3) ------ MORE ABSTRACTS needing REFEREES ------------------------------- So here are abstracts of more papers for which I need referee reports! Please send me any suggestions for referees. Your previous suggestions have been very helpful This abstract can also be found at http://aspen.csit.fsu.edu/CandCPandE/ Hopefully the journal administration is totally electronic. So referees will be sent a URL for full paper in PDF Thank you for your help Geoffrey Fox New article under Consideration for Journal October 2 2000 C486: Parallel Versions of Stone’s Strongly Implicit (SIP) Algorithm Abstract:In this paper, we describe various methods of deriving a parallel version of Stone’s Strongly Implicit Procedure (SIP) for solving sparse linear equations arising from finite difference approximation to partial differential equations (PDE’s). Sequential versions of this algorithm have been very successful in solving semi-conductor, heat conduction and flow simulation problems and an efficient parallel version would enable much larger simulations to be run. An initial investigation of various parallelising strategies was undertaken using a version of High Performance Fortran (HPF) and the best methods were reprogrammed using the MPI message passing libraries for increased efficiency. Early attempts concentrated on developing a parallel version of the characteristic wavefront computation pattern of the existing sequential SIP code. However, a red-black ordering of grid points, similar to that used in parallel versions of the Gauss-Seidel algorithm, is shown to be far more efficient. The results of both the wavefront and red-black MPI based algorithms are reported for various size problems and number of processors on a sixteen node IBM SP2. J.S. Reeve, A.D. Scurr and J.H. Merlin Department of Electronics and Computer Science, University of Southampton C487: Real-time Multi-spectral Image Fusion Abstract:This paper describes a novel real-time multi-spectral imaging capability for surveillance applications. The capability combines a new high-performance multi-spectral camera system with a distributed algorithm that computes a spectral-screening Principal Component Transform (PCT). The camera system uses a novel filter wheel design together with a high-bandwidth CCD camera to allow image cubes to be delivered at 110 frames per second with spectral resolution between 400 and 1000 nm. The filters used in a particular application are selected to highlight a particular object based on its spectral signature. The distributed algorithm allows image streams from a dispersed collection of cameras to be disseminated, viewed, and interpreted by a distributed group of analysts in real-time. It operates on networks of commercial-off-the-shelf multiprocessors connected with high-performance (e.g. gigabit) networking, taking advantage of multi-threading where appropriate. The algorithm uses a concurrent formulation of the PCT to de-correlate and compress a multi-spectral image cube. Spectral screening is used to give features that occur infrequently (e.g. mechanized vehicles in a forest) equal importance to those that occur frequently (e.g. trees in the forest). A human-centered color-mapping scheme is used to maximize the impact of spectral contrast on the human visual system. To demonstrate the efficacy of the multi-spectral system, plant-life scenes with both real and artificial foliage are used. These scenes demonstrate the systems ability to distinguish elements of a scene, based on spectral contrast, that cannot be distinguished with the naked eye. The capability is evaluated in terms of visual performance, scalability, and real-time throughput. Our previous work on predictive analytical modeling is extended to answer practical design questions such as: For a specified cost, what system can should be constructed and what performance will it attain? Tiranee Achalakul, Stephen Taylor Department of Computer Science, Syracuse University C488: Efficient Communication Using Message Prediction for Cluster of Multiprocessors Abstract:With the increasing uniprocessor and SMP computation power available today,interprocessor communication has become an important factor that limits the performance of cluster of workstations.Many factors including communication hardware overhead,communication software overhead,and the user environment overhead (multithreading,multiuser) affect the performance of the communication subsystems in such systems. A significant portion of the software communication overhead belongs to a number of message copying.Ideally,it is desirable to have a true zero-copy protocol where the message is moved directly from the send buffer in its user space to the receive buffer in the destination without any intermediate buffering.However due to the fact that message-passing applications at the send side do not know the final receive buffer addresses,early arrival messages have to be buffered at a temporary area.In this paper,we show that there is a message reception communication locality in message-passing applications.We have utilized this communication locality and devised different message predictors at the receiver sides of communications.In essence,these message predictors can be efficiently used to drain the network and cache the incoming messages even if the corresponding receive calls have not been posted yet.The performance of these predictors,in terms of hit ratio,on some parallel applications are quite promising and suggest that prediction has the potential to eliminate most of the remaining message copies .We also show that the proposed predictors do not have sensitivity to the starting message reception call,and that they perform better than (or at least equal to) our previously proposed predictors in [3 ]. Ahmad Afsahi, Nikitas J.Dimopoulos Queens University and University of Victoria, Canada