1 or 2) PWC Claim XML expertise page Oracle 8i/9i iplanet web server Fig 1 page 10 good analysis Claim they looked at XML specs. They were meant to design these! (page 13) Recommends single central DB and explains why Page 17: All sites able to provide XML files as specified in attachment Will use XML as transport protocol Unnecessary Proprietary) Blue Angel ORNL Environmental data and other government apps Metastar claims to have everything but not open as no clear modularity e.g. says can use kereberos (use "red-hat") but doesn't say how 1 or 2) Logicon Existing Oracle DB + iPlanet + Java Servlets Doesnt seem to know what XML as don't discuss XML tools in web clients? but they do say XML Schema on page 6 page 7 Site Tools is good Kerberos Discussion looks good Logicon recoding Queue Status and Allocation Matchmaker/Exchange (says participated in prototype) implies good prototype 3 as a little dated) NCS (Minnesota) Put at Minnesota Claims to have done already Missing Figures FOUND Cold Fusion on Apache Java appears in schedule but Business Logic not discussed NetworkCS DTD (not Schema) Centralized DBMS Oracle PersonID gives unique user Teraweb certified security Long discussion of existing tools and user interfaces does not use XML directly but at least discusses (email!!!!!) Unnecessary Proprietary) KPMG Use Versata "custom system" Page 12 (top) Good statements about filters at sites Very vague discussion of "real meat" Seems to use PKI? Low Tech) HPTi Oracle 8i Perl Libraries to convert flat files to XML Data consistency tools Bottom 3). If cheap enough maybe OK