Research Activities Associated with CRPC Search

Number of Foilsets:13 Foils333
Label Foilset Title Number of Foils
1:PPTcornell Master Set of Foils for Overview of
Education component of Cornell PACI
Foils: 26
2:PPTjavarice Optimizing Java Foils: 16
3:arpapifeb96 Recommendations for Research in Problem
Solving Environments
Foils: 7
4:blackholeapr96 Problem Solving Environments and the
NPAC Activity for Black Hole Grand
Foils: 15
5:cornellmra96 Some Programmatic Issue in Delivery of
Parallel Computing Educational Material
Foils: 24
6:cornellpacied96 Overview of Cornell PACI Education and
Outreach Area
Foils: 56
7:crpchpccapplmay96 Overview of HPCC Applications at NPAC Foils: 43
8:crpchpfmay96 Status of PCRC HPF and HPJava Foils: 10
9:crpcnetcomp2 Emerging Network(Web) Technologies for
Scientific Computing
Foils: 26
10:crpcpsemay96 Problem Solving Environments from
Simulation, Medicine and Defense using
the Web
Foils: 49
11:crpcrsamay96 Lessons and Implementation -- RSA
Factoring on the Web
Foils: 22
12:nhsedec96 NHSE and Evolving Web Technologies and
Lessons from Education
Foils: 27
13:nhsejan96 Possible Roles of new Web technologies
in the National High Performance
Software Exchange
Foils: 12