XML and RDF 1) Relation of rdf:value bag alt seq and ... syntax 2) GXOS Schema and inheritence versus RDF Schema and types 3) .... 4) rdf:value allows non literal values both ID and resource attributes 5) Must you add all these rdf options to XML Schema 6) RDF and XML have inelegant non hierarchial model for ID and RDF resource In resource realtive URI now wrt XML document. Should be wrt logical base URI not physical URI 7) .net Macroscopic SOAP Microscopic ANDF like for multi language 8) is .net a good execution model for XML databases 9) Interacting XML objects with implied (Java) methods ERDC to D Division at Los Alamos 1) OKC Technologies 2) LMS based OKC Success 3) Access Grid Desktop: HearMe + desktop video Telephone Analog or modem Mobile/Office Medium: Polycomm or PictureTel ISDN or equivalent Small/Medium Room High-end: Access Grid Internet2/DREN 20 megabits/sec Medium/Big Room Over summer: Firm up and render interoperable (H.323 SIP) 3 classes Access Grid "Application" Training OSC FSU NCSA JSU for potential funding Room Size / Bandwidth / Application / Hardware (Choose displays and multimedia) Evaluation Set up 2 ongoing support sites (e.g. FSU and JSU) Order equipment Training support staff Heartbeat activity OKC Technologies Define OKC XML Object structure using XML and RDF Schema Oracle (9i or better) database for persistence and management Any Knowledge defined as objects with well define access and rendering (on palmtop to desktop) User and/or Administrator customizable layout of objects Software written in Java; allow distributed database; XML to Carey and INlib John West CSC employee Bob Athow -- Jeff Holland CHSSI Project lead John West -- Director of Scientific Computing as well as PET Mary Wheeler: Multi block Ocean modelling applied to Persian Gulf Stennis Naval Post Graduate School Brad Comes: Future Combat Vahicle effort of Army will be focus cf: ARL and radha Bedford says we proposed XML datastruvtures last year in "global project" Polly Baker: HDF5 will produce standards for unstructured data Code Coupling Critical -- suggest XML "The Physics is the problem" == Leslie,Mary NetSolve wont connect to batch queuer as interactive serious limitation PARSA - hENCE WebFlow type commercial application openMP GUI has thread support developing MPI Summer Students DREN Multicast JSU Multicast Audio Secure Main server where? Access Grid Center Session 2-6 weeks Training session 3 months Set up JSU at ERDC 1) Joint JSU / Graduate Institute Class 2) OSC training 3 laptops base station