This is:
Original is:
Note section numbers such as 2.1syr refer to text in original document and are hyperlinked to it
Java is rapidly becoming a dominant distributed computing language driven
by the the breadth and depth of the World Wide Web. It implements a natural
object or Applet distributed parallelism combined with a classic light weight
thread mechanism within a given applet i.e. within a given (SMP) processor.
HPCC has developed technology and the application pull for large scale computation
with typically tighter synchronization constraints than those of Java. Further
HPCC can benefit from the pervasive software base illustrated by Web in
general and Java in particular. Correspondingly there are many emerging
Web based applications which will need large synchronized computation.
For these reasons, we thought it useful to examine the confluence of HPCC
and Java -- referred to as HPjava. In particular it is natural for PCRC
to examine its software indrastructure and see how it should be structured
to support HPJava.
This document is not a proposal or plan. Rather it is an often conflicting(!)
study of issues that emerge when you place Java and HPCC next to each other.
2.1Syr) Introduction: First some preliminary remarks. We classify all (interesting) HPCC applications
as belonging primarily to one of two domains: Grand Challenges or National
Challenges -- the "HPCC-Challenges". Recognize that today's technology is
blurring the distinctions between parallel and distributed processing, e.g.,
the use of ATM-LANs by networks of workstations/PCs. The "traditional" high-performance
applications require finely tuned and optimized implementations of runtime
support (intrinsics and communications) on their host processors. The current
designer of runtime systems seeks to provide the application programmer
with easier access the high performance potential of a given machine(s)/
architecture. Beyond speed, however, National Challenges can pose additional
requirements such as trust or privacy, i.e., security, and here a runtime
system designer must also consider metrics like "response time" or "transactions
per second".
The issue is not the nature of current Java applications but rather the range of applications implementable with Internet driven technology including Java and requiring HPCC as an integral component. These applications will all be some form of integration among HPCC programs or HPCC programs and humans or HPCC programs, humans and electromechanical systems. The nature of these applications is coupling of humans, electromechanical and computer simulated systems to represent total systems on a scale previously unattainable with any technology. Critical properties of these total systems will be dynamic structure and need for real-time response.
The goal of most of these integrations will be simulations of the execution behavior of extremely complex systems either for the purpose of generating understanding of the behavior of the systems or for training humans to function effectively as components of these systems. ( An example of a integration of humans and HPCC programs is battle simulation.) Another application domain will be the fusion of complex knowledge structures and computations to support realtime decision making. An example might be management of a large scale accident at a nuclear power plant. Another example is intelligent management of large scale experiments. This application may require integration of the control of large scale experiments with access to large scale databases and execution in realtime of large scale computations .
These applications can be regarded as Super Grand Challenges because they involve the integration of multiple grand challenge scale applications. (I prefer "Super Grand Challenges" to "Meta-Grand Challenges" since "meta" has the connotation of being a template for construction. But perhaps that is real meaning.) The essential message is that Internet-enabled applications consisting of grand challenge scale applications coupled by Java or Java-like technology carry the applications of computation into a new range of systems previously unreachable. This is the major concept we want to put forward.
On the HPF side it is possible to create a class of distributed objects that are similar to the HPF distributed array. Because it can be defined as a class, there would be no need to create a special extension of the array data type or an annotation to support distribution. this is what is done in HPC++. In our opinion, the HPF model of data parallelism may not be the most interesting thing to do with Java. If you want HPF features, then use HPF.
Because Java is derived from a simple model of C++, some of the HPC++ ideas could move to java. For example, annotations for parallel loops. Other ideas, like the HPC++ parallel STL could only move to Java if
Also java does not provide an overloaded operator mechanism, so building a parallel array class is not as easy as in HPC++ (or even Fortran 90.)
In C++, two flavors of extensions appeared: small tweaks for sugaring the syntax of parallel constructs, and deep changes for modifying the semantics of the language to support concurrency. In HPJava, a limited preprocessor which implements some shallow (sugaring) syntax changes may be a reasonable project at a later stage, after the library approach has matured enough to identify the most egregious kinds of syntactic clutter.
Most of this section should be merged in section 4.
Fortran M incorporates a model of mobile point-to-point communication channels.
(Similar ideas also emerged in work on dynamic extensions to the `occam'
programming language.)
In this (established HPC) communication model a ``channel'' has two ends. A channel end can be bound to a ``port''. Channels and Ports are opaque primitives of the language (in an OO language they would probably be realised as classes). At any time a channel end is bound to at most one port.
Two processes holding ports bound to opposite ends of the same channel can communicate directly by passing data on the channel.
Crucially, a process can also send a channel-end across a channel. Suppose P and R are ports declared in process A, and Q and S are ports declared in process B. C and D are channels. The ends of C are bound to P and Q, and one end of D is bound to R, which S is presently null (no channel end is bound to it).
D A: P R----... | C | | B: Q S (The other end of D may be bound to a port in A, or B, or any other process). Suppose A and B respectively execute operations like P.send(R) and Q.recv(S) When the communication completes the port R becomes null and the end of D is bound to S: A: P R | C | | D B: Q S----... (The other end of D is logically unaffected by the operation).
Because channels have only two ends, communication of a channel end can be achieved by a simple negotiation involving 3 processes (in the example A, B and the process at the other end of D) or at most 4, if both ends of a channel are moving at the same time.
This channel communication mechanism could be adopted in extended Java applets.
A possible scenario is that several ``applets'' are created on cooperative servers. They have all been downloaded from some central application (the parent). The new applets have an initial channel connecting them to this parent application (an umbilical channel?). The parent application creates new channels locally, and sends the ends to different applets across the umbilical channel. In this way any pattern of channel connectivity can be achieved between the applets. The channel connectivity can, for example, support data parallel computation distributed across the applets.
In another scenario, two Web clients access a server providing some (unspecified) communication service. They receive an applet each, and negotiations with the server establish that the clients want to communicate directly, without intervention of the server. The server sends them the two ends of a channel it creates, and the client applets communicate over this channel.
One can carry on, and invent more interesting and dynamic scenarios, where the applets proceed to exchange channel ends amongst themselves.
Is clearly possible, on top of standard internet interfaces. One subtly is the protocol for exchanging channels ends. In a reliable environment this isn't very difficult. Perhaps there are special considerations in an unreliable environment.
Related or analogous ideas: ports in the Hermes programming language, Milner's pi-calculus, ``capabilities'' (?).
We define a new class of applications called "Meta-Challenges". These are
loosely coupled sets of physically distributed instances of Grand or National
Challenges. A DoD example of a Meta-Challenge is Distributed Interactive
Simulation (DIS). DIS involves the modeling of forces (tanks, aircraft,
satellites), environments, rules of engagement and tactics, etc. Simulation
control and monitoring for red, blue, and white players are provided. A
simulation may need to grow with the addition of "green", "yellow", or neutral
forces, and have to scale form peace-time/peace-keeping through low-intensity-conflict
(LIC), to massive conflict. Requirements for considering chemical, biological,
or nuclear (CBN) environments are needed, for example, modeling operations
in a nuclear environment (OPINE).
Java offers a means to enhance the existing DIS multi-user protocol. A new
DIS protocol, Advanced Distributed Simulation (ADS), is an attempt to introduce
scalability. ADS breaks apart the DIS into an active-reactive part and an
interactive-communicating part. Java is consistent with such an evolutionary
approach. Java applets could update models on-the-fly, as with dynamic weather,
battle damage, or threat-responsive counter-countermeasure techniques. One
of the greatest challenges to the DIS designer is finding ways to interconnect
independently built simulations having disparate modeling granularity (i.e.,
the ALS protocol, Aggregate Level Simulation), and then increase the number
of models and improve fidelity, but with no-greater demand on network bandwidth.
Weapon system design has also been evolving from integrating interoperable
subsystems to influence management among ubiquitous supersystems. (An example
of the latter would be Information Warfare (IW). Another is counter-OSINT
--open source intelligence). BM/C3 is undergoing changes in definition:
BM/C4 (computing), C3I with intelligence, and IS&R for surveillance and
reconnaissance. Also, a fifth-C, C5I is sometimes added for emphasizing
the collaboration among humans of any C3I system. (The relationship between
an Air Traffic Controller, the ATC surveillance, tracking, processing and
display system, and a pilot is another example). From a user's (Commander's)
perspective, Java is extremely attractive for simulating (or even building)
these systems since its roots are in the distributed, interactive, object-oriented,
collaborative user domain. It is rapidly becoming the language of choice
for programming the user-interface of on-line commercial multimedia systems.
Java is intended to be machine independent and offers to challenge the need
for hegemony among systems. For example, the ideal computing architecture
for simulating military battle management including command and control
is multiple instances of "loosely coupled sets of tightly coupled processors."
Such always poses a severe configuration management problem: multiple hardware,
operating system, and programming languages. Interoperability among systems
of systems and the interfacing between "stovepipe" systems is related challenge.
Java could provide an approach for "wrapping" existing or planned systems
with a functionality layer for interoperability while ameliorating the bandwidth
problem by intelligently transmitting only those parts of a message (applet)
that are immediately needed by an application (user).
This section will describe the work with Madic that we formed for NASA to analyse the role of the NII in the Manufacturing of Complex systems. This involves a set of manufacturing companies -- Rockwell International, Northrop Grumman, McDoinnell Douglas, General Electric and General Motors and a particular MAD (Multidisciplinary Analysis and Design) system -- the so-called "Affordable Systems Optimization Process" (ASOP). The complexity of this NII application is indicated by the estimate that the next major aircraft to be built could involve:
We see that this application involves a crucial mix of HPCC and distributed computation and could provide a critical motivator for HPJava. Note Java itself could could be very useful for the myriad of small applications and visualization of results. HPJava comes in when one integrates in the large simulations of either CFD or the whole complex system represented by an aircrft.
There are many applications that are likely to require the generation of data products derived from multiple sensor databases. Such databases could include both static databases (such as databases that archive LANDSAT or AVHRR images) and databases that are periodically updated (like weather map servers).
Two examples of remote sensing defense applications are battle management and distributed simulation. A battle management application could take advantage of multiple sensing devices, both airborne and on satellites. Data from multiple remote sensing devices would be integrated to look for various untoward events, such as a collection of tanks on the move, aircraft taking off from an enemy runway, etc. A contemporary example would involve real time tracking of rocket attacks in northern Israel. One distributed simulation application would be to train soldiers in a hybrid environment, consisting of a combination of simulated and actual troops and equipment. For instance, a commander could command some number of real troops, tanks and planes, as well as many more simulated troops and pieces of equipment. Developing the technology to allow for such a hybrid training environment is already part of an important ARPA program that is well funded. At the last ARPA meeting, the claim was made that some form of hybrid battle training had been successfully tested in Europe.
The execution model for these applications is for a client to direct (High Performance) Java programs to run on the database servers. The Java programs would make use of the server's computational and data resources to carry out (at least) partial processing of data products. Portions of data processing that required the integration of data from several databases would be carried out on the client or via a Java program running on another computationally capable machine. The main question for such an model is whether the programs executing on the servers are solely Java programs, or Java programs that utilize the services of programs written in other languages (e.g. High Performance Fortran).
The first set of applications apply to medical emergencies associated with armed combat, terrorist actions, inadvertent releases of toxic chemicals, or major industrial plant explosions. In such scenarios, the goal is to rapidly acquire and analyze medical data as the crisis unfolds in order to determine how best to allocate scarce medical resources. The applications involve the discovery and integration of multiple sources of data that might be in different geographical locations. A doctor could, for instance, determine the best diagnosis and treatment for patients exposed to combinations of chemicals whose effects have not been well characterized. This class of scenarios is motivated by a recent ARPA-sponsored National Research Council workshop on crisis management.
Another set of applications involves discovering and exploiting clinical patt erns in patient populations. These scenarios involve study of health records to determine risk factors associated with morbidity and mortality for specific subpopulations (e.g. various substrata of armed forces personnel serving in a particular region). In such scenarios, the goal is to provide high quality, low cost care by exploring diverse clinical data sources for patterns and correlations and by ensuring that significant data for individual patients is not overlooked. For instance, a system of this type could rapidly track the spread of serious infectious diseases such as Hepatitis B or HIV. It could also be used to identify specific soldiers whose demographic profile or past medical history might place them at particularly high risk of contracting the disease.
The systems software requirements for these medical scenarios should be very similar to the requirements motivated by the sensor data fusion scenario, namely employing a client program to direct Java programs to run on the servers for the relevant databases. The data mining aspects of these applications could also require the client to direct Java programs to run on computational servers, which may not be at the same site as the database servers.
With large volumes of routine data having been collected, many organizations are increasingly turning to the extraction of useful information from such databases. Such high-level inference processes may provide information on patterns from large databases of particular interest to defense analysis.
Data mining is an emerging research area, whose goal is to extract significant
patterns or interesting rules from such large databases. Data mining is
in fact a broad area which combines research in machine learning, statistics
and databases. It can be broadly classified into three main categories:
Classification -- finding rules that partition the database into disjoint
classes; Sequences -- extracting commonly occurring sequences in temporal
data; and Associations -- find the set of most commonly occurring groupings
of items.
At Rochester, we have worked on the problem of mining association rules
in parallel over basket data on both distributed shared-memory multiprocessors
and a network of machines. Basket data usually consists of a record per
customer with a transaction date, along with items bought by the customer.
Many real-world applications can be formulated in such a manner. Our preliminary
experimental results on a SGI Power Challenge shared-memory multiprocessor
machine and a DEC Memory Channel cluster are very encouraging.
The next step is to consider scenarios where the database server is accessible
via the Internet. The machine independent nature of Java makes it ideally
suited to writing both the server and client code. The server could be a
collection of machines, i.e., it could be a single tightly-coupled multi-processor
shared or distributed memory machine, it could be a network of workstations,
or any combination of these with heterogeneous processing elements, and
heterogeneous interconnection network. The client side could be a heterogeneous
collection of machines as well. We need compiler and run-time support to
manage both the client and the server. The compiler should be able to insert
code to exploit the local network configurations on both ends, while the
run-time system monitors dynamic behavior and executes different actions
according to the transient information. We have implemented a client-server
data mining algorithm in Java. The preliminary results will be discussed
in more detail in Section 8.5.
Data mining algorithms tend to have program behaviors quite different from traditional Grand Challenge problems in terms of both data access patterns and control flow. Unlike simple array structures used in scientific code, the data structures used in mining algorithms include hash trees, hash tables, and linked lists. Consider mining for associations: the first step consists of finding all the sets of items (called itemsets), that occur in the database with a certain user-specified frequency (called minimum support). Such itemsets are called large itemsets. An itemset of k items is called a k-itemset. The general structure of algorithms for mining associations are as follows. The initial pass over the database counts the support for all 1-itemsets. The large 1-itemsets are used to generate candidate 2-itemsets. The database is scanned again to obtain occurrence counts for the candidates, and the large 2-itemsets are selected for the next pass. This iterative process is repeated for k = 3,4, ... till there are no more large k-itemsets to be found. Effective parallelization and networked computing require new research in algorithms, compilers and runtime systems.
In many recent applications we have found need for filtering information in Web based applications. For instance in our VRML terrain renderer, we store terrain data in most efficient fashion in an Illustra object datbase. VRML has rather clumsy ways (such as Level of Detail -- LOD) of specifying what data needed and efficient representation. This is much better performed by flexible filters. Thus our model views VRML as display format but could use Java for control agents and filters. The computations can be very large scale and need distributed or parllel resources. An example is the extension of our 2D Visible Human Visualizer to 3D. This is 40 Gigabytes of data (male and female) with both image processing and rendering computations. Clearly HPjava is very relevant again.
Java is primarily a compositional and coordination language. That is, the main thrust of the feature set is not computations or data transformations but rather composition of coherent program structures and well-ordered traversal of those structures. A programming environment for Java should extend and complement the language and should provide a framework for construction of large systems which use Java as a composition and coordination language.
There are numerous systems which can used as examples of compositional and coordination oriented programming environments. The conceptual framework of many of these systems is hierarchical directed graphs. This model is consistent with an objet-oriented approach as well. It also allows for specialization to application domains as well.
The major features should include:
3.2.1:a) Requirements
In sumary, object and applet level parallelism in Java will be used to specify interacting sets of intelligent agents.
3.2.2: b) A Proposal for Additional Specification of Parallelism (Actually agent coordination) for Java
(This topic will be discussed in a separate section.)
Following the exact semantics of Fortran-M channels might be a challenge in java because of the limited synchronization features of java. See the Syracuse discussion in 1.4.5 of this draft.
There are a variety of ways in which Java could be used to support data parallel computing. We assume that Java may be extended in one of a variety of ways. In the following, we are also regarding any closely coupled set of machines as a parallel architecture.
If the user's code has not already been compiled on a given parallel machine, a Java agent could migrate the parallel source code and compile the user code on the remote machine. This scenario assumes that all necessary compilers, runtime libraries, etc. are either already available on the remote parallel machine or that the agent is able to install the necessary system software.
As always, parallelism and performance trade off against security, portability, and code reuse. Initial HPC Java research should focus on quantifying these tradeoffs, identifying the software "markets" which can profit from the availability of HPC Java under each set of assumptions, and prototyping HPC Java tools and applications accordingly.
What we cannot afford to do at this stage is rule out alternative candidates for the software development market(s) and model(s) that we expect will prevail. At this stage in the evolution of HPC Java, we cannot say with any certainty whether the browser-level portability provided by Java is worth preserving in HPC Java, what level of HPC Java security represents a good tradeoff, what type of concurrency and parallelism should be supported/optimized/ignored, etc.
We suggest an evolutionary approach to develop HPC Java. We can quickly put together a stage 1 prototype which would allow us to experiment with applications such as those described by Syracuse and Maryland. Atop this basis, each group can pursue their own interesting ideas, based on local assumptions about the market for HPC Java software, which will yield other prototypes which can be evaluated and placed in larger context by the Consortium, and then validated by the market.
An HPC Java environment has two essential parts:
HPC Java 1.0 can take the most straightforward approach to each of these parts, assimilating the most obvious historical precedents into a Java context: large concurrent data structures within a single Java VM, CORBA/ORB support for task-parallel coordination of remote Java processes, and management of large distributed data structures. These obvious first steps would simply identify some common infrastructure for follow-on experiments by HPC Java Consortium members.
We offer three observations:
The market has produced an explosion of "obvious" translations of existing art to Java contexts. Remote procedure call, remote method invocation, object request brokering, etc. are all "solved." What remains to be worked out are the higher-level policy issues and services which will elaborate this basic infrastructure. Prototypes derived by HPC Java Consortium teams can assess the impact of multi-VM Java on security, performance, distribution, maintenance, and reuse of investments in HPC applications.
HPC Java code may consist entirely of Java for portability's sake, or foreign codes may be dynamically linked in, either (a) locally within one Java VM as shared libraries of native code, or (b) remotely among Java VMs and foreign objects, by using some kind of ORB for remote method invocation and namespace management.
Option (a) represents a straightforward trade of lost portability and security for increased performance and access to HPC libraries; option (b) takes advantage of the same existing interobject standards which form the basic infrastructure for interJava coordination. In section 4 we argue that providing direct Java support for large data structures is a reasonable alternative to simply using Java as the gateway to their foreign (native) versions.
Synchronization is based on the use of "synchronized" methods. For large scale parallel applications it *may* be necessary to add more synchronization types .
In general it may be best to strengthen Java's existing parallel and distributed computing mechanisms rather than impose data parallel constructs on the language. In our opinion, the areas to strengthen are:
Three categories:
These three alternatives generally mirror the history of proposed C++ language extensions.
Because the Java language will continue to evolve, any preprocessor or compiler approach will have to track Java's evolution. There's a danger that a real and robust compiler cannot be delivered quickly, and that by the time HPJava extensions are defined, implemented in a preprocessor, and distributed, those tools will be at least one generation out of sync with the latest Java standards. Debugger support for Java is already fairly poor, even compared with existing HPC languages, so adding nonstandard extensions can only make the situation worse by confounding Java source/object code correspondence.
One of the principles in the design of Java has been simplicity, Rajeev feels that language annotations may go against the original philosophy. Gannon is not sure.
Use Java's OO features to add new functionality in the form of redistributable Java classes.
As there are lots of standard classes (, java.awt, java.util, etc.), it is very intuitive to create high performance classes which can be precompiled and imported in the user programs. Also, users can extend these standard high performance classes to suit their needs.
Task level concurrency is already supported by Java. Arrays of various objects or data types can be transparently supported by a Concurrent Array package. A concurrent array can be implemented in a straightforward way by mapping subgrids to threads; CSC has developed trivial applet codes that implement block-partitioned arrays using this technique.
Performance will initially be quite bad (an order of magnitude worse than compiled code one one processor, plus inability to exploit multiple processors on (nearly?) any SMP platform). But as we observed in sections 1.8csc and 1.9csc, these are purely engineering concerns which will be fixed by the market without our intervention. Neither represents a long-term obstacle to high performance java applications, and the bottom-line allure of universal portability and easy maintenance will help close the gap.
We are led to adopt the minority opinion, therefore, that native Java array classes are one worthwhile target for prototyping by the HPC Java Consortium. They represent one component of HPC's history which can be immediately and intuitively ported to a Java context, and combine reasonable performance with universal portability.
From 6.1ind) Performance Issues:
Performance is the issue and hence, shouldn't client as well as server have efficient compilers?
6.2rice) In First Draft lists topics:
Analysis Techniques
The current Java compiler takes the hybrid approach of compilation and interpretation. At Rochester, we would like to exploit more options to generate efficient code for High Performance Java applications. We consider three scenarios:
At Rochester, we are implementing compiler infrastructure with multiple front- and back-ends which will uniformly treat all scenarios mentioned above (cf. Section 8.4). We expect to include traditional optimizations like cache optimizations, register allocations etc.
The model of communication for Java is implicitly defined. It is based on assigning a unique name to every communicating agent and/or every object used in communication.
The benefits of using this model of communication are that is familiar and that there is a large technology for support of implementation of this model of communication.
The proposed model of communication is state-based communication. The elements are as follows.
A detailed definition of associative broadcast can be found in Bayerdorffer [BAY94]
This model of communication can readily be integrated into the concept framework for system services provided by Java. One possible integration follows.
In this section we review the Common Object Request Broker Architecture (CORBA) standard for distributed object oriented systems and discuss the work that has been done on integrating CORBA with Java and what needs to be done in the future for HPJava and a future high performance version of CORBA that supports a parallel execution environment.
Common Object Request Broker Architecture (CORBA) One prominent characteristic of a distributed environment is heterogeneity. Different computers running a diverse spectrum of operating systems make inter-operability and security very important and difficult to achieve. In order to overcome the multiple platform problems, OMG (Object Management Group), a consortium of commercial vendors, jointly developed a common set of rules which define the way distributed objects should interact. OMG, which had 12 members initially has grown to more than 500 hundred members. CORBA (Common Object Request Broker Architecture), the architecture specified by OMG, has become the de-facto standard in the distributed object world. One noticeable exception being Microsoft, which has its own standard, COM and OLE. CORBA forces a clear distinction between the interfaces and the implementations of the objects. CORBA interfaces are specified in a language called IDL (Interface Definition Language). The implementations of the objects can be written in any language, as long as there exists a proper mapping between IDL and the implementation language.
Two main features of CORBA are inter-operability between applications on different machines in heterogeneous computing environments and seamless interconnection in multiple object systems. A client object, residing on one machine, may request that an operation be performed on an object whose implementation resides on a different machine. This is accomplished by making use of the Object Request Broker (ORB) which is responsible for all mechanisms required to find the object implementation, to prepare the object implementation to receive the request, and to communicate the data comprising the request. The client sees an interface that is independent of the location of the object, the programming language used for the implementation and any other aspect not visible in the interface. The object model described by OMG is a client-server model where a client requests a service from an object by sending a message to the object. The object interprets the message to decide what service or operation to perform. The object may or may not return results to the client via the ORB. The client identifies the server object by means of an object reference and the service by means of the operation to be performed on the identified object. If a requested object implementation is missing, the ORB generates an exception. OMG has also specified a IIOP (Internet Inter-ORB Protocol) for communication between different ORB implementations.
Since the conception of CORBA by OMG, many commercial vendors have produced CORBA implementations. Iona's Orbix, PostModern's Orbeline and IBM's DSOM are a few examples of commercial implementations. In order to implement the CORBA architecture in a specific language, a mapping between IDL and that language is necessary. OMG has specified a mapping of IDL onto C/C++. The choice of C/C++ is not surprising because IDL is very similar to C/C++.
It is obvious that ORB is the most critical component of the CORBA architecture. It offers transparency to the application programmer and/or is responsible for tackling unexpected events such as hardware failures. In an environment running critical distributed applications, the ability of ORB to detect and recover from the unexpected failures is extremely important. Each of the commercial implementations support CORBA specifications and employ simplified fault detection and recovery strategies.
Java achieves inter-operability via the virtual machine. Applets are downloaded from servers onto the client machines as and when needed. The bytecode verifier checks these applets. If these are security compliant, then these are executed. In case of any security violations, appropriate exceptions are thrown. This mechanism forces two restrictions -- a client cannot initiate a remote invocation (or partial processing) of objects and the clients and servers are implemented in Java. However, these restrictions do present a secure framework for distributed computations.
CORBA, on the other hand, by separating the implementation from the interface, allows true inter-operability. The client and server implementations do not really matter at all, as long as the interfaces (or contracts) are clearly defined in IDL. The ORB relieves the client from locating, downloading and executing the server object on the local machine. Only the results of remote invocations are sent back to the client.
As CORBA does not restrict the choice of the implementation, it is obvious that objects can be implemented in Java. As long as a proper IDL to Java mapping is defined, Java objects can talk to any other CORBA objects and achieve inter-operability. This symbiosis enhances Java's model of computation with the expressibility of CORBA and at the same time the simplicity and robustness of Java can make the object implementations an easy task. Java has a C++ appearance and hence, IDL to Java mapping is a natural extension of OMG's IDL to C++ mapping.
All the commercial CORBA vendors have either developed Java ORBs or have announced their plans of introducing ones in the near future. PostModern has already developed BlackWidow, which is distributed free for educational institutions. BlackWidow includes development tools for building distributed Java applications. Applications written with BlackWidow execute inside Java enabled browsers. It also offers fault tolerant capabilities. BlackWidow applications communicate with C++ applications developed with ORBeline.
In addition Sunsoft also provides a CORBA ORB and IDL system for Java called JavaIDL and Joe which is a CORBA compliant object system for Solaris.
Iona Software has anounced Internet Object Request Broker which is a another commercial Java-CORBA system to add to their large CORBA software product line.
We experimented with the first version of BlackWidow on a cluster of Solaris machines. Programs with client and server implementations written in Java worked successfully, as long as the client and server objects were on different physical machines. In case of client and server objects running on the same machine, the broker produced an exception message indicating the absence of a server implementation! The problem was traced to the JDK (Java Development Kit). In order to experience the true inter-operability, the client implementation was written in C++ and the server was implemented in Java. The results were similar -- as long as the client and the server were running on different machines, the experiments were successful.
As an initial test of the existing Java-CORBA interface we are now integrating a Java front end to a distributed CORBA based collaboration tool called the Collabratorium. The Java tool allows a user at a remote site to be authenticated and check out and check in documents from a distributed repository.
The motivating applications for HPJava, such as DIS, have an inherent degree of distribution. This makes remote invocations (as well as partial processing) a must. That leads to two possible options:
The former approach can be implemented either by extending the syntax of Java (which may go against the simplified nature of Java!) or by using "remote invocation" classes. The later option is more direct, but needs a presence of a "reliable" ORB and a Java front end to it. Either of these options will allow the possibility of security violations. Consequently, we need to consider the addition of a distributed authentication system which works with the Java safety mechanisms.
One of the major shortcomings of CORBA as a model for highly parallel distributed computing is that the mechanisms for collective operations are non-existent. Extension to CORBA to allow for a type of ``collective object'' have been defined and are being prototyped now. Collective objects have the following properties.
The collective object concept is easily extended to an interface type in HPJava. In addition, the introduction of futures into HPJava would allow multi-threaded applications much greater flexibility and potential concurrency than the existing Java "synchronized" class members.
Another shortcoming of Java is that there is very little support for defining aggregate types. In the HPC++ project, the C++ standard template library has been extended to support the use of STL containers to describe distributed collections of objects. A simple type extension to Java would allow a interface for aggregates of "runnable" objects or aggregates of proxies to remote objects. Such an extension does not have to follow the C++ template style. The Pizza proposal shows an elegant solution to this problem.
We consider coding a PCRC-like high-performance runtime system (including Parti/Chaos) in Java. There are two basic interface issues:
1)The interface with the calling language.
Is the library supposed to be callable from languages other than Java e.g., Fortran with message passing (HPF) or C/C++ with message passing (HPC/C++)? This presents some problems:
2)The interface with the underlying process control and communications library, e.g., PVM or MPI.
Java can be used in high performance environments in the following ways:
Option 1 has potential portability problems while option 2 has potential performance problems. One of the main reasons for using a parallel server for data parallelism would be to achieve high performance. This is especially for the low level runtime library. Hence, an important issue to study would be the performance tradeoffs of using Java as compared with other contemporary languages for array manipulation routin es required for local computation (both for using the interpretive mode as well as compilation into native machine code).
The interface between Java and low level communication systems must be better understood and benchmarked. For instance, Java now can call a C function when that function has been specially written to be called by Java. We need to experiment and evaluate how the Java runtime environment can collaborate with the MPI runtime environment.
One advantage of coding in Java is the built-in multithreading. A run-time library to support full HPF should provide demand-driven access to remote memory. (A clear example is the case where multiple instances of a PURE function are executing in parallel in a MIMD fashion inside a FORALL. HPF allows these functions to asynchronously read distributed arrays in a common block. Similar situations could arise in translation of independent DO looks.)
This is a situation where a background memory-server thread is required on each processor. There a number of other situations in HPF translation where the library is simplified by use of multiple logical threads.
Non-premptive threads can be simulated if they are not provided by the language (this is explicitly done in the run-time library of the Southampton HPF system, for example). Using ``real'' threads would simplify the implementation.
(8.2.1roc, 8.2.2roc, 8.2.3ind)
Threads in Java are supported for concurrency. This is useful as perceived
by a user, when response time is important, e.g. the HotJava browser where
you can scroll a page while down-loading an image. It currently does not
support threads running on separate processors. Our main objective in this
section is to support parallel threads, at no expense to the Java programmer.
We would prefer not to change, modify or limit the language as perceived
by the user.
There seem to be two possible scenarios:
At Rochester, we are particularly interested in implementing a parallel thread package for Java with special compiler support on distributed shared-memory (DSM) machines. On scalable multiprocessors, communication is much more expensive than computation. Many different protocols have been proposed for behavior-driven locality management. None of them work best for all types of data sharing. Performance would be increased if the system could adapt to the program's memory access patterns. An example could be the use of multithreading to alleviate memory latency (especially on remote accesses) aggravated by delays introduced by the memory coherency protocol. We propose to analyze programs at compile time and annotate them with data access summary information. Exploiting this information will require the ability to switch among multiple data coherence protocols at run time.
A shared-memory programming model provides an easily accessible programming paradigm for users. Many future machines will support shared-memory, from small-scale multiprocessor workstations, tightly-coupled distributed shared-memory multiprocessors, to software-based virtual shared-memory over a network of workstations. Compiling Java programs on shared-memory architectures is critical for high-performance Java programs.
We foresee two basic ways to compile Java programs on shared-memory architectures (a combination of those two may also be an interesting option).
There are a number of shared-memory related issues which should be addressed for each of the approaches mentioned above. Locality optimizations would improve average memory latency for machines with memory hierarchies. Locality properties can be optimized by using data and loop transformations. We envision many compiler-time optimizations that will reduce the cost of communication by eliminating communication or overlapping communication and computation. Examples include {\em eager sending}, in which a producer thread injects newly-created data into the (remote) cache of a consumer thread as soon as that data is ready, and {\em self-invalidation}, in which a thread that does not expect to use data again before it is modified voluntarily removes the copy from its local cache, eliminating the need for later invalidation. Data access and computation summaries can also be generated at compile time, to help the run time system. Dynamic load balancing, Adaptive memory coherence, are two examples which can benefit from this type of information. This will be built on the current compiler project for DSM at Rochester.
There is heterogeneity in various aspects of parallel programming: program,
processor, memory and network. A heterogeneous program has parallel loops
with different amount of work in each iteration; heterogeneous processors
have different speeds; heterogeneous memory refers to the different amount
of user-available memory on the machines; and a heterogeneous network has
different cost of communication between processors. We need both compiler
and runtime support.
Interoperability/transparency is a strong point behind design of Java (creation of bytecode, etc), HP Java should well suit any target architecture.
A major differnce between traditional HPCC applications and the Super Grand Challenge Applications which will result from integration as described in Section 1.3 is that they must continue to execute in the presence of reconfiguration of resources and agents and in the presence of faults and user errors. Fault-tolerance is itself a major research area. For Java, however, we need not worry about the semantics of applications but rather only about tolerance of faults which arise from coordination and synchronization errors. This is a much narrower and well-studied subject. The basic technology which is needed can be incorporated into the interaction specifications of Java objects.
Reconfiguration and recovery from faults have highly similar content. The algorithms for reconfiguring across dynamic resource sets are similar to those for continuous operation in the presence of faults. A critical element is a state-based model of communication as described in Section 6.1.
(more later- JCB)
The architecture also provides support for plaza servers. Plaza servers provide facilities for:
Examples of value-added functionality include conversions to and from standard formats and operations on data in its native format. In addition to allowing cost and performance optimization, itinerant programs and plaza servers also provide a flexible framework for extending the interface of servers, in particular legacy servers with large volumes of data as well as servers that are not under the control of the user. The University of Maryland has a prototype system that supports plaza servers and itinerant programs. Program migration is currently carried out either in response to an external signal or when a potentially itinerant program invokes the necessary runtime support. We are currently in the process of adapting resource monitoring software so that we can demonstrate the ability to carry out program migration in response to fluctuations in processor and network load.
Maryland has developed a layer of runtime support (called Meta-Chaos) to establish mappings and to carry out communication between data structures in different sequential or data parallel programs. Efficient data movement is achieved by pre-computing an optimized communication schedule. Our approach is to define a set of functions that each runtime library should export and to build Meta-Chaos on top of this minimal API.
At the level above Meta-Chaos, interaction between programs occurs through a user-specified consistency model. Mappings are established at runtime and can be added and deleted while the programs being coupled are in execution. Mappings, or the identity of the processors involved, do not have to be known at compile-time or even link-time. A-priori knowledge of consistency requirements by a runtime library allows buffering of data as well as concurrent execution of the coupled applications.
This is our joint work with Boston University and Cooperating systems with paper written before implications of Java as clear as they are now!
This updates some of the ideas in WebWork
Web technology development has so far focused on the client side (Netscape2, plugins, Java applets, JavaScript)
Web servers, so far minimal (e.g. NCSA httpd), are expected to expand now with the growing demand on backend processing (database, collaboratory, imaging, compression, rendering, simulation, televirtuality).
Java offers a promising development platform for computationally extended Web servers. Current activities include:
Java is also an attractive platform for PCRC module packaging and unification of HP languages. Advantages of Java based HPruntime include:
Computational Web server = Java based Web server with native HPCC kernel support (e.g. for matrix operations), extensible by PCRC modules
Higher, fully interpreted layer with intuitive scripting syntax required for rapid prototyping and high level runtime communication. JavaScript/LiveWire (now formalized/standardized by W3C) is one possible candidate.
However, more attractive approach is to develop high level VM on top of low level Java VM to support variety of interpreted protocols. (One existing example: postfix syntax based low Telescript layer). We call it WebScript and view JavaScript, LiveWire, VRML as specific instances/little languages. The resultant Computational Web Multiserver Architecture is:
Summary of software layers:
At NPAC, we developed early protoypes of some of these concepts (with ARPA support) and demonstrated at SC'93. MOVIE system was an early example of computational "web" multiserver ("web" didn't exist before '93..). MOVIE + F90D based HPFI was an early example of high performance interpreted computational multiserver. More specifically, the layers a) - g) above were implemented as follows:
From 8.2.5ind) Implications of Current Indiana Research on HPC++ and CORBA:
Kaehey's Collective Shared Objects are objects that live on the net. they can be distributed or localized on a particular server. These object can have data members which may also be distributed or localized and they have two types of member functions: regular and collective. regular ones are norman member functions like standard java. collective member functions implment collective opeartions such as reductions, scans, broadcasts between participating clients.
As part of our effort to better understand the compilation issues, at Rochester we are developing a Java compiler which could be used to optimize Java programs.
The compiler would use a common intermediate representation and a collection
of front- and back-ends to facilitate re-use of components and independence
of optimization passes.
There are two possible front-ends: one would read Java source, the other
one would read bytecode.
A set of back-ends would include Java source generation, bytecode generation, and "native" code generation (either in form of some target HLL like C, or actual native code for some architectures).
/=====> Java Java ----\ / ======> IR =====-------> bytecode bytecode ====/ \ \-----> C (or other "native")
Our current development concentrates on a bytecode front-end and Java back-end
(shown above with double lines). The choice was made, because using bytecode
as an input is more general (if we have access to source, we also have access
to its bytecode form -- the converse is not true). Using Java as output
has a big advantage in the development phase.
The implementation is not complete: only a subset of legal bytecode constructs
is implemented and the definition of our IR is not stable. However, preliminary
results are promising. We are able to identify implicit high level constructs
such as loops with good success. Also our high level IR makes implementation
of code transformation relatively simple.
Code instrumentation is our first application of the compiler framework. We are developing a pass which inserts instrumentation calls. Currently we are instrumenting loops, if-then-else statements, and methods. We are planning to look into the performance of a range of Java applications. The objective is to determine if there are any performance issues that are unique to Java the language (the fact that it is interpreted), and/or applications written in Java (it could be the case that only certain kinds of applications are worth writing in Java).
An Example.
We are given a bytecode representation of a method corresponding to the following disassembled code. Method void paintAll(java.awt.Graphics) 0 iconst_0 1 istore_2 2 goto 19 5 aload_0 6 aload_0 7 getfield #7 <Field PCRCexample.CellList [I> 10 iload_2 11 iaload 12 aload_1 13 invokevirtual #6 <Method PCRCexample.plotCell(ILjava/awt/Graphics;)V> 16 iinc 2 1 19 iload_2 20 aload_0 21 getfield #4 <Field PCRCexample.n I> 24 if_icmplt 5 27 aload_0 28 aload_1 29 invokevirtual #3 <Method PCRCexample.updateStatusLine(Ljava/awt/Graphics;)V > 32 return
We can parse the class file and recover a high-level intermediate representation which corresponds to the following source (this was generated automatically by our Java-source back-end).
public void paintAll ( java.awt.Graphics a1 ) { int v0; v0 = 0; while((v0 < this.n)) { this.plotCell(this.CellList[v0], a1); v0 = (v0 + 1); } //while this.updateStatusLine(a1); return; } // paintAll
Since our IR explicitly identifies high-level constructs (e.g.,loops), it is easy to instrument the code and/or perform optimizing transformations.
We have implemented a preliminary version of network-based data mining at
Rochester. Currently, the server is a passive entity in terms of the data
mining computation. It's only job is to accept client connections and ship
off requested data. The mining process is carried out at the client end.
Both the client and server are currently sequential.
We now present some timing results vis-a-vis a C++ implementation of the algorithm which doesn't transmit any data over the network. Below we show two synthetic databases from IBM we looked at:
Database Num_Trans Avg_Trans_Size Total_Size ----------------------------------------------------------- T5.I2.D100K 100,000 5 2.615 Mbytes T10.I4.D100K 100,000 10 4.31 Mbytes These database are accessible only to the server through a file-server. We now present the total execution time for the algorithm. The Java_Time includes the server disk-read time, transmission time and client computation time. C++_Time only gives the disk-read time and computation time. Database Total_Size Java_Time C++_Time -------------------------------------------------- T5.I2.D100K 2.615 Mbytes 367.7s 15.3s T10.I4.D100K 4.31 Mbytes 1847.2s 78.9s The break-up of the execution time is as follows: Database Total_Size Java:Reading Computation C++:Reading Computation ------------------------------------------------------------------------ T5.I2.D100K 2.615 Mbytes 292.6s 75.1s 8.8s 6.5s T10.I4.D100K 4.31 Mbytes 478.4s 1368.8s 13.8s 65.1s In Java the net disk-read time and shipping time for data is at the rate of 9Kb/sec vs. 0.31Mb/sec disc read time in C++.
From the experiments, we make two observations:
We will address these issues in our future research.
These will be displayed at their Site.
BAY94] B. Bayerdorffer,,"Distributed Programming with Associative Broadcast" Proceedings 28th HICSS '95, Jan. 1995.
GEL85] D. Gelernter," Generative communication in linda", ACM Trans. Prog. Languages and Systems, vol. 7, no. 1, Jan. 1985