SUBJECT->Month View Help
Prev. and Next Month
These links do just what they say, they take you to the previous and next
month from the current month displayed.
View Month
This link will display all of the events for the current month on one page.
You will not be able to modify or delete any of the events, only view them.
Month Calendar
Here you see the month as you would on almost any other calendar. Days that
are shown as links have events scheduled for those days. Click these links to
get the details.
Month and Year Selectors
These two drop down selectors under the month allow you to jump to any month
in any year listed. Select the month and year you would like to see.
Change Month/Year
After setting the Month and Year you would like to jump to in the drop down
selectors above, press this button to be taken to your selection.
This button will take you to the form to search for an event in the calendar.
Add Item
This button will take you to the form to fill out in order to Add an Item to the
calendar database of events.
User Admin
Press this button to get a list of registered users on your calendar. The table
that is generated will allow you to change user access levels or delete them.
Register Users
If you are using an alternate user file to prevent access to the calendar
directly upon registration, select this button to review those users who
have requested accounts, and are awaiting access.