GXOS: General Purpose XML Object Specification
This is to be designed to support initially
a) Education/Training where it will be compatible with IMS/ADL SCORM in sense that
IMS/SCORM compatible specifications can be generated from GXOS objects but GXOS
will be more powerful than IMS/SCORM
b) Computing where we need to be mindful of Grid Forum and Gateway
c) General Web sites
d) As a hierarchial set of containers it should be compatible with SCORM for
large containers (lectures) and W3C DOM for small objects (document fragments)
In my terminology one should support resourceML and portalML corresponding to
XML at different parts of system (different XML parsers on different servers)
2) Objects will be managed like files in a UNIX/windows system
i.e. hierarchial organization
symbolic links
search either by hierarchy or by "search for file names/file contents" with
various criteria on object type etc.
3) Typically one will interact with the XML metadata about object rather than object itself
4) Objects will be labelled liked files with either relative or absolute names with a
hierarchial structure. The container (logical arrangement of objects) structure can
have a different hierarchial structure from naming
5) We discuss here general object properties. GXOS objects will have other properties
such as objectives, prerequisites for SCORM objects and W3C DOM prperties for
objects of Web Page or smaller size. A given object can inherit such specialized
properties from multiple sources. Tags can use attribute TAGSOURCE = GXOS, W3DOM< SCORM
to indicate their source. A MAPPINGOBJECT tag will tell you how to map into a
particular TAGSOURCE. You could for example here specify that a particular container was
either a BLOCK or AU in SCORM
6) Everything is a GXOS object -- including not only curriculum pages but audio/video
archives, background images/buttons/menus for building web-pages etc. Normally you store
the different object types in separate container hierarchies crossreferencing through
NAME attribute
XML Object Specification
1) All Objects are Containers (i.e. in file analogy directories)
i.e All Objects can be constructed from any number (including zero) other objects
2) An object can be an ALIAS to another object. ALIAS acts as a "symbolic link" so that
when object link points to changes, then ALIAsed object changes
3) An object can be defined by a BUILTUP tag which defines how one constructs this object
from other objects either inside or outside this container.
4) All objects have names which are generated automatically in some natural fashion if not
explicitly given
5) Objects can be defined in terms of subobjects which have roles such as
Documentfragment, backgroundimage etc.
One can use an index (any character string) to differentiate more than one object
with the same role. These roles are used in te,plates or layout in portalML
6) Objects can have multiple INSTANTIATIONS which can specify how to use your favourite
object model to access object. An example is given below. The realizations
may not be identical as some object models may implement a given object more or less well
You can use a pure Java EJB system to manage your objects as long as it interprets
OBJECTREALIZATION to access an object stored in CORBA or some other (than pure Java) model
7) Objects can have one or more OBJECTRENDERINGs defined. These are differentiated
by use (thumbnail is different from normalview) or rendering device
8) Objects can have RANKS's assigned. The use is application dependent but in education
it is used to identify objects of the same type which should therefore be treated
in a given way.
RANK = CurriculumPage is typical unit of instruction and all objects of this rank
in a given container form a natural linked list. Other values for rank could be
RANK= PageFragment, Lecture, Module1, Module2, Course, Program ...
9) CONTAINERRANK specifies the RANK of "important" subobjects stored in this object
(container). For example, a container could have RANK=Lecture and
CONTAINERRANK = CurriculumPage
10) An object can have tag indicates it specifies abstract of
container in which it is placed. For example in my PowerPoint presentations,
I typically put abstract as second slide.
11) An object can have a TABLEOFCONTENTS tag specifying how Table of Contents
is to be generated. Often this is gotten from accessing TITLE tag of all
contained objects with RANK=CONTAINERRANK. One could also specify (in a
syntax to be decided) how to generate more complete tables of contents.
12) We will use IMS/IEEE LTSC metadata which has tags to specify Title, Author etc.
for GXOS objects. Maybe we could simplify this to Dublin Core or other simpler
metadata for non educational objects. This tag set contains keywords etc.
13) METADATAHEURISTICS tag can be used to guide object manager into quick ways
of building Metadata inside its container. This could for example specify that Author
and Title for subobjects gotten from Powerpoint be generated from Powerpoint
properties and slide Title
14) EVENTLIST is the list of events associated with this object desribing its use
and changes to it.
XML Container Structure
1) Objects inside a given container can be either unordered or ordered. Allowed
orderings include
ASENTERED (order of appearance in XML file)
SORTEDBY_... (sorting in different ways)
EXPLICITORDERLIST which specifies ordering by names of objects in a container
2) Ordering defines order of pages in a lecture etc.
3) Objects can be defined either by a list of components with a mapping of subobject
names to role[index] where rendering algorithm will use some sort of template
to insert each role[index] into a given web page
Alternatively, one can specify container as an XML file where this file
references role[index] objects in an
maps parameter name used
in parameter specification in XML to name in object land. NATIVE values would be described
in basic XML of object. There is one set of NATIVE characteristics intrinsic to object
Each Realization could access with arecane names or not be able to access perhaps
map events
NA implies this event/parameter not availsble in this realization
... Repeat for all other realizations
BUILTUP Structure ----------------------------------------------------------------------
1) This allows you to define new objects from old ones as a set of actions to be
executed in order
2) Allowed actions include
COPY name1 -- copies object name1 -- same as symbolic link initially but as can
edit object later; the copy and name1 are edited separately
LINK name2 -- invokes symbolic link to name2 (so components canNOT be changed)
DELETE name3 -- name3 could be name2/subobject. An example is if name2 was a voice over foil
We can link in original but delete voice subobject
ADD name4 -- adds local component name4 (could be a new voice-over in previous example)
CHANGE name5 to name6 -- "roughly" equivalent to DELETE and ADD
Object Rendering ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Any number of renderings are allowed
They have a USE (default, thumbnail, normalview)
and a DISPLAYDEVICE (Palm, PC, Cave)
and someway of essentially specifying display template with
DISPLAYTYPE = VirtualClassroom, MyProfessor, Plainoldwebpage
The rendering can specify the server which is to perform rendering
e.g. to convert XML into HTML or WML (Renderer=backend or userportal)
The rendering uses portalML
Here you can specify displays of different resolution, text only version,
and universal access (for example for visually impaired)