Summary of Geoffrey Fox's Foilsets

One line Summaries

ASOPSept95A Local abstract * Local foilindex * ASOP Framework and Technology Plan
ASOPSept95B Local abstract * Local foilindex * ASOP Requirements for the NII
Ida1 Local abstract * Local foilindex * Part A:Overview of HPCC Applications in Industry for Halloween IDA Presentation
Ida2 Local abstract * Local foilindex * Dual Issues and a discussion of HPCC Defense Applications
PCRCAug95 Local abstract * Local foilindex * General Foils on PCRC -- Parallel Compiler Runtime Consortium
asoplangley Local abstract * Local foilindex * Overview foils for NII ASOP Review at Langley
asopmaster Local abstract * Local foilindex * Overview foils for NII Review for MADIC
asopmasterB Local abstract * Local foilindex * Overview foils for NII ASOP Review at Langley
asopscript Local abstract * Local foilindex * Overview foils for NII Review for MADIC
casemeetsept95 Local abstract * Local foilindex * Information Science(NII) Opportunities for SU/CNY
casenov95 Local abstract * Local foilindex * Business Opportunities and Advanced Web Technologies
china1 Local abstract * Local foilindex * Overview foils of Status of HPCC with NPAC Bias
china2 Local abstract * Local foilindex * Overview foils of Status of HPCC with NPAC Bias -- Part 2
china3 Local abstract * Local foilindex * Overview foils of Status of HPCC with NPAC Bias -3- Auxiliary(Tall) Foils
compsci95 Local abstract * Local foilindex * Overview foils for Computational Science Overview at Illinois -- May 1995
cps615A Local abstract * Local foilindex * CPS615 Foils -- set A
cps615B Local abstract * Local foilindex * CPS615 Foils -- set B
cps615C Local abstract * Local foilindex * CPS615 Foils -- set C: Laplace Example -- Programming Models and Performance
cps615D Local abstract * Local foilindex * CPS615 Foils -- set D: Statistics and Random Numbers (In preparation for Monte Carlo)
cps615E Local abstract * Local foilindex * CPS615 Foils -- set E: ODE's and Particle Dynamics
cps615F Local abstract * Local foilindex * Background in Partial Differential Equations with attention to CFD
cps615G Local abstract * Local foilindex * CPS615 Foils -- set G -- Iterative Approachs to PDE Solution
cps615PDEIter95 Local abstract * Local foilindex * CPS615 Module on Iterative PDE Solvers
cps615f9095 Local abstract * Local foilindex * CPS615 Foils -- Fortran 90 Language and Simple Examples
cps615femcg95 Local abstract * Local foilindex * CPS615 Finite Element and Conjugate Gradient Presentation
cps615hpf95 Local abstract * Local foilindex * An Introduction to High Performance Fortran
cps615lectures1 Local abstract * Local foilindex * Lecture series 1 of CPS615 Foils
cps615lectures2 Local abstract * Local foilindex * Lecture series 2 of CPS615 Foils
cps615linalg95 Local abstract * Local foilindex * CPS615 Linear Algebra Presentation
cps615master Local abstract * Local foilindex * Miscellaneous CPS615 Foils
cps615master1 Local abstract * Local foilindex * Lecture series 1 of CPS615 Foils
cps615master2 Local abstract * Local foilindex * Lecture series 2 of CPS615 Foils
cps615mpi95 Local abstract * Local foilindex * CPS615 Foils -- Message Passing Interface MPI for users
cps616collab Local abstract * Local foilindex * Collaboration Presentation for CPS600
cps616compress Local abstract * Local foilindex * Compression Presentation for CPS600
cps616fulldbms Local abstract * Local foilindex * Full Relational Database Presentation prepared for HPDC-4 Tutorial
cps616overview Local abstract * Local foilindex * Overview foils given at start of CPS600 describing broad concept of course
cps616perl Local abstract * Local foilindex * CPS616 Instructional Material on PERL4 based on O'Reilly Llama book
cps616rdbms1 Local abstract * Local foilindex * First Part (Motivation, Theory) of Parallel Relational Databases
cps616rdbms2 Local abstract * Local foilindex * Second Part (Benchmarking,Explicit Systems, Textwise) of Parallel Relational Databases
cps616threads Local abstract * Local foilindex * Basic Threads Discussion including Niemiec's TCE in detail
cps616webdbms Local abstract * Local foilindex * CPS600 Presentation on Linkage of Web to Relational(Oracle) Databases
crpcappls Local abstract * Local foilindex * Overview Foils for Parallel Applications and software Talk
ecseductalk Local abstract * Local foilindex * Technologies and Issues for Virtual University
ecsfall95 Local abstract * Local foilindex * Engineering and Computer Science Presentations
foxresfall95 Local abstract * Local foilindex * Set of Add-On Foils for Research Presentations
hariri10aug95 Local abstract * Local foilindex * NYNET Communication System NCS -- A New Multithreaded Message Passing Environment for ATM
hpcs95 Local abstract * Local foilindex * Keynote Speech: HPC at the Crossroads! Academic Niche or Economic Development Cornucopia
hpcs95master Local abstract * Local foilindex * Keynote Speech: HPC at the Crossroads! Academic Niche or Economic Development Cornucopia
hpdc95agent Local abstract * Local foilindex * Broad Overview of Agents and Their Motivation
hpdc95collab Local abstract * Local foilindex * Collaboration Presentation for HPDC95
hpdc95compress Local abstract * Local foilindex * Compression Presentation for HPDC95 Tutorial
hpdc95master Local abstract * Local foilindex * Interactive Web based HPDC Technologies for Distance Education
hpdc95videoA Local abstract * Local foilindex * First Part of Video Server Presentation for HPDC95 Tutorial
hpdc95videoB Local abstract * Local foilindex * Second Part of Video Server Presentation for HPDC95 Tutorial
hpdc95websearch Local abstract * Local foilindex * Web Search Presentation for HPDC95 Tutorial
hpfappl95B Local abstract * Local foilindex * An Applications Perspective on High Performance Fortran
hpffutures Local abstract * Local foilindex * The Future of HPF -- MetaComputing and the World Wide Web
hpffuturesM Local abstract * Local foilindex * The Future of HPF -- MetaComputing and the World Wide Web
hpfover Local abstract * Local foilindex * The Status of HPF from an Application and Compiler Use Point of View
hpfoverM Local abstract * Local foilindex * The Status of HPF from an Application and Compiler Use Point of View
infomall95 Local abstract * Local foilindex * Overview of InfoMall -- A Virtual Corporation for HPCC Systems and Software
infovision95 Local abstract * Local foilindex * InfoVISION: Information Video Simulation Imagery ON demand
kidsweb Local abstract * Local foilindex * Screendumps of kidsweb web pages
leskiw17oct95 Local abstract * Local foilindex * Collaborative and Interactive Visualization Project Leskiw Electromagnetic and C3 Application Foils
livingtextbook Local abstract * Local foilindex * Screendumps of Living Textbook web pages
mameoct95 Local abstract * Local foilindex * Impact of National Information Infrastructure on Manufacturing
minnnov95 Local abstract * Local foilindex * NII Technologies from WebTop Productivity to Computing -- Industrial Uses of HPCC
mppoioct95 Local abstract * Local foilindex * Software and System Issues in use of Optical Interconnects in MPPs
niikids Local abstract * Local foilindex * Implications of NII for Kids in Schools and Home
npacaddons Local abstract * Local foilindex * Collection of GIF Images for General NPAC Projects 1995
npacdbover Local abstract * Local foilindex * Overview foils for NPAC Database Activity including Web March 1995
pasadena2 Local abstract * Local foilindex * Conclusions of Working Group 2 at Second Pasadena Workshop on System Software and Tools for HPCC
phy105 Local abstract * Local foilindex * Pictures of Web Pages for Modules of Phy105
progparaA Local abstract * Local foilindex * Part A:Overview of Programming Paradigms and Relation to Applications
progparaB Local abstract * Local foilindex * Part B:Overview of Programming Paradigms and Relation to Applications
psepurdue95 Local abstract * Local foilindex * Problem Solving Environments:Virtual Parallel Environments and Languages Subgroup
rcihalloween95 Local abstract * Local foilindex * RCI Presentation on HPCC and NII for Industry and Education
rcihalloween95M Local abstract * Local foilindex * RCI Presentation on HPCC and NII for Industry and Education
rdbmshpdc95 Local abstract * Local foilindex * Full Relational Database Presentation prepared for HPDC-4 Tutorial
reumaster Local abstract * Local foilindex * REU Presentation -- An Overview of NPAC
reuscript Local abstract * Local foilindex * REU Presentation -- An Overview of NPAC
rlkickoff17oct95 Local abstract * Local foilindex * Rome Laboratory-NPAC-Vanguard Collaborative and Interactive Visualization -- Project Overview
rlkickoff17oct95M Local abstract * Local foilindex * Rome Laboratory-NPAC-Vanguard Collaborative and Interactive Visualization -- Project Overview
sc95enterprise Local abstract * Local foilindex * Overview of Business Enterprise Systems and the Web
sc95fafner Local abstract * Local foilindex * Webwork and its application to Factoring on the Web
sc95java Local abstract * Local foilindex * Overview of Java
sc95lsb Local abstract * Local foilindex * The Living Schoolbook and the K-12 Classroom of the Future
sc95televirtual Local abstract * Local foilindex * Televirtual Environments -- Technologies and Applications
sc95tutorial Local abstract * Local foilindex * Web Technologies for Education
sc95tutorialmaster Local abstract * Local foilindex * Supercomputing 95 Tutorial on Web Technologies for Education Master Presentation
sc95video Local abstract * Local foilindex * Video Server,Delivery and Compression Technologies
sc95vrml Local abstract * Local foilindex * Overview of VRML
sc95webrdbms Local abstract * Local foilindex * Brief Overview of Web-Relational Database Integration
slitex/CPS615FEM95 Local abstract * Local foilindex * CPS615 Gauss Seidel Finite Element Methods and Conjugate Gradient
slitex/CPS615Mat95 Local abstract * Local foilindex * CPS615 Module on Matrices and EigenStructure
slitex/CPS615NI95 Local abstract * Local foilindex * CPS615 Numerical Integration Module
slitex/atmmahesh Local abstract * Local foilindex * Asynchronous Transfer Mode Tutorial
slitex/hpfappl95A Local abstract * Local foilindex * HPF Templates for Data Parallel Applications
statenov95 Local abstract * Local foilindex * InfoMall - Bringing the Economic Development Opportunities of the Internet/World Wide Web to New York State
trusteesM Local abstract * Local foilindex * Discussion of NII for Real World -- Education Medicine Journalism
vanguard17oct95 Local abstract * Local foilindex * Collaborative and Interactive Visualization Project Vanguard C3, Demonstration and Coroporate Presentation
virtuniv95 Local abstract * Local foilindex * Technologies and Issues for Virtual University
virtuniv95master Local abstract * Local foilindex * Technologies and Issues for Virtual University
webserver Local abstract * Local foilindex * General Description of NPAC's and InfoMall's Webserver Activities
webtool/CGI Local abstract * Local foilindex * Common Gateway Interface:CGI
webtool/CPS600CourseServer Local abstract * Local foilindex * CPS600 WebTool Course Server
webtool/Forms Local abstract * Local foilindex * HTML Forms
webtool/HTML Local abstract * Local foilindex * HTML
webtool/HTTP Local abstract * Local foilindex * HyperText Transfer Protocol HTTP for Server-Client Communication
webtool/HTTPD Local abstract * Local foilindex * Web Servers or HyperText Transfer Protocol Daemons -- HTTPD
webtool/Imagemaps Local abstract * Local foilindex * HTML Clickable Imagemaps
webtool/Java Local abstract * Local foilindex * Java Tutorial
webtool/MIME Local abstract * Local foilindex * MultiPurpose Internet Mail Extension Data Format -- MIME
webtool/Perl5 Local abstract * Local foilindex * Perl5
webtool/VRML Local abstract * Local foilindex * VRML Tutorial
webtool/WebTools(Spring1995) Local abstract * Local foilindex * WebTools (Spring1995)
webtool/WebTools(Summer1995) Local abstract * Local foilindex * WebTools (Updated to Summer 1995)
webtutorial Local abstract * Local foilindex * Interactive Web based HPDC Technologies for Distance Education
webvisionsept95 Local abstract * Local foilindex * Vision for Evolution of World Wide Web Technology
webvisionsept95M Local abstract * Local foilindex * Vision for Evolution of World Wide Web Technology
webwindows Local abstract * Local foilindex * CRPC Annual Meeting WebWindows Presentation
webworkaddons Local abstract * Local foilindex * Additional Material for Web Technology Presentations
webworksept95 Local abstract * Local foilindex * WebWork -- MetaComputing and Distributed Software Engineering
webworksept95M Local abstract * Local foilindex * WebWork -- MetaComputing and Distributed Software Engineering
wwwhelp Local abstract * Local foilindex * Foils to illustrate wwwfoil used in wwwfoilhelp