ALL entities ALIAS alias IDREF ID Hierarchial labelling base/blockid/..... Check XML Schema and Namespaces differentiate naming and physical hierarchy OBJECTINSTANTIATION Different object views ALL are containers selection defined as list of ID's selects a symbolic link inheriting some but not all can copy so preserve after original edited can override if want to change one ID Container contents can be ordered or unordered Not all subcontainers need be in order e.g. objectives is not ordered wrt content in a course container However inside objectives container, there maybe ordering of subobjectives order =ID1,ID2, .. = Lexical = As entered = unordered Handler = Manager, Renderer, Backend, client, or any servername/type OBJECTVIEW if handler=renderer This view can require Manager to interpret specification DISPLAY TYPE = PC,Palm CAVE, thumbnail, default (multi-valued), Virtual Classroom Here is where layout comes Base Objects One reesource Composite Objects Nontrivial container Symbolic Objects defined by Alias All Objects should have a OBJECTRENDERING with handler=renderer and internal OBJECTVIEW All objects have a type such as COURSECOMPONENT MULTIMEDIA IMAGE OBJECTIVE EVENT... Stature=independent,edditable If you copy a component, then that act becomes an event We have two ways contents of a container can be defined Explicitly in FISHXML Implicitly where there one or more XML files defined in container and these XML files reference FISHOBJECTS These FISHOBJECTS will be parsed by Manager and symbolic links replaced etc So need flavor=fish tag in such embedded attributes Containers wich are XML files should have a tag to say INTERPRET and where to interpret Note we need to distinguish various actions Interpretation of symbolic links can only be done by a fishmanager If I selected a subset of objects in a container eg image but not voiceover; could do by explicitly referencing Suppose I define a container Foil1 It has Symbolic link to anotherfoil1 delete anotherfoil1/audioover add newaudioover add anotherteacherannotation replace button1 with newbutton1 Renderer casn edit object asdding overlaty etc this becomes an event and a new edit subobject Note in edit case, key is that take groupo of compoonents and integrate XML should define make and access as asccess can edit Criotical issuie is unit for transfer from one server to another Must generate table of contents