Trips to China Summer 1995 and 1996 by Leskiw and Fox

Number of Foilsets14 Foils1024
See International CPS Course page Xiaoming Li's Internet Course for Harbin Institute of Technology

china1: Overview foils of Status of HPCC with NPAC Bias Foils: 108
china2: Overview foils of Status of HPCC with NPAC Bias -- Part 2 Foils: 11
china3: Overview foils of Status of HPCC with NPAC Bias -3- Auxiliary(Tall) Foils Foils: 8
crpcjavastrollmay96: Introductory Lectures on Java -- An Overview Mixing Code and Comments Foils: 49
crpctutmay96: A Tutorial on Base Web Technologies Foils: 144
hpcc96appls: HPCC Current Status: Applications, Industry , Grand and National Challenges Foils: 65
hpcc96hardware: HPCC Current Status: Hardware MPP Foils: 32
hpcc96petaflops: HPCC Futures Topic 2:A Possible PetaFlop Initiative Foils: 47
hpcc96pse: HPCC Futures Topic 1:Problem Solving Environments as the best Software Model Foils: 39
hpcc96software: HPCC Current Status: Software Foils: 32
hpcc96status: HPCC Status -- TeraFlop to Web and Petaflops -- Success and Failure Foils: 49
hpcc96web: HPCC Futures Topic 3: Role of Web Technologies in HPCC Foils: 55
icasejavajune96: Basic Lectures on Java Language Applets Graphics Networking Foils: 189
webapplservjune96: Web Application and Services Overview as of June96 Foils: 196