NPAC)

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Foil 11 Scope of Certificate in Computational Science

From Master Support set for Engineering and Computer Science Presentations Case Meeting and ECS Presentaion -- Fall 95. * See also color IMAGE
Full HTML Index
Graduate Students -- initially 5 to 10 at each of 2 University
4 Courses -- each 10 1 hour lectures -- offered Spring 1996 over 20 week period
ICPS 700: Introduction to Simulation Track of Computational Science
  • Parallel Architectures, Software, Grand Challenges, Parallel Algorithms (scaled back version of CPS615)
ICPS 701: Parallel Programming Laboratory
  • Use of MPI to do real problems on a Cluster of Workstations/PC's
ICPS710: World Wide Web Technology
  • Scaled back version of CPS616
ICPS711: Web Programming
  • Laboratory companion course to ICPS700. Initially will use PERL4 and PERL5. Will feature Java or equivalent when status clearer

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Foil 12 Challenges and Opportunities for Information Technology in ECS

From Master Support set for Engineering and Computer Science Presentations Case Meeting and ECS Presentaion -- Fall 95. * See also color IMAGE
Full HTML Index
ECS Faculty Retreat Oct 13,1995
Geoffrey Fox
111 College Place
Syuracuse NY 13244-4100

HELP! * GREY=local HTML version of LOCAL Foils prepared 12 October 1995

Foil 13 Abstract for ECS (College of Engineering and Computer Science at Syracuse University) Presentation on Information Technology

From Master Support set for Engineering and Computer Science Presentations Case Meeting and ECS Presentaion -- Fall 95. * See also color IMAGE
Full HTML Index
This talk described both the opportunity to teach the new emerging Information technologies and the opportunity to use these technologies to teach
Illustrations of the application of Technology to education include NPAC work using Java (WebFoil) and Databases as well as the collaborative enterprises KidsWeb, Living Schoolbook and Phy105/106
We surveyed the latest state of the Web and how it will be applied in a variety of applications from Business Enterprise Systems to Crisis Management
The Multimedia Master's degree and the corresponding Information track courses of computational science offer an excellent opportunity for ECS to provide attractive curricula of broad interest

Northeast Parallel Architectures Center, Syracuse University,

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