Tango Interactive Collaboration Tutorial
Enabling human users to interact via their computers, the Tango Interactive collaboratory exploits Web resources and interoperability. Through the Internet, this multiuser system helps individuals collaborating in real-time from remote locations to share Web- and non-Web applications. A simple API supports rapid porting of existing applications into Tango's collaborative framework, which supports both synchronous and asynchronous interactions with team members and shared datasets. Tango is a powerful collaboratory system tapping the full potential of the applet download capability provided by Java. Built using the event-sharing paradigm, the system supports coordinated but independent views of related information. We will describe applications including distance education and crisis management and go through examples of linking various web resources with Tango. In particular we will discuss collaboratizing standard web pages with forms, database access and shared simulations built using either C or Javabeans.
Background: 100% Elementary
No assumptions made about knowledge of collaboration technology. Familiarity with web browsers assumed. Discussions of Tango API are not a major part of tutorial but require understanding of web-linked databases and Javabeans for a few foils each.
Participants with PC laptops and ethernet connection can follow tutorial interactively using Tango on their machine. We will bring server and hub.
Tutorial Content
We will improve the material given in http://www.npac.syr.edu/users/gcf/alliance98/, which is divided into four major areas. Firstly we will review approaches to collaboration including synchronous (Tango, Habanero) and asynchronous (such as Lotus Notes) methods. Then we will discuss the Tango system architecture and show how to download and install it for participants with machines. We then review current and possible applications including education, command and control/crisis management, collaborative visualization and computing. We will give lessons from our experience in using Tango in distance education as presented in http://www.npac.syr.edu/users/trscavo/jsufall97/. Finally we will present the Tango API where especially compared to cited URL, we will add more worked examples. We will discuss with the participants any applications they would like to make collaborative covering both appropriate approach and how to implement under Tango. We will give the tutorial using Tango itself on a few linked laptops we will bring which can be linked to any other machines participants or conference make available. This is in addition to standard projections of material from one of machines in Tango session.
The presentation is suitable for either those intending to use Tango -- say in distance education -- or those interested in building collaborative environments.
Schedule -- 3 hour half-day tutorial
30 minutes: Overview of Collaborative Technology
45 minutes: The Tango system architecture and practical details
45 minutes: Tango Applications
60 minutes: The Tango API and worked examples
Sample Material
See http://www.npac.syr.edu/users/gcf/alliance98/collaboverview/index.html
Or any other material referenced in http://www.npac.syr.edu/users/gcf/alliance98/
Lecturer: Geoffrey Fox supported by "Tango Team" led by Marek Podgorny. For lecturing ability, ask Professor Roscoe Giles (Boston University) who attended Alliance Tango Interactive tutorial, Ken Kennedy (Rice University) or Professor Willie Brown (Jackson State) with whom we used Tango to deliver distance education.
Geoffrey Charles Fox Curriculum Vita
gcf@nova.npac.syr.edu , http://www.npac.syr.edu,
Phone: (315) 443-2163, Fax: (315) 443-4741
Citizen Status: Permanent Resident Alien; Citizen of United Kingdom
B.A. in Mathematics from Cambridge Univ., Cambridge, England (1961-1964)
Ph.D. in Theoretical Physics from Cambridge University (1964-1967)
M.A. from Cambridge University (1968)
Professional Experience:
1990- Professor of Computer Science, Syracuse University
1990- Professor of Physics, Syracuse University
1990- Director of Northeast Parallel Architectures Center
1979-1990 Professor of Physics, California Inst. of Tech.
1986-1988 Associate Provost for Computing, California Inst. of Tech.
1983-1985 Dean for Educational Computing, California Inst. of Tech.
1981-1983 Executive Officer of Physics, California Inst. of Tech.
1974-1979 Associate Professor of Physics, California Inst. of Tech.
1971-1974 Assistant Professor of Physics, California Inst. of Tech.
1970-1971 Millikan Research Fellow in Theoretical Physics, Caltech
1970 Visiting Scientist (April-May), Brookhaven National Laboratory
1969-1970 Research Fellow at Peterhouse College, Cavendish Lab.,Cambridge
1968-1969 Research Scientist, Lawrence Berkeley Lab., Berkeley, Calif.
1967-1968 Member of School of Natural Science, Inst. for Advanced Study,
Princeton, New Jersey
Awards and Honors
Senior Wrangler, Part III Mathematics, Cambridge (1964)
Alfred P. Sloan Foundation Fellowship (1973-75)
Fellow of the American Physical Society (1990)
Journal Editorships
Principal: Concurrency: Practice and Experience (John Wiley, Inc.)
Physics and Computers (International Journal of Modern Physics C - World Scientific)
Associate: Journal of Supercomputing,
Selected List of Publications - Geoffrey C. Fox
1. Fox, G.C., Johnson, M.A., Lyzenga, G.A., Otto, S.W., Salmon, J.K., Walker, D.W., Solving Problems on Concurrent Processors, Vol. 1, Prentice-Hall, Inc. 1988; Vol. 2, 1990.
2. Fox, G. C., Messina, P., Williams, R., Parallel Computing Works!, Morgan Kaufmann, San Mateo Ca, 1994.
3. Fox G.C., Furmanski W., "Computing on the Web, New Approaches to Parallel Processing,Petaop and Exaop Performance in the Year 2007", IEEE Internet Computing, 2:38-46(1997)
4. Fox G.C., Podgorny M, Cheng G. et al., "Web Technologies for Collaborative Visualization and Simulation", in 8th SIAM Parallel Processing for Scientific Computing Conference, 1997
5. Fox G.C., Dincer K., "Using Java and JavaScript in the Virtual Programming Laboratory: A Web-Based Parallel Programming Environment" Concurrency:Practice and Experience 9:485-508 (1997).
6. Fox, G. C. "Parallel Computing and Education," Daedalus, Journal of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, Vol. 121, No. 1, 111-118, Winter 1992.
7. Fox G.C., Mills K., "InfoMall: an Innovative strategy for high-performance computing and communications application development", Internet Research, 4:31-45, 1994.
8 Fox, G.C., Hiranadani, S., Kennedy, K., Koelbel, C., Kremer, U., Tseng, C.W., Wu, M.Y., "FortranD Language Specifications", Rice COMP TR90079, December 1990, Revised, April 1991.
9. Fox, G. C. "Approaches to Physical Optimization," in Proceedings of 5th SIAM Conference on Parallel Processes for Scientific Computation, pp 153-162, March 25-27, 1991, Houston, TX, J. Dongarra, K. Kennedy, P. Messina, D. Sorensen, R. Voigt, editors, SIAM, 1992.
10 Fox, G, Bozkus, Z., Choudhary, A., Haupt, T., and Ranka, S. "A compilation approach for Fortran 90D/HPF compilers on distributed memory MIMD computers," in Proceedings of the Sixth Annual Workshop on Languages and Compilers for Parallel Computing. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer-Verlag, pp. 200--215. U. Banerjee, D. Gelernter, A. Nicolau, and D. Padua (editors).
Summary of Interests
See: http://www.npac.syr.edu/DC
Java based Computation: http://www.npac.syr.edu/projects/javaforcse
For education: http://www.webwisdom.org
and for recent distance education: http://www.webwisdom.org/papers/jsu/jsuexpt.html
Fox is an expert in the use of parallel architectures and the development of concurrent algorithms. He leads a major project to develop prototype high performance Java and Fortran compilers and their runtime support. NPAC has pioneered use of CORBA and Java for both collaboration and distributed computing. Fox is a proponent for the development of computational science and its follow on "Internetics" as an academic discipline and a scientific method. He has established at Syracuse University both graduate and undergraduate programs in these areas. All courses have been made available on the Web and his research includes HPCC technology to support education at both K-12 and University level. His research on parallel computing has focused on development and use of this technology to solve large-scale computational problems -- such as numerical relativity and earthquake prediction. Fox directs InfoMall, which is focused on accelerating the introduction of high speed communications and parallel computing into New York State industry and developing the corresponding software and systems industry. A recent set of activities center on Web collaboration technology and its application to synchronous distance education