Set Options for Web Wisdom

Variable Value Defaults Description
Parameter setname Put name of Parameter set to be Used Here
Host File Name System will Place Host File Name here if appropriate
bgfile Background File ('background' file extension in the <body> tag)
bgfile2 Secondary (overview) Background File ('background' file extension in the <body> tag)
textbgfile Background File for HTML(textbodyoption =2) ('background' file extension in the <body> tag)
textbgfile2 Secondary (overview) Background File for HTML(textbodyoption =2) ('background' file extension in the <body> tag)
appletname Defines Applet Name,Width,Height
appletpname Comma separated parameter names
appletpvalue Comma (same number as in appletpname) separated parameter values
fontsize Body Font size index (from 1 to 8)
tablefontsize Table Foils basic Font size index (from 1 to 8)
intablefontsize Table Inside Text Font size index (from 1 to 8)
titlefontsize Title Font size index (from 1 to 8)
bgcolor Background color ('bgcolor' attribute in the <body> tag)
titlecolor Title color for non Image or Table Foils ('color' attribute in the <font> tag that embraces the title section)
tabletitlecolor Color of Title for Table Style Foils('color' attribute in the <font> tag that embraces the title section)
intablefontcolor Color of Text Inside Table Style Foils('color' attribute in the <font> tag that embraces the title section)
intablebgcolor Color of Background Inside Table Style Foils('color' attribute in the <font> tag that embraces the title section)
fgcolor Text (textbodyoption=1) color ('text' attribute in the <body> tag)
horizimagewidth Landscape Image width ('width' attribute in the <img> tag that is used to define IMAGE component of foils)
vertimagewidth Portrait Image width ('width' attribute in the <img> tag that is used to define IMAGE component of foils)
titleoption Title Option ( Defines technique(applet) used to display title) 0 is normal, 1 blink, 2 applet
textbodyoption if 1 use background color, if 2 background file in HTML foils
audioraramoption set to 1 to use RA(local download) or 2 RAM(server) audio play
timeoutvalue Timeout value in Milliseconds