FoilWorld FoilPage for Rome Laboratory CIV Project 1995-1997

Rome Laboratory CIV Project 1995-1997 Search

Number of Foilsets: 40 Foils: 758
See Podgorny's Rome Laboratory CIV Resource or Fox's Rome Laboratory CIV Resource
Label Foilset Title Number of Foils
1:CIVMainFeb2497 Main CIV Presentation: Technology and 3
Foils: 53
2:PPTCIVdec2096 Overview of Command and Control
application in CIV Project
Foils: 23
3:PPTTangodec2096 TANGOsim -- a Java based Collaborative
System for Command and Control
Foils: 17
4:PPTrlcivhealthcare Overview of Rome Laboratory CIV
HealthCare Application
Foils: 6
5:RLCIVEMFeb2497 Electromagnetic Application Foils: 11
6:RLCIVQMjune96/amovie ActiveMovie and Video Client for PC
Foils: 11
7:RLCIVQMjune96/chat-board A WWW On-line Chat and Bulletin-Board
System For Collaborative Interaction
Foils: 7
8:RLCIVQMjune96/gis Terrain Rendering and GIS using Java
and VRML
Foils: 10
9:RLCIVQMjune96/intro Overview of CIV Quarterly Progress
Foils: 10
10:RLCIVQMjune96/java-db Overview of Approaches to Java -
Database Connectivity
Foils: 26
11:RLCIVQMjune96/jdbc3 Using Java/Database Connectivity in CIV Foils: 12
12:RLCIVQMjune96/talkheads Overview of Talking Heads Applet and
Foils: 9
13:RLCIVQMjune96/vodvtc Overview of Database support for VTC Foils: 3
14:RLCIVQMjune96/walczak Open Inventor Viewer for Terrain Data Foils: 6
15:RLCIVQMjune96/wavelet Theory and Practice of Wavelet
Foils: 21
16:RLCIVQMjune96/weather Overview of CIV Weather Application Foils: 6
17:RLCIVQMjune96/websearch Piotr Sokolowski, Gang Cheng Foils: 7
18:RLCIVQMjune96/wojtek Exploration of Available Collaboratory
Technologies for RL CIV
Foils: 7
19:RLCIVQMoct96/beca Overview of CIV Communication System Foils: 9
20:RLCIVQMoct96/deepak Database Support for GIS Application Foils: 7
21:RLCIVQMoct96/intro Introduction to Presentations Foils: 12
22:RLCIVQMoct96/janusz Integration of multimedia collaboratory
environment with Web browser
Foils: 11
23:RLCIVQMoct96/konrad Building Collaborative Environments
with Use of Web Technologies
Foils: 9
24:RLCIVQMoct96/miguel Wavelet Video Compression Foils: 11
25:RLCIVQMoct96/plugin Overview of TANGO Base Technology Foils: 7
26:RLCIVQMoct96/remek 3D Geographic Information System Foils: 13
27:RLCIVQMoct96/roman 3D Visualization of Visible Human Data Foils: 10
28:RLCIVQMoct96/scott Web based Weather Prediction Analysis Foils: 9
29:RLCIVQMoct96/stach CIV Videoconferencing Foils: 6
30:RLCIVQMoct96/toju The Control Application/Overall
Architecture of TANGO
Foils: 8
31:RLCIVQMoct96/vanguard Command and Control Application Foils: 12
32:RLCIVQMoct96/wav1 Wavelet and H.263 Compression
Foils: 5
33:mapinttangojune97 Use of Tango in Multidisciplinary
Foils: 45
34:rlciv18mar96 Rome Laboratory-NPAC-Vanguard
Collaborative and Interactive
Visualization -- Second Quarterly Review
Foils: 28
35:rlciv31jan96 Rome Laboratory-NPAC-Vanguard
Collaborative and Interactive
Visualization -- First Project Review
Foils: 102
36:rlkickoff17oct95 Rome Laboratory-NPAC-Vanguard
Collaborative and Interactive
Visualization -- Project Overview
Foils: 102
37:tangoapplsfeb97 TANGO Applications -- C2, Education,
HealthCare, Simulation
Foils: 50
38:tangotechfeb97 Tango web Collaboratory Technology Foils: 29
39:vanguard17oct95 Collaborative and Interactive
Visualization Project Vanguard C3,
Demonstration and Coroporate
Foils: 12
40:webmedtango Overview of Tango, WebWisdom and Video
on Demand for WebMed
Foils: 16