Java for Science and Engineering Computation; Simulation and Modelling Program

Workshop Dec16-Dec17 CST Building (NPAC) Syracuse University

Start 9 am Dec16 in room 1-218

It would be good to collect useful Web references -- please send URL's

for your and other nifty work in area

Note any presented papers can be submitted to a Special Issue of journal Concurrency Practice and Experience

Deadline for Papers: February 1 1997

Note I will view presentation of paper at this workshop and comments thereon as equivalent to refereeing process and this is deadline for final copies!

All communication (from me) in this area will be via mailing list -- please subscribe at

For other Info see page at
TimeNameInstitutionPresentationWeb Reference

Monday December 16

9:00 Geoffrey Fox Syracuse"Introduction and Goals"

Optimized Compilation of Java

9:15 Zoran Budimlic Rice "Experiences at Sun Compiling Java"
10:00 Wei Li Rochester "Optimizing Byte Codes"

10:30-11:00 Break Move to Room 1-019 CST

Java Plus Message Passing

11:00 George Thiruvathu Argonne "Java Interfaces to High Performance
Communication Systems

Using Java in Simulation - I

11:30 Jim Cowie Cooperating Systems "Scalable Telecommunications
Network Simulation in Java
12:00 Paul Houle Cornell "Java as a Front End to Simulation"

12:30-1.30 Lunch (Pizza)

Using Java in Simulation - II

1:30 Simeon WarnerSyracuse "Teaching Membrane Physics with Java"
2:00 Kivanc Dincer Syracuse "Java in the Virtual Programming Laboratory"

Java as part of Web Technology based Computation Environments - I

2:30 Klaus Schauser UCSB "SuperWeb: Towards a Global Web-Based
Parallel Computing Infrastructure
3:00 Joel Saltz Maryland "Java: Mobile Programs and Library Sites"

3:30-3:45 Break

Java as part of Web Technology based Computation Environments - II

3:45:Wojtek Furmanski Syracuse "WebFlow and VDCE"

The Java VM as a Compiler Intermediate Representation

Includes Mapping C Fortran C++ to Java

4:30 Xiaoming Li Syracuse Panel Session

Tuesday December 17 Room 1-019 CST

(Data) Parallel Java (HPJava)

8:45 Aart Bik Indiana "Parallelizing Java"
9:15 Susan Hummel Poly "Java Producer/Consumer"
9:45 Bryan CarpenterSyracuse "Experiments with HPJava"

10:15-10:30 Break

10:30 Michael ChangSyracuse "Java and MPI"

Java Run Time, I/O and other issues

10:30 Don Leskiw Syracuse Panel Session
11:30 Wrap-Up Geoffrey Fox Syracuse Informal Industry Perspective,
White Paper, Next Steps !