Grid on the Go Program Hosted by NCSA at the University of Illinois in Champaign-Urbana May 20-22nd May 20th, Sunday 6:00pm RECEPTION May 21st Monday 7:30-8:00 Breakfast 8:00-Welcome and Program Overview () -Speaker Geoffrey Fox Technical Talks 8:00-8:30 The Grid (30 minutes) -Speaker: Dan Reed 8:30-9:30 Wireless Devices and the National Technology Grid (1 hr) -Speaker: Larry Smarr 9:30-9:45 BREAK 9:45-10:45 The Promise of Bluetooth (1 hr) -Speaker: Brian Redding, Motorola 10:45-11:45 The Wireless Application Protocol (WAP): What is it and Where is it going? (1 hr) -Speaker: Chris Burke, Motorola 12:00-1:00 LUNCH: Roundtable discussion of morning presentation Applications Talks 1:00-2:00 New Directions in Delivering Broadband Wireless Connectivity (1 hr) -Speaker: Dewayne Hendricks 2:00-3:00 Distributed Sensors and Users: Challenges and Promise (1 hr) -Speaker: David Hughes 3:00-3:15 BREAK 3:15-4:15 Caterpillar: Making Sensors Work (1hr) -Speaker: Waiting to confirm 4:15-5:15 Roundtable: Bridging the Gap Between Academic and Private Sector Research 5:15-5:30 Break 5:30-6:30 The Wireless Spectrum (1hr) -Speaker: William Lane, FCC 7:00 RECEPTION May 22nd, Tuesday Morning 7:30-8:00 Breakfast 8:00-8:50 Wireless Devices and the Changing Face of Education (1 hr) -Speaker: Brad Meyers from CMU 8:50-9:50 The Wireless Web @ FSU (1 hr) -Speaker: Gordon Erlebacher 9:50-10 BREAK 10:00-11:00Universal Accessibility issues and Wireless Devices (1 hr) -Speaker: Al Gilman from Trace Center at Wisconsin 11:00-12:30 Closing Roundtable (1.5 hr) Working Lunch served at 12. -The academic Research Agenda -Unintended application of wireless technologies and their impact on the future -Potential Policy Issues for Academy and the Private Sector -Next steps