Project Title: Collaborative Portal Project Description: We have studied several academic and commercial collaboration systems to identify a set of requirements and design principles for environments to support distance education, collaborative compuational science and related areas. We combine synchronous and asynchronous capabilities in a collaborative portal. Our system is built in modular fashion so that it can use commercial support in areas like audio/video conferencing and base infrastructure including shared display module. Interesting technical features include the systematic use of shared export with collaboration supported for for a few key formats including PDF SVG HTML and Java2/3D. There is a unversal XML specified event model built on top of the publish/ subscribe mechanism (JMS Java Message Service). Replay is allowed using SMIL format and universal access supported by collaboration between different renderings of a given shared object. Hand-held devices as well as dektop clients are supported. The shared objects are managed by a new distributed XML Web O/S called MyXoS. PIs: Geoffrey Fox URL: