Given by Geoffrey C. Fox at Education Web Technology Day on March 11 97. Foils prepared March 10 97
Abstract * Foil Index for this file
This collects some overall remarks about the meeting as well as some discussion of Use of WebWisdom and TANGO in synchronous and asynchronous learning |
Some remarks on possible future meetings! |
Also included is notes on the CIS course 300/500 and Outreach to China |
This table of Contents
Geoffrey Fox NPAC Syracuse University |
111 College Place |
Syracuse NY 13244-4100 |
This collects some overall remarks about the meeting as well as some discussion of Use of WebWisdom and TANGO in synchronous and asynchronous learning |
Some remarks on possible future meetings! |
Also included is notes on the CIS course 300/500 and Outreach to China |
9.00: Introduction Geoffrey Fox |
9.10: Language Connect University Syracuse Language Systems |
9.40: The Living SchoolBook Steve Bossert and Barbara Shelley, SU School of Education |
10.10: Science for the 21st Century Ed Lipson and Gian Vidali, SU Physics Dept. |
10.40: Break and Sun MicroSystems JavaStation Demo |
11.10: TANGO Collaboration System Gang Cheng, NPAC |
11:40: K-12 School Access and Software Applications CSN (Community School Networks) from InfoMall Mid Hudson |
12:10: Lunch and WebTV Demonstration from California |
1:40: Video on Demand and Geographical Information System support for Living SchoolBook Marek Podgorny, NPAC |
2.10: askERIC and KidsConnect Mike Eisenberg , School of Information Studies |
2:40: Virtual Workshop Training Anne Trefethen, Cornell Theory Center |
3.10: Break and Sun MicroSystems JavaStation Demo |
3.40: Computing for the Future NPAC DCESS and College of Engineering and Computer Science(ECS) Professional Certificates in Internet Application Development and WebWisdom the Virtual University Geoffrey Fox, NPAC/ECS |
4:10: Web/DataBase Infrastructure for Virtual University Wojtek Furmanski from Translet |
6:00 Information Meeting for Professional Certificate in Internet Application Development |
Other areas where we could review use of Web Technologies include: |
Corporate IntraNets (Enterprise Information Systems) |
Health Care and Telemedicine |
Home and Personal Web applications |
or could have a technology (e.g. Web database) focus |
Could hold here in May after school is out! |
Do you want any more "hand-outs"
Web technology allows improvement of existing educational models and totally new models |
For instance the distributed virtual University |
What models are suitable for what type of learner and what subjects? |
What is the business model for new approaches? |
WebWisdom is our System at NPAC built from PERL and JavaScript and features |
Built-in Audio |
Hierarchically Arranged Information |
Parameterized HTML |
Automatic Logging of pages accessed |
Support of Legacy Systems including Persuasion, Powerpoint, HTML and Screendumps |
Can organize Family Photos as well as Presentations |
Note most HTML can be taught from as no high level summaries |
Currently organizes 350 presentations and 13000 pages in 2 gigabytes of disk |
Uses linkage of TANGO to JavaScript WebWisdom which supports Persuasion, Powerpoint, HTML and Screendump mixed Presentations with audio (tagged to specific foils) and notes |
Full Webwisdom used by Teacher allows access to full curricula and options |
Client (Slave) WebWisdom displays pages chosen by teacher (with same audio and notes) and generates automatic HTML index
Currently WebWisdom used in non TANGO mode with classic large screen display |
TANGO WebWisdom allows one to use same approach to distributed PC's which is surely more attractive (Web font sizes designed for monitors -- not classroom displays) |
To allow use on low speed lines (28.8 kbaud modems), distribute CD ROM of material to students |
Client WebWisdom will map URL sent from Teacher WebWisdom to link on PC (if exists) and so ONLY control information is sent on Web |
Standard low bit rate codecs support audio and video conferencing over phone lines |
For asynchronous learning, ship HTML Index with lesson audio to clients and students use offline with TANGO used to support synchronous audio and video conferencing |
Will use in China (already succesfully used material Spring 96 Semester between Syracuse and Harbin) and for Syracuse University "Limited Residency" continuing programs where students visit University once to three times per semester (see Computing for the Future Certificates)
Offered in Peking to hand picked collection of some 50 researchers from around China -- one week of a three week total |
Instructors: Geoffrey Fox and Xiaoming Li (Peking University and NPAC) |
Have translated some material into Chinese |
Abbreviated version of DCESS Certificate in Internet Application Development |
Will use VPL and Tango WebWisdom | |
Pure Internet Asynchronous Learning |
50 Students split between Undergraduate/Graduate/Professional |
Undergraduates seem "less committed" and tend to drop this less structured course! |
Homework involves lab work and quiz on material in section |
12 sessions plus 2 weeks for a project |
Students either central server for JDK or download to their PC |