SUBJECT->Registration Screen Help UserName
Enter the Username that you will use to access the system. The Username must be unique in this database.

Enter the Password that will be associated with your Username.

Password Again
Enter the same Password again for verification that no typographic errors were made.

Contact Name
Please enter the name that will be associated with any MailTo links that will be generated by the script for you. The MailTo link will be setup with this name as the link.

Enter your Email address for later verification of you Username, and for notification of your password or registration status.

Save Login Information
Check this box if you would like to save your login information, so you don't have to enter it each time you visit the calendar.

Submit Information
Pressing this button, after filling out all the above text boxes, will add your information into the user database.

Return To Logon Screen
If you came to this page by mistake, or have changed your mind about registering, press this button to return to the Logon Screen.