WebWisdom Tango Slave HomePage
This is starting point to Web Wisdom -- a hierarchical tree of knowledge
Soon (less than 30 seconds you will join the lectures sent out by master. Please be patient.
Use dialog box created from control bar to set overall parameters. Resizing this window is very
tiresome and should be done now as Netscape makes mistakes later on .......
Current Status of WebWisdom
- The overall system is called WebWisdom and this is divided into Worlds
- The first World is also called WebWisdom and handles administrative functions
- The second World is FoilWorld and consists of a bunch of presentations arranged
hierarchically and formed from Persuasion, Powerpoint, Screendump and HTML originals
- The final prototype world consists of a set of Family Photos which are either scanned in or
delivered directly in JPEG from the Photo Finisher.