Several NSF Programmes Digital Library Information Technology Research International Office EHR Programs Various models of International Collaboration School of Tomorrow: Workforce development/HCI/Social Impact in ITR EHR Research ROLE Note "cost-effective" requirement $1 Million from US Best Practice focus Do after project! Good questions are more reasonable but even these change Comparitive Studies Next Effort: Sixth Framework 2003 Why do this work? Benefit. NSF Using European reviewers as air fares cheaper from Europe Rebecca Alden is doing a project (COACT) to collect data from other EU projects "Context" ==== Perspective important (Culture dependence) Like multi-lingual review Disabled students Italy requires all students to attend same schools but technology designed for average student US+Europe increases market size In fact total educational market not very profitable at least for innovation book publishers (Scholastic) make money! WebCT succeeded as robust and "lowest common denominator" What about a discussion of network needs One or Two per joint projects per working group Distance Education Testbed Assessment Technology ** 3D User Interface User v. Technology v. Content ** need models for all of them Technology versus Information services and resources Schlager: Learning takes place outside course: over pizza in dorm room One Project: multiple approaches in same playground Digital Libraries are core and should be organized around principles of how information organized Mary Thomas: Computing Portals What is tested in a testbed Students often ask same question -- need to capture Learner Centered ** Students only care about grades Connect cultures together Pedagogically neutral cross atlantic testbed "Testbed in USA" paired with "Testbed in Europe" Moses says: Employers have never complained about knowledge of students Only complain about "communication skills" Meta level: Impact of Global Infomation Infrastructure on Society Cultural differences Problems that are same in both cultures Testbeds -- infrastructure + experiments Information Resources and Services Evaluation Greg Moses replacing large lectures by videocasts He will do project based learning labs instead (groups of 4 students) Comments on 3 "projects" "Information Resources and Services" too general What about the Open University School of Tomorrow US Testbeds: ESCOT EU Testbeds: SchoolNet "Compare Models of Networks of Schools" Policy framework in EU for infrastructure very useful Learning Management interesting for Lifelong learning DiGiano: Moses: PACI EOT Emiliani: Impact of technology on People -- start with people not technology Multi capability Interface (Blind, non-blind) Balacheff: Education Economy Maurer: Hyperwave (commercial), HyperG: Web Server + Database for Powerpoint etc. Scribble on document, questions/answers Sanz: School Internet Access/Portal Gomez: Chicago/Detroit Schools Middle years Science Curriculum Lathrop: Teacher Preparation Wason:IMS(Educause) Technology Standards now a non profit organization Carneiro: Multimedia School Material Borgman: GIS and Digital libraries Mayes: Use computers properly ??: PC anywhere + web site + video conferencing for distance teaching Schlager: Tapped In Testbed Many years of experience, Established Community SRI supplis Help desks Interested in new communitis Wants to build Tapped In from scratch -- interested in "platform" researchers Klawe: UBC Computer Games Girls versus Boys Pehnson Intranet linking learning labs; tools (video-conferencing, asynchronous learning) City Network owned by users Rohrbach: Virtual Reality; Intelligent Agents Fischer: Latent Semantic Analysis / Agent Sheets now part of ESCOT Alden: Prometeus and further Web Sites Sandberg: Digital Divide; Certification Van Lehn: CIRCLE center computer supported tutoring Bruns: Computer based labs (real construction of circuits plus simulations) Physics Prudhomme: Collaborative Environments of future ( scalable group to group multi-point) ISAAC Persistent Virtual spaces future of collaboration -- collaboration is ongoing and you join and rejoin. Observers plus collaboraters -- not a meeting Datamining Remote access to instruments Vocational Training EU-US Portal Projects Monitoring group 1 US 1 Europe per project (4 of these) Next Meeting: End of July or September Portugal before June 30 France after June 30