Very Poor Help System

This currently just describes basic Foil Processing SubSystem wwwfoil foil manipulation package. We do this for one of the foilsets -- that produced for a tutorial at Supercomputing 96

HELP! Remarks for foilset Part 1 of Tutorial on Web Technologies and applications to HPCC and HealthCare

Alphabetic List of Foilsets * List of Categories of Foilsets
This is one of a collection of Foilsets which exist in several forms
The above links are for the non JavaScript implementation of Foil System
Foilsets fall into two classes -- basic which are original sets and scripted which contain foils from many basic foilsets
Note all foilsets are constructed so that first foil is a title foil and the second foil contains an abstract. This abstract is displayed on the indices referenced below.
You are looking at a scripted foilset which is typically a mixture of many foilsets although it could just consist of a selection of foils from a single basic foilset.
The scripted foilsets are probably unnecessarily confusing! Some of the available files are:
Some of the material has audio files attached to it where the buttons Secs 88 refer to client raplayer and server respectively.
The client case requires file to be downloaded before playing which has startup issues but once started is safe!
The server case is set up for 28.8kbaud modem network performance.
We give time in seconds of Audio to allow user to judge length of audio segment