Index of /sites/dsc/storage1/c3/shared/project/fox/foxport3oct31-00/sonyvaio/fall00/Mydocsfromc/

My Pictures/                                       31-Oct-2000 14:46                   -
ART                                                31-Oct-2000 14:45                4613
CRT.CFG                                            31-Oct-2000 14:45                2249
Crtold.cfg                                         31-Oct-2000 14:45                 588
Dear Lynn.doc                                      31-Oct-2000 14:45               42496
Diz13.jpg                                          31-Oct-2000 14:45               21855
EasterIsland.doc                                   31-Oct-2000 14:46               24576
EasterIsland.jpg                                   31-Oct-2000 14:46              156277
Heather Fo1.doc                                    31-Oct-2000 14:46               24064
Heather Fo3.doc                                    31-Oct-2000 14:46               20992
Heather Fo4.doc                                    31-Oct-2000 14:46               22016
Heather Fo5.doc                                    31-Oct-2000 14:46               22528
Heather Fox Class 3.docgfdg.doc                    31-Oct-2000 14:46               23552
Heather Fox class 7.doc                            31-Oct-2000 14:46               22016
Heather Fox.doc                                    31-Oct-2000 14:46               19968
IT issues.doc                                      31-Oct-2000 14:46               19456
Oliver  Fox2.doc                                   31-Oct-2000 14:46               19456
Oliver Fo1.doc                                     31-Oct-2000 14:46               23552
Oliver Fo2.doc                                     31-Oct-2000 14:46               22016
Oliver Fo3.doc                                     31-Oct-2000 14:46               21504
Oliver Fo4.doc                                     31-Oct-2000 14:46               19968
Oliver Fo5.doc                                     31-Oct-2000 14:46               20480
Oliver Fox.doc                                     31-Oct-2000 14:46               19456
Olivers Senior will.doc                            31-Oct-2000 14:46               23040
VYou have just entered room.doc                    31-Oct-2000 14:46               20480
WS_FTP.LOG                                         31-Oct-2000 14:46               23608
boxes.xls                                          31-Oct-2000 14:45               71168
byrnedairy                                         31-Oct-2000 14:45                 907
desktop.ini                                        31-Oct-2000 14:45                 125
diz1.jpg                                           31-Oct-2000 14:45               17092
diz10.jpg                                          31-Oct-2000 14:45                8524
diz11.jpg                                          31-Oct-2000 14:45                6538
diz12.jpg                                          31-Oct-2000 14:45                9658
diz14.gif                                          31-Oct-2000 14:45               89234
diz2.jpg                                           31-Oct-2000 14:45               19972
diz3.jpg                                           31-Oct-2000 14:45                7887
diz4.jpg                                           31-Oct-2000 14:46                6360
diz5.gif                                           31-Oct-2000 14:46                9981
diz6.jpg                                           31-Oct-2000 14:46               10871
diz7.gif                                           31-Oct-2000 14:46               17901
diz8.jpg                                           31-Oct-2000 14:46               29828
diz9.gif                                           31-Oct-2000 14:46               38304
dizstrump.jpg                                      31-Oct-2000 14:46               45382
dizzygillespie.doc                                 31-Oct-2000 14:46               22528
heather fo2.doc                                    31-Oct-2000 14:46               21504
hst_pr94_17.gif                                    31-Oct-2000 14:46                1709
iearch.jpg                                         31-Oct-2000 14:46               68936
imsadlieee.ppt                                     31-Oct-2000 14:46              123392
mainphoto1.jpg                                     31-Oct-2000 14:46               14323
mercuryglobe1.gif                                  31-Oct-2000 14:46                4867
napv2b6.exe                                        31-Oct-2000 14:46             1625124
olicoverletter.doc                                 31-Oct-2000 14:46               50176
oliresume.doc                                      31-Oct-2000 14:46               43008
pictures.doc                                       31-Oct-2000 14:46              339968
setup325.exe                                       31-Oct-2000 14:46            24590600
shadowday.txt                                      31-Oct-2000 14:46                3175
tahai.jpg                                          31-Oct-2000 14:46               26887
tempqiu.doc                                        31-Oct-2000 14:46               19456
u8iiujk.doc                                        31-Oct-2000 14:46               19456
wall.jpg                                           31-Oct-2000 14:46                7968
wwhouse.gif                                        31-Oct-2000 14:46              106194
~$ather Fo3.doc                                    31-Oct-2000 14:45                 162
~$sterIsland.doc                                   31-Oct-2000 14:45                 162
~WRL0001.tmp                                       31-Oct-2000 14:45               21504
~WRL0002.tmp                                       31-Oct-2000 14:45               20992
~WRL0003.tmp                                       31-Oct-2000 14:45               19968
~WRL0005.tmp                                       31-Oct-2000 14:45               25600
~WRL2438.tmp                                       31-Oct-2000 14:45               23040
~WRL3292.tmp                                       31-Oct-2000 14:45               23040