XML Schema Tutorial:

Additional Materials

Henry S. Thompson

Language Technology Group,
Human Communication Research Centre
University of Edinburgh


London, 15 December 1999



This document contains additional illustrative and reference material to accompany the narrative presentation in the slide documents.


Some of the material contained herein is drawn from internal working drafts of the XML Schema Working Group of the W3C.   Those  WG-internal drafts are due to be published in the next few days, but may change in the interim, and in any case errors may have been introduced in copying and formatting.  Only material identified as W3C publications is a reliable or quotable* source of information about XML Schema or any other W3C activity.



*Note that employees of W3C member companies (that's you) are enjoined from distributing W3C-internal materials to non-W3C members:  these materials are covered by that injunction!


XML Schema Goals

“The purpose of an XML Schema: Structures schema is to define and describe a class of XML documents by using [schema] constructs to constrain and document the meaning, usage and relationships of their constituent parts: datatypes, elements and their content, attributes and their values. Schema constructs may also provide for the specification of additional information such as default values. Schemas are intended to document their own meaning, usage, and function through a common documentation vocabulary. Thus, XML Schema: Structures can be used to define, describe and catalogue XML vocabularies for classes of XML documents”


“[XML Schema: Datatypes] addresses the need of both document authors and applications writers for a robust, extensible datatype system for XML which could be incorporated into XML processors. As discussed below, these datatypes could be used in other XML-related standards as well.”


The Structures draft TOC

1 Introduction
1.1 Documentation Conventions
1.2 Purpose
1.3 Relationship To Other Work
1.4 Terminology
2 Conceptual Framework
2.1 Kinds of XML Documents
2.2 On schemas, constraints and contributions
2.3 Schemas, Types and Elements
2.4 Schemas and their component parts
2.5 Names and Symbol Spaces
2.6 Referencing Schema Components
2.7 Association of components with a target namespace
2.7.1 Association of definitions with a target namespace
2.7.2 Providing a target namespace for definitions and declarations
2.8 Abstract and Concrete Syntax
3 Schema Definitions and Declarations
3.1 The Schema
3.2 The Document and its Root
3.3 References to Schema Constructs
3.4 Types, Elements and Attributes
3.4.1 Simple Type Definition
3.4.2 Complex Type Definition
3.4.3 Attribute Declaration
3.4.4 Attribute Group Definition
3.4.5 Element Content Model
3.4.6 Rich Content Models
3.4.7 Mixed Content
3.4.8 Named Model Group
3.4.9 Element Declaration
3.5 Wildcards
3.6 Deriving Type Definitions
3.6.1 Deriving type definitions by extension
3.6.2 Deriving type definitions by restriction
3.6.3 Controlling derivation
3.6.4 Reinterpreting Content Models
3.6.5 Element Equivalence Classes
3.6.6 The ur-type
3.6.7 Graveyard for stale syntax, here to avoid breaking IDREFs elsewhere *
3.7 Unique, key and key reference constraints
3.8 Notations
3.8.1 Notation Declaration
4 Schema Access and Composition
4.1 Layer 1: Summary of the schema-validation core
4.2 Layer 2: Schema definitions in XML
4.2.1 Assembling a schema for a single namespace from multiple schema definition documents
4.2.2 References to schema components across namespaces
4.3 Layer 3: Web-interoperability
4.3.1 Standards for representation and retrieval of schema definitions on the Web
4.3.2 How schema definitions are located on the Web
5 Annotating schemas
6 Conformance *
6.1 Schema Validity *
6.2 Detailed validity constraints and definitions *
6.2.1 The Schema *
6.2.2 References to Schema Constructs *
6.2.3 Types, Elements and Attributes *
6.2.4 Type Refinement *
6.2.5 Import Restrictions *
6.2.6 Schema Inclusion *
6.2.7 Schema Validity *
6.3 Responsibilities of Schema-aware processors *
6.4 Lexical representation *
6.5 Information set *


A (normative) Schema for Schemas
B (normative) DTD for Schemas
C Glossary (normative) *
D References (normative) *
E Acknowledgments (non-normative)
F Sample Schema (non-normative)
G Tabulation of changes
H Open Issues

Datatypes draft TOC

1 Introduction
1.1 Purpose
1.2 Requirements
1.3 Scope
1.4 Terminology
2 Type System
2.1 Datatype
2.2 Value space
2.3 Lexical space
2.4 Datatype dichotomies
2.4.1 Atomic vs. aggregate datatypes
2.4.2 Primitive vs. generated datatypes
2.4.3 Built-in vs. user-generated datatypes
2.5 Facets
2.5.1 Fundamental facets
2.5.2 Constraining or Non-fundamental facets
3 Built-in datatypes
3.1 Namespace considerations
3.2 Primitive datatypes
3.2.1 string
3.2.2 boolean
3.2.3 float
3.2.4 double
3.2.5 decimal
3.2.6 timeInstant
3.2.7 timeDuration
3.2.8 recurringInstant
3.2.9 binary
3.2.10 uri
3.3 Generated datatypes
3.3.1 language
3.3.4 Name
3.3.5 QName
3.3.6 NCName
3.3.7 ID
3.3.8 IDREF
3.3.9 IDREFS
3.3.10 ENTITY
3.3.13 integer
3.3.14 non-negative-integer
3.3.15 positive-integer
3.3.16 non-positive-integer
3.3.17 negative-integer
3.3.18 date
3.3.19 time
4 Defining Generated Datatypes
5 Conformance


A Schema for Datatype Definitions (normative)
B DTD for Datatype Definitions (normative)
C Datatypes and Facets
C.1 Fundamental Facets
C.2 Constraining Facets
D ISO 8601 Date and Time Formats
D.1 ISO 8601 Conventions
D.2 Truncated Formats
D.3 Deviations from ISO 8601 Formats
D.3.1 Sign Allowed
D.3.2 More Than 9999 Years
E Regular Expressions
F References
F.1 Normative
F.2 Non-normative
G Acknowledgments (non-normative)
H Open Issues
I Revisions from Previous Draft

Simple XML Schema example

First the instance

<PurchaseOrder orderDate="1999-05-20">

    <shipTo type="US">

        <name>Alice Smith</name>

        <street>123 Maple Street</street>

        <city>Mill Valley</city>




    <billTo type="UK">

        <name>Trevor Mostyn</name>

        <street>12, The Gables</street>



        <zip>GL3 2BB</zip>



    <comment>Get these things to me in a hurry, my lawn is going wild!</comment>


        <Item pno="333-333">


                  model BUZZ-1</productName>



            <comment>Please confirm this is the electric model</comment>


        <Item pno="444-444">

            <productName>Baby Monitor,

                model SNOOZE-2</productName>






Then the schema




 <element name='PurchaseOrder'



 <element name='comment' type='string'/>


 <type name='PurchaseOrderType'>

  <element name='shipTo' type='po:Address'/>

  <element name='billTo' type='po:Address'/>

  <element name='shipDate' type='date'/>

  <element ref='po:comment' minOccurs='0'/>

  <element name='Items' type='po:Items'/>

  <attribute name='orderDate' type='date'/>



 <type name='Address'>

  <element name='name' type='string'/>

  <element name='street' type='string'/>

  <element name='city' type='string'/>

  <element name='state' type='string'/>

  <element name='zip' type='integer'/>

  <attribute name='type' type='string'/>



 <type name='Items'>

  <element name='Item'
           minOccurs='0' maxOccurs='*'>


    <element name='productName'

    <element name='quantity'>

     <datatype source='integer'>

      <minExclusive value='0'/>



    <element name='price' type='decimal'/>

    <element ref='po:comment' minOccurs='0'/>
name='pno' type='string'/>





Schema example:
type derivation and element equivalence classes

The schema

<xsd:type name='animalFriends'>

  <xsd:any equivClass='pet' maxOccurs='*'/>


<xsd:type name='pet'>

  <xsd:attribute name='name'/>

  <xsd:attribute name='owner' minOccurs='0'/>



<xsd:element name=’pet’ type='pet'

<xsd:element name='cat' equivClass='pet'/>
source='pet' derivedBy='extension'>

  <xsd:element name='kittens' minOccurs='0'/>

  <xsd:attribute name='lives'/>



<xsd:element name='dog' class='pet'/>
source='pet' derivedBy='extension'>

  <xsd:element name='puppies' minOccurs='0'/>

  <xsd:attribute name='breed'/>


A valid instance


  <cat name='Fluffy' lives='9'/>

  <dog name='Gromit' owner='Wallace'



The Schema for Datatypes

See disclaimer on page 2

<!-- XML Schema schema for XML Schemas:
     Part 2: Datatypes -->

<!-- Note this schema is NOT the normative
     datatypes schema - - the prose copy in the
    datatypes REC is the normative version (which

     shouldn't differ from this one except for
     this comment and entity

     expansions, but just in case -->

    "-//W3C//DTD XMLSCHEMA 19991216//EN"
    "structures.dtd" >


<schema xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/XMLSchema"

   version="$Id: datatypes.xsd,v 1.2 1999/12/04 12:09:08 aqw Exp $">


  <type name="datatype"
        source="annotated" derivedBy="extension">

    <element ref="facet"
         minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="*"/>

    <attribute name="name" type="NCName">


       <info>Will be restricted to
             required or forbidden</info>



    <attribute name="source" type="QName"



  <element name="datatype" equivClass="schemaTop">

    <type source="datatype"


      <info>This is the top-level type element,
            as ref'ed in &lt;schema</info>


     <attribute name="name" minOccurs="1">

Required at the top level</info>






   <type name="facet"

     <attribute name="value" minOccurs="1"/>



  <element name="facet" type="facet"


  <element name="minBound" abstract="true"



  <element name="minExclusive"


  <element name="minInclusive"



  <element name="maxBound" abstract="true"



  <element name="maxExclusive"


  <element name="maxInclusive"



  <type name="numFacet" source="facet"


   <attribute name="value"




  <element name="precision" type="numFacet"


  <element name="scale" type="numFacet"



  <element name="length" type="numFacet"


  <element name="maxLength" type="numFacet"



  <!-- the following datatype is used to limit the

       possible values for the encoding facet on

           the binary datatype -->

  <datatype name="encodings" source="NMTOKEN">

    <enumeration value="hex">


        <info>each (8-bit) byte is encoded as

              a sequence of 2 hexidecimal




    <enumeration value="base64">


        <info>value is encoded in Base64 as

              defined in the MIME RFC</info>





  <element name="encoding" equivClass="facet">

   <type source="facet" derivedBy="restriction">

    <attribute name="value" type="encodings"/>




  <element name="period" equivClass="facet">

   <type source="facet" derivedBy="restriction">

    <attribute name="value" type="timeDuration"/>




  <element name="enumeration"


  <element name="pattern" equivClass="facet"/>


<!-- built-in generated datatypes -->

<!-- only has a few for now, eventually needs to have all of them -->


  <datatype name="integer" source="decimal">

    <scale value="0"/>



  <datatype name="non-negative-integer"


    <minInclusive value="0"/>



  <datatype name="positive-integer"


    <minInclusive value="1"/>



  <datatype name="non-positive-integer"


    <maxInclusive value="0"/>



  <datatype name="negative-integer"


    <maxInclusive value="-1"/>



  <datatype name="date"

    <period value="000000T2400"/>



  <datatype name="time"

    <period value="000000T2400"/>



  <datatype name="NMTOKENS" source="string">

  <pattern value="\c+(\s\c+)*">


    <info source="http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-xml#NT-Nmtokens">

     pattern matches production 8

     from the XML spec






 <datatype name="NMTOKEN" source="NMTOKENS">

  <pattern value="\c+">


    <info source="http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-xml#NT-Nmtoken">

   pattern matches production 7 from the XML spec






 <datatype name="Name" source="NMTOKEN">

  <pattern value="\i\c*">


    <info source="http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-xml#NT-Name">

   pattern matches production 5 from the XML spec






 <datatype name="ID" source="NCName">


   <info source="http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-xml#id">
     values of this datatype must be unique
     within a document





 <datatype name="IDREFS" source="string">




   pattern matches production 6 from the XML spec

   modified as required by the

   Conformance section in

   Namespaces in XML


 values of this datatype must have occured within
 a document as the value of some component
  of type ID





<datatype name="IDREF" source="IDREFS">

  <pattern value="[\i-[:]][\c-[:]]*">


    <info source="http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-xml-names#NT-NCName">
   pattern matches production 4 from the
   Namespaces in XML spec


 values of this datatype must have occured within
 a document as the value of some component
  of type ID







 <datatype name="ENTITIES" source="string">




     pattern matches production 6 from
     the XML spec

     (modified as required by the

     Conformance section in

     Namespaces in XML


 values of this datatype must match the name of
  an unparsed entity declared in the schema






 <datatype name="ENTITY" source="ENTITIES">

  <pattern value="[\i-[:]][\c-[:]]*">


    <info source="http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-xml-names#NT-NCName">
  pattern matches production 4 from
  the Namespaces in XML spec


   values of this datatype must match the name of

   an unparsed entity declared in the schema






 <datatype name="NCName" source="Name">

  <pattern value="[\i-[:]][\c-[:]]*">


    <info source="http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-xml-names/#NT-NCName">
    pattern matches production 4 from
    the Namespaces in XML spec






 <datatype name="QName" source="Name">



    <info source="http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-xml-names/#NT-QName">
     pattern matches production 6 from
     the Namespaces in XML spec






The Schema for Schemas

See disclaimer on page 2

<?xml version='1.0'?>

<!-- XML Schema schema for

     XML Schemas: Part 1: Structures -->

<!-- Note this schema is NOT the normative structures schema - - the prose copy in the structures REC is the normative version (which
shouldn't differ from this one except for this comment and entity expansions, but just in case-->

<!DOCTYPE schema PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XMLSCHEMA 19991216//EN" "structures.dtd" [

<!ATTLIST schema xmlns:x CDATA #IMPLIED> <!-- keep this schema XML1.0 valid -->


<schema xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/XMLSchema"
   version="Id: structures.xsd,v 1.26 1999/12/10 16:08:42 aqw Exp ">


 <!-- get access to the xml: attribute
      groups for xml:lang -->

 <import namespace="http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace"



  <!-- The datatype element and all of its
       members are defined

       in XML Schema: Part 2: Datatypes -->




  <type name="annotated">


    <info>This type is extended by all types
          which allow annotation

          other than &lt;schema> itself</info>


   <element ref="annotation" minOccurs="0"/>



  <element name="schemaTop" abstract="true" type="annotated">


    <info>This abstract element defines an
          equivalence class over the

          elements which occur freely at the top
          level of schemas.

          These are: datatype, type, element,
          attributeGroup, group, notation

          All of their types are based on the
          "annotated" type by extension.</info>




  <!-- schema element -->


  <element name="schema">


    <info>The obnoxious duplication in the
          content model below is to avoid

          infringing the no-ambiguity constraint
          while still allowing

          annotation virtually anywhere.</info>



      <group order="choice" minOccurs="0"

       <element ref="include"/>

       <element ref="import"/>

       <element ref="annotation"/>


      <element ref="schemaTop"/>

      <group order="choice" minOccurs="0"

        <element ref="annotation"/>

        <element ref="schemaTop"/>


    <attribute name="targetNamespace" type="uri"/>

    <attribute name="version" type="string"/>

   <attribute name="finalDefault"

   <attribute name="exactDefault"




  <!-- annotation element -->


  <element name="annotation">


    <group order="choice" minOccurs="0"

     <element name="appinfo">

       <type content="mixed">

         <any minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="*"/>

         <attribute name="source" type="uri"/>



     <element name="info">

       <type content="mixed">

         <any minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="*"/>

         <attribute name="source" type="uri"/>

         <attributeGroup ref="x:lang"/>








  <!-- For references to a type -->

  <!-- 'element', 'attribute' and 'any'
        all use this  -->


  <attributeGroup name="typeRef">

    <attribute name="type" type="QName"/>



  <!-- For 'element' and 'attribute' -->

  <attributeGroup name="valueConstraint">

   <attribute name="default" type="string"/>

   <attribute name="fixed" type="string"/>




  <!-- for all particles -->

  <attributeGroup name="occurs">

    <attribute name="minOccurs"
       type="non-negative-integer" default="1"/>

    <attribute name="maxOccurs" type="string"/> <!-- allows '*', so integer won't do -->



  <!-- for element, group and attributeGroup,
       which both define and reference -->

  <attributeGroup name="defRef">

   <attribute name="name" type="NCName"

   <attribute name="ref" type="QName"



  <!-- 'element', 'group' and 'any' -->

  <group name="particle" order="choice">

   <element name="element" type="element"/>

   <element name="group" type="anonGroup"/>

   <element ref="any"/>



  <group name="restrictionParticle"

   <element name="sic">

   <group ref="particle"/>



  <group name="attrDecls">  

   <group order="choice" minOccurs="0"

    <element ref="attribute"/>

    <element ref="attributeGroup"/>


   <element name="anyAttribute"
            type="namespaceList" minOccurs="0"/>



  <!-- types for type -->


  <type name="type" source="annotated" derivedBy="extension" abstract="true">

   <group order="choice">

    <element ref="restrictions" minOccurs="0"/>


     <group ref="particle" minOccurs="0"

     <group ref="attrDecls"/>



   <attribute name="name" type="NCName" minOccurs="0">


     <info>Will be restricted to required or



   <attribute name="content">

    <datatype source="NMTOKEN">

     <enumeration value="elementOnly"/>

     <enumeration value="textOnly"/>

     <enumeration value="mixed"/>

     <enumeration value="empty"/>



   <attribute name="source" type="QName"/>

   <attribute name="derivedBy"

   <attribute name="abstract" type="boolean"

   <attribute name="final" type="derivationSet"/>

   <attribute name="exact" type="derivationSet"/>



  <type name="namedType" source="type" derivedBy="restriction">


    <info>This is for the top-level type element,
              daughter of &lt;schema</info>


   <attribute name="name" minOccurs="1">


     <info>Required at the top level</info>





  <type name="anonType" source="type" derivedBy="restriction">


    <info>This is for the nested type element,
              daughter of &lt;element</info>


   <attribute name="name" maxOccurs="0">


     <info>Forbidden when nested</info>





  <!-- Top level type element,
              daughter of schema -->

  <element name="type" equivClass="schemaTop"


  <datatype name="derivationChoice"

   <enumeration value="extension"/>

   <enumeration value="restriction"/>



  <datatype name="exactSet" source="string">


    <info>Should be a sequence drawn from the
          values of derivationChoice plus
          'equivClass', or #all -- regexp
              is only an approximation</info>


   <pattern value="#all?|(equivClass|extension|restriction| )*"/>



  <datatype name="derivationSet" source="exactSet">


    <info>Should be a sequence drawn from the
              values of derivationChoice,

          or #all -- regexp is only
              an approximation</info>


   <pattern value="#all?|(extension|restriction| )*"/>


  <!-- restrictions element -->


  <element name="restrictions">

    <type source="annotated" derivedBy="extension">

     <group order="choice">

      <element ref="facet" minOccurs="0"

          <!-- max 1, min 0, for each facet
               except pattern, period-->

      <group ref="restrictionParticle"
             minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="*"/>


     <group ref="attrDecls"/>




  <!-- The element element can be used either

        at the toplevel to define an element-type
        binding globally, or within a content
        model to either reference a globally-
        defined element or type or declare an
        element-type binding locally.

       The ref form is not allowed at
       the top level -->


  <type name="element" source="annotated"

     <group order="choice" minOccurs="0">

      <element name="datatype"

      <element name="type" type="anonType"/>


     <group order="choice" minOccurs="0"

        <element ref="unique"/>

        <element ref="key"/>

        <element ref="keyref"/>


     <attributeGroup ref="defRef"/>

     <attributeGroup ref="typeRef"/>

     <attribute name="equivClass" type="QName"/>

     <attributeGroup ref="occurs"/>

     <attributeGroup ref="valueConstraint"/>

     <attribute name="nullable" type="boolean"

     <attribute name="abstract" type="boolean"

     <attribute name="exact" type="exactSet"/>



  <type name="namedElement" source="element"


    <attribute name="name" minOccurs="1"/>
              <!-- required at top level -->

    <attribute name="ref" maxOccurs="0"/>
              <!-- forbidden at top level -->




  <element name="element" type="namedElement"


  <!-- group element for named top-level groups,
       group references and anonymous groups in
       content models -->

  <type name="group" source="annotated"
        derivedBy="extension" abstract="true">

    <group ref="particle" minOccurs="0"

    <attributeGroup ref="defRef"/>

    <attributeGroup ref="occurs"/>

    <attribute name="order" default="seq">

     <datatype source="NMTOKEN">

        <enumeration value="choice"/>

        <enumeration value="seq"/>

        <enumeration value="all"/>
              <!-- allowed only at top level -->





  <type name="namedGroup" source="group"


    <attribute name="name" minOccurs="1"/>
              <!-- required at top level -->

    <attribute name="ref" maxOccurs="0"/>
              <!-- forbidden at top level -->




  <type name="anonGroup" source="group"


    <attribute name="name" maxOccurs="0"/>
              <!-- forbidden when nested -->




  <element name="group" equivClass="schemaTop"


  <!-- The wildcard specifier
              in content models -->


  <element name="any">

   <type content="empty">

    <attribute name="namespace"

    <attributeGroup ref="occurs"/>




  <!-- simple type for the value of the
       'namespace' attr of 'any' and

       'anyAttribute' -->

  <!-- Value is

               ##any     - - any non-conflicting
                             at all


               ##other    - - any non-conflicting
                             WFXML/attribute from

                             namespace other than


               one or     - - any non-conflicting
              more URI       WFXML/attribute from

            references      the listed namespaces

            (space separated)     


               ##targetNamespace may appear in
               the above list, to refer to the
      targetNamespace of the enclosing schema -->


  <datatype name="namespaceList"


  <!-- the attribute element declares
            attributes -->


  <element name="attribute">

   <type source="annotated"

    <element name="datatype" minOccurs="0">

     <type source="datatype"

      <attribute name="name" maxOccurs="0">

         <info>must benameless</info>




    <attribute name="name" type="NCName"

    <attributeGroup ref="typeRef"/>

    <attribute name="minOccurs" default="0">

     <datatype source="non-negative-integer">

       <enumeration value="0"/>

       <enumeration value="1"/>



    <attribute name="maxOccurs" default="1">

     <datatype source="non-negative-integer">

       <enumeration value="0"/>

       <enumeration value="1"/>



    <attributeGroup ref="valueConstraint"/>




  <!-- attributeGroup element -->


  <type name="attributeGroup" source="annotated"
        derivedBy="extension" abstract="true">

     <group order="choice" minOccurs="0"

      <element ref="attribute"/>

      <element name="attributeGroup"


     <element name="anyAttribute"
             type="namespaceList" minOccurs="0"/>

     <attributeGroup ref="defRef"/>



 <type name="namedAttributeGroup" source="attributeGroup"



    <attribute name="name" minOccurs="1"/>
            <!-- required at top level -->

    <attribute name="ref" maxOccurs="0"/>
            <!-- forbidden at top level -->




 <type name="anonAttributeGroup"


    <attribute name="ref" minOccurs="1"/>
            <!-- required when nested -->

    <attribute name="name" maxOccurs="0"/>
            <!-- forbidden when nested -->




 <element name="attributeGroup"



 <element name="include">

  <type content="empty">

   <attribute name="schemaLocation" type="uri"




 <element name="import">

  <type content="empty">

   <attribute name="namespace" type="uri"

   <attribute name="schemaLocation" type="uri"/>




 <!-- Better reference mechanisms -->


 <type name="keybase">

  <element name="selector"/>

  <element name="field" minOccurs="1"

  <attribute name="name" type="NCName"



 <element name="unique" type="keybase"/>

 <element name="key" type="keybase"/>

 <element name="keyref">

  <type source="keybase">

   <attribute name="refer" type="QName"




  <!-- notation element type -->


  <element name="notation"

   <type source="annotated"

    <attribute name="name" type="NCName"

    <attribute name="public" type="public"

    <attribute name="system" type="uri"/>




  <datatype name="public" source="string"/>


  <!-- notations for use within
       XML Schema schemas      -->


  <notation name="XMLSchemaStructures"

  <notation name="XML" public="REC-xml-19980210" system="http://www.w3.org/TR/1998/REC-xml-19980210"/>



The DTD for Datatypes

See disclaimer on page 2

<!-- DTD for XML Schemas: Part 2: Datatypes -->

<!-- $Id: datatypes.dtd,v 1.13 1999/11/29 11:04:03 aqw Exp $ -->

<!-- Note this DTD is NOT the normative datatypes DTD - - the

     prose copy in the datatypes REC is the normative version (which

     shouldn't differ from this one except for this comment and entity

     expansions, but just in case -->

<!ENTITY % p ''> <!-- can be overriden in the internal subset of a

                      schema document to establish a namespace prefix -->


<!-- Define all the element names, with optional prefix -->

<!ENTITY % datatype "%p;datatype">

<!ENTITY % maxExclusive "%p;maxExclusive">

<!ENTITY % minExclusive "%p;minExclusive">

<!ENTITY % maxInclusive "%p;maxInclusive">

<!ENTITY % minInclusive "%p;minInclusive">

<!ENTITY % precision "%p;precision">

<!ENTITY % scale "%p;scale">

<!ENTITY % length "%p;length">

<!ENTITY % maxLength "%p;maxLength">

<!ENTITY % enumeration "%p;enumeration">

<!ENTITY % literal "%p;literal">

<!ENTITY % pattern "%p;pattern">

<!ENTITY % lexical "%p;lexical">

<!ENTITY % encoding "%p;encoding">

<!ENTITY % period "%p;period">


<!-- annotation elements -->

<!ENTITY % annotation "%p;annotation">

<!ENTITY % appinfo "%p;appinfo">

<!ENTITY % info "%p;info">



<!-- Define some entities for informative use as attribute types -->





<!ENTITY % non-negative-integer "NMTOKEN">

<!ENTITY % boolean "(true|false)">

<!ENTITY % meansChoice "(restriction|extension)">

<!ENTITY % meansSeq "CDATA"> <!-- #all or sequence drawn from meansChoice -->


<!-- Note that the use of 'facet' below is less restrictive than is

     really intended:  There should in fact be no more than one of each of

     minInclusive, minExclusive, maxInclusive, maxExclusive,

     precision, scale,

     length, maxLength, encoding, period within datatype,

     and the min- and max- variants of Inclusive and Exclusive are

     mutually exclusive.

     On the other hand,  pattern and enumeration may repeat -->

<!ENTITY % minBound '(%minInclusive; | %minExclusive;)'>

<!ENTITY % maxBound '(%maxInclusive; | %maxExclusive;)'>

<!ENTITY % bounds '%minBound; | %maxBound;'>

<!ENTITY % numeric '%precision; | %scale;'>

<!ENTITY % ordered '%bounds; | %numeric;'>

<!ENTITY % unordered

   '%pattern; | %enumeration; | %length; | %maxLength;

    | %encoding; | %period;'>

<!ENTITY % facet '%ordered; | %unordered;'>

<!ENTITY % facetAttr 'value CDATA #REQUIRED'>

<!ENTITY % facetModel '(%annotation;)?'>

<!ELEMENT %datatype; ((%annotation;)?,(%facet;)*)>

<!ATTLIST %datatype;

    name   %NCName;  #IMPLIED

    source %QName;   #REQUIRED>

<!-- name is required at top level -->


<!ELEMENT %maxExclusive; %facetModel;>

<!ATTLIST %maxExclusive; %facetAttr;>

<!ELEMENT %minExclusive; %facetModel;>

<!ATTLIST %minExclusive; %facetAttr;>


<!ELEMENT %maxInclusive; %facetModel;>

<!ATTLIST %maxInclusive; %facetAttr;>

<!ELEMENT %minInclusive; %facetModel;>

<!ATTLIST %minInclusive; %facetAttr;>


<!ELEMENT %precision; %facetModel;>

<!ATTLIST %precision; %facetAttr;>

<!ELEMENT %scale; %facetModel;>

<!ATTLIST %scale; %facetAttr;>


<!ELEMENT %length; %facetModel;>

<!ATTLIST %length; %facetAttr;>

<!ELEMENT %maxLength; %facetModel;>

<!ATTLIST %maxLength; %facetAttr;>


<!-- This one can be repeated -->

<!ELEMENT %enumeration; %facetModel;>

<!ATTLIST %enumeration; %facetAttr;>


<!-- This one can be repeated -->

<!ELEMENT %pattern; %facetModel;>

<!ATTLIST %pattern; %facetAttr;>


<!ELEMENT %encoding; %facetModel;>

<!ATTLIST %encoding; %facetAttr;>

<!ELEMENT %period; %facetModel;>

<!ATTLIST %period; %facetAttr;>


<!-- Annotation is either application information or documentation -->

<!-- By having these here they are available for datatypes as well

     as all the structures elements -->


<!ELEMENT %annotation; (%appinfo; | %info;)*>


<!-- User must define annotation elements in internal subset for this

     to work -->

<!ELEMENT %appinfo; ANY>   <!-- too restrictive -->

<!ATTLIST %appinfo;

          source     %URI;      #IMPLIED>

<!ELEMENT %info; ANY>   <!-- too restrictive -->

<!ATTLIST %info;

          source     %URI;      #IMPLIED

          xml:lang   CDATA      #IMPLIED>



The DTD for Schemas

See disclaimer on page 2

<!-- DTD for XML Schemas: Part 1: Structures -->

<!-- $Id: structures.dtd,v 1999/12/04 12:02:51 aqw Exp $ -->

<!-- Note this DTD is NOT the normative structures DTD - - the

     prose copy in the structures REC is the normative version (which

     shouldn't differ from this one except for this comment and entity

     expansions, but just in case -->

<!ENTITY % versionEntities SYSTEM "../versionInfo.ent">

%versionEntities; <!-- get path and date entities -->


<!-- The the datatype element and its components

     are defined in XML Schema: Part 2: Datatypes -->

<!-- Note %p is defined in datatypes.dtd -->

<!ENTITY % xs-datatypes PUBLIC 'datatypes'

                     'datatypes.dtd' >



<!-- Define all the element names, with optional prefix -->

<!ENTITY % schema "%p;schema">

<!ENTITY % type "%p;type">

<!ENTITY % restrictions "%p;restrictions">

<!ENTITY % element "%p;element">

<!ENTITY % group "%p;group">

<!ENTITY % any "%p;any">

<!ENTITY % anyAttribute "%p;anyAttribute">

<!ENTITY % sic "%p;sic">

<!ENTITY % attribute "%p;attribute">

<!ENTITY % attrGroup "%p;attrGroup">

<!ENTITY % include "%p;include">

<!ENTITY % import "%p;import">

<!ENTITY % notation "%p;notation">


<!ELEMENT %schema; ((%include; | %import; | %annotation;)*,

                    (%datatype; | %type;

                     | %element;

                     | %attrGroup; | %group;

                     | %notation; ),


                     | %datatype; | %type;

                     | %element;

                     | %attrGroup; | %group;

                     | %notation; )* )>

<!ATTLIST %schema;

                 targetNamespace    %URI;  #IMPLIED

                 version            CDATA  #IMPLIED

                 xmlns              %URI;  #FIXED '&XMLSchemaNS;'>


<!-- a type is a named content type specification which allows attribute


<!-- -->


<!ELEMENT %type; ((%annotation;)?, (%restrictions;)?,

                (%element;| %group;| %any;)*,

                (%attribute;| %attrGroup;)*,



<!ATTLIST %type;

          name      %NCName;                        #IMPLIED

          content   (textOnly|mixed|elemOnly|empty) #IMPLIED

          abstract  %boolean;                       'false'

          final     %meansSeq;                      ''

          intolerant %meansSeq;                     ''

          means     %meansChoice;                   #IMPLIED

          source    %QName;                         #IMPLIED>


<!-- (element|group|any) only if content=mixed or =elemOnly -->

<!-- content defaults to basetype's if there is a complex basetype,

     textonly if there's a simple basetype,

     'mixed' if no basetype (because that's the urType's content)

             and no content daughters,

     'elemOnly' otherwise -->    

<!-- embeddedType and basetype are mutually exclusive -->

<!-- basetype refers to a complex type -->

<!-- restrictions elt in content iff basetype attr. -->

<!-- should we replace content='empty' with content='elemOnly'

     final='#all' plus no content? -->


<!-- If one top-level group, that IS the content model, otherwise

     an implicit group obtains.

     This is

       <group order='seq' minOccurs='1' maxOccurs='1'>

     unless content='mixed', in which case it's

       <group order='choice' minOccurs='0' maxOccurs='*'> -->


<!-- If anyAttribute appears in one or more referenced attrGroups

     and/or explicitly, the intersection of the permissions is used -->


<!-- A text-only type with no attributes differs from a datatype with

     the same basetype qualified the same way in regard to the impact on

     attributes of anyAttribute -->


<!ELEMENT %restrictions; ((%annotation;)?,


                        (%element;| %group;| %any;| %sic;)*),

                        (%attribute;| %attrGroup;)*,



<!-- this contains material for restricting components of inherited types -->

<!-- (element|group|any|sic) allowed only if basetype refers to an

     elemOnly or mixed type, the sequence and GI must match point for

     point with (an initial sub-sequence of) the content model of

     the basetype, restricting in each case, except that 'sic' is

     allowed to "copy through" a single particle.

     Only the top-level content model can be restricted,

     e.g. the content model of an anonymous embedded 'type' within

     an 'element' particle cannot be restricted piecemeal. -->

<!-- attributes to be restricted are identified by name, without order


     Attributes incorporated into basetypes via attrGroups may be

     restricted by name. -->

<!-- If anyAttribute appears in one or more referenced attrGroups

     and/or explicitly, the intersection of the permissions with the

     inherited permission (which must exist) is used -->


<!-- facets are allowed only if basetype refers to a textonly type -->


<!-- -->

<!-- an element is declared by either:

 a name and a type (either nested or referenced via the type attribute)


 a ref to an existing element declaration -->

<!-- -->

<!ELEMENT %element; ((%annotation;)?, (%type;| %datatype;)?)>

<!-- type or datatype only if no type|ref attribute -->

<!-- ref not allowed at top level -->

<!ATTLIST %element;

            name        %NCName;               #IMPLIED

            ref         %QName;                #IMPLIED

            type        %QName;                #IMPLIED

            minOccurs   %non-negative-integer; '1'

            maxOccurs   CDATA                  #IMPLIED

            nullable    %boolean;              'false'

            equivClass  %QName;                #IMPLIED

            abstract    %boolean;              'false'

    default     CDATA                  #IMPLIED

            fixed       CDATA                  #IMPLIED>

<!-- type and ref are mutually exclusive.

     name and ref are mutually exculsive, one is required -->

<!-- maxOccurs defaults to 1 or minOccurs, whichever is greater -->


<!ELEMENT %group; ((%annotation;)?, (%element;| %group;| %any;)*)>

<!ATTLIST %group;

            minOccurs   %non-negative-integer; '1'

            maxOccurs   CDATA                  #IMPLIED

    order       (choice|seq|all)       'seq'

            name        %NCName;               #IMPLIED

            ref         %QName;                #IMPLIED>



<!-- an anonymous grouping in a model, or

     a top-level named group definition, or a reference to same -->


<!-- Note that if order is 'all', group is not allowed inside.

     If order is 'all' THIS group must be alone (or referenced along) at

     the top level of a content model -->

<!-- If order is 'all', minOccurs==maxOccurs==1 on element/any inside -->



<!ATTLIST %any;

            type         %QName;                #IMPLIED

            namespace    CDATA                  #IMPLIED

            tag          %QName;                #IMPLIED

            equivClass   %QName;                #IMPLIED

            means        %meansSeq;             '#all'

            minOccurs    %non-negative-integer; '1'

            maxOccurs    CDATA                  #IMPLIED>


<!-- type, equivClass and namespace are mutually exclusive,

     if none present, i.e. <any/>, default is namespace='##any'.

     tag required if type.

     means only if tag and type or equivClass, consists of 1 or more allowed

     derivation means.  -->


<!-- namespace is interpreted as follows:

                  ##any      - - any non-conflicting WFXML at all


                  ##other    - - any non-conflicting WFXML from namespace other

                                  than targetNamespace


                  one or     - - any non-conflicting WFXML from

                  more URI        the listed namespaces



                  ##targetNamespace may appear in the above list, with the

                   obvious meaning -->


<!ELEMENT %anyAttribute; EMPTY>

<!ATTLIST %anyAttribute;

            namespace    CDATA   #REQUIRED>

<!-- namespace is interpreted as for 'any' above -->



<!-- for use inside basetype to copy down corresponding content

     model particle from the basetype's content model -->



<!-- -->

<!-- an attribute declaration names an attribute specification -->

<!-- -->

<!ELEMENT %attribute; ((%annotation;)?, (%datatype;)?)>

<!ATTLIST %attribute;

          name      %NCName;      #REQUIRED

  type      %QName;       'string'

  maxOccurs (0|1)         '1'

  minOccurs (0|1)         '0'

  default   CDATA         #IMPLIED

          fixed     CDATA         #IMPLIED>

<!-- default and fixed are mutually exclusive -->

<!-- type attr and datatype content are mutually exclusive -->


<!-- an attrGroup is a named collection of attribute decls, or a

     reference thereto -->

<!ELEMENT %attrGroup; ((%annotation;)?,

                       (%attribute; | %attrGroup;)*,

                       (%anyAttribute;)?) >

<!ATTLIST %attrGroup;

                 name       %NCName;       #IMPLIED

                 ref        %QName;        #IMPLIED>


<!-- ref iff no content, no name.  ref iff not top level -->


<!-- Schema combination mechanisms -->

<!ELEMENT %include; EMPTY>

<!ATTLIST %include; schemaLocation %URI; #REQUIRED>


<!ELEMENT %import; EMPTY>

<!ATTLIST %import; namespace      %URI; #REQUIRED

                    schemaLocation %URI; #IMPLIED>


<!ELEMENT %notation; EMPTY>

<!ATTLIST %notation;

                 name        %NCName;    #REQUIRED

                 public      CDATA       #REQUIRED

                 system      %URI;       #IMPLIED>


<!NOTATION XMLSchemaStructures PUBLIC 'structures'

           '&XSP1.URI;.xsd' >

<!NOTATION XML PUBLIC 'REC-xml-1998-0210'

               'http://www.w3.org/TR/1998/REC-xml-19980210' >



The W3C is at


XED, my free XML editor, can be found at


Pointers to many more useful links, can be found at Robin Cover’s SGML/XML web page:
