Subject: Re: I am working on Application Section Resent-Date: Mon, 08 Nov 1999 17:06:04 -0500 Resent-From: Geoffrey Fox Resent-To: Date: Mon, 8 Nov 1999 15:30:55 -0600 From: Linda Torczon To: Geoffrey - Included below is the LaTeX source for the Applications section of the 1998 CRPC Annual Report. Linda ======================================================== \chapter{Research Accomplishments and Plans} \section{Research} \label{research} The Center for Research on Parallel Computation ({\small CRPC}) is committed to a program of research that is making parallel computer systems truly usable. {\small CRPC} research efforts focus on six major thrusts: {\em Fortran Parallel Programming Systems,} %directed by Ken Kennedy; {\em Parallel Paradigm Integration,} %directed by Mani Chandy; {\em Linear Algebra,} %directed by Jack Dongarra; {\em Optimization and Automatic Differentiation,} %directed by John Dennis; {\em Parallel Algorithms for Physical Simulations,} %co-directed by Dan Meiron and Mary Wheeler. {and \em Applications.} % directed by Geoffrey Fox; The following subsections detail our progress in each of these areas since October 1, 1997. Because of space limitations, references to our own work and that of others have been omitted. Detailed citations can be found in the technical papers listed in Appendix~E. \subsection{Applications} \label{Applications-Accomplishments} {\em STC Faculty:} Geoffrey Fox (Director) \noindent Nearly every {\small CRPC} research thrust area applies its emerging technologies in practical proving grounds like Grand Challenge projects, industrial applications, educational applications, and projects with other institutional or agency partners. While {\small CRPC} involvement in Grand Challenges is diminishing, applications are increasing through the {\small CRPC}'s association with {\small NSF PACI} partners, {\small DARPA}, {\small ASCI} Centers of Excellence, the {\small DOD} modernization program, a {\small DOE}/{\small AFOSR}/{\small NSF}/Boeing collaboration, and other government agencies and companies. The {\small NSF}'s high-performance connection grants are expediting the applications of new technologies by researchers at several {\small CRPC} sites. On a national scale, {\small CRPC} Director Ken Kennedy's Co-chairmanship of the Presidential Information Technology Advisory Committee ({\small PITAC}) supports the future development of all these and other important national applications initiatives. \paragraph{Grand Challenges.} The Binary Black Hole Grand Challenge is in its final year. This project has enabled the prediction of gravitational waves formed from the collision of two black holes. {\small CRPC} researchers at Syracuse and the University of Texas have developed a portable Java visualization system and linkage of {\small HPF} (Fortran90) with a Distributed Adaptive Grade Hierarchy ({\small DAGH}). For more, see {\tt}. \paragraph{ASCI.} Through {\small DOE HPCC}, {\small DOE} 2000, and {\small ASCI} funding, Los Alamos National Laboratory researchers have built a C++ framework that provides high-level objects like arrays, fields, meshes, and particle lists for high-performance simulations on parallel architectures, the {\small POOMA} (Parallel Object-Oriented Methods and Applications) Framework ({\tt}). The first version, shipped to internal customers, has enabled important Grand Challenge (Accelerators and Numerical Tokamak) and {\small ASCI} (Multimaterial hydrodynamics) customers to field major new codes. {\small POOMA} II is being written now, and will include a much enhanced Array class and task parallelism. \paragraph{NSF PACI Partners.} {\small NPACI} support has enabled the University of Tennessee and Oak Ridge National Laboratory ({\small ORNL}) to apply {\small CRPC}'s NetSolve ({\tt}) in the MCell simulation program developed at the Salk Institute. This program allows simulation of microscopic cellular processes, such as how neurotransmitters diffuse and activate receptors in synapses between different cells. The Netsolve system allows users to distribute processing workload and access computational resources across a network. MCell, with the help of NetSolve, can now distribute its heavy workload among several machines simultaneously. See {\tt} under ``Research'' for more details. Alliance support enables {\small CRPC} researchers at Syracuse and {\small ANL} to use their {\small HPCC} Commodity metacomputing approach to provide a high-level interface to Globus applied to Quantum Simulation Grand Challenges. This work brought about the first general-purpose commodity front end to {\small HPCC} technology ({\tt}). \paragraph{DARPA.} {\small CRPC} researchers at Caltech have been advancing {\small DARPA}-funded Parallel C3I (Command, Control, Communication, and Intelligence) applications using commodity hardware and software. Using multithreaded libraries and pre-compilers, they have developed parallel C3I applications like aircraft route optimization. Important developments include (1)~a multithreaded library on Windows and Posix used successfully for maintaining sequential semantics and getting excellent speedups and (2)~a source-to-source compiler on top of Microsoft Visual Studio for Multithreaded C created to allow users to develop sequential programs in C in Visual Studio that are then executed in parallel. The second was applied to two substantial C3I problems with excellent speedup. See {\tt$\sim$threads}. \paragraph{DOD Modernization.} The {\small DOD} has sponsored the recently completed Rice/University of Tennessee project, Sca{\small LAPACK}, a library for dense linear algebra on distributed memory machines. Sca{\small LAPACK}, has been used to achieve a significant improvement in performance for the Global and Basin-Scale Ocean Modeling and Prediction Challenge Project described at {\tt}. {\small OCEANS} is an ocean circulation model that employs second-order finite differences with an explicit leapfrog time stepping scheme on a logically rectangular grid. The {\small OCEANS} preprocessor constructs and inverts large systems of equations that represent boundary conditions for the {\small OCEANS} program. Use of Sca{\small LAPACK} routines resulted in a factor of three-to-six speed up over the previous version of the code. {\small CRPC} researchers at Tennessee are also collaborating with {\small DOD} application scientists on a solution using iterative methods that is expected to achieve an efficient parallel implementation of the {\small DOD} {\small HPC CHSSI CEA}-3 Spectral Domain {\small LO} Component Design Code. The application requires solution of a sparse, complex, symmetric linear system. Although library software does not currently exist for this case, sufficient research has been done on the complex symmetric problem to allow implementation of effective methods. This project is expected to result in an efficient implementation of the {\small CHSSI} {\small CEA}-3 code that will require considerably less memory than the current implementation. The project is also expected to produce sparse linear system solver methods and software for the complex symmetric case that will benefit {\small CEA} and other {\small DOD} users who need to solve similar problems. See {\tt} for more information about {\small CEA}-3. See {\tt$\sim$eijkhout/parpre.html} for more information about parallel preconditioners for iterative methods. {\small CRPC} researchers at the University of Texas are doing environmental quality modeling for the {\small DOD} Modernization project at {\small CEWES}. They have been involved in the parallel migration of the hydrodynamics code {\small ADCIRC} and the reactive transport code {\small CE\_QUAL-ICM}. This work has enabled {\small CEWES} to run 10-year simulations. \paragraph{DOE/AFOSR/NSF/Boeing Collaboration.} Funds for the following applications efforts by {\small CRPC} researchers at Rice come from {\small DOE}, Boeing, {\small NSF}, and the Air Force Office of Sponsored Research ({\small AFOSR}): \subparagraph{1)~Nozzle Design.} The {\small CRPC} is working with a group in Boeing Commercial Airplane Group ({\small BCAG}) to reduce the cycle time for designing nozzles, the inside parts of engine housings. %It takes about 3 hours on an {\small SGI} %Challenge to get one function value. The current length of a design cycle is two weeks. {\small CRPC} researchers expect to reduce that to approximately one day; \subparagraph{2)~Planform Design.} The {\small CRPC} is working with Boeing in designing planforms, the shape of the wing as viewed from above. This effort addresses difficult design problems involving multiple objectives and nonlinear constraints; \subparagraph{3)~Helicopter Rotor Blade Design.} The {\small CRPC} is working with Boeing on problems involved in designing helicopter rotor blades. Wake simulation is the hard part of the problem, and the effects at the tip of the rotor blade are the most difficult to simulate. It takes about 4 hours on 16 fat nodes of an {\small SP}2. The {\small CRPC} and Boeing collaborators built a new model that reduces the cost to minutes and the bandwidth of the coupling from 100s to 10s. The resulting software was the first to find the best-known simulation-based design; \subparagraph{4)~Model Management Framework Software.} {\small CRPC} researchers are testing a C++ framework for managing the process of optimizing extremely expensive functions. This is a reimplementation of the {\small CRPC}'s F90 prototype that performed so well on the helicopter rotor blade design example; and \subparagraph{5)~Parts Nesting System.} {\small CRPC}-developed {\small PDS} continues to be used at Boeing for Just-in-Time manufacturing of aircraft parts. \paragraph{Others.} Caltech-, {\small LANL}-, and Syracuse-based {\small CRPC} researchers are designing a computational infrastructure to enable development and testing of models for earthquakes. This provides a unique application of Parallel Fast Multipole methods originally developed for astrophysics. See {\tt}. Using multithreaded libraries and precompilers for parallel execution of computational chemistry codes on multiprocessor {\small PC}s running Windows, {\small CRPC} researchers at Caltech have successfully implemented, from sequential code to parallel implementation, several important computational chemistry codes. At Rice, researchers are applying Global Optimization Techniques to the Least-Squares Phase Problem in X-Ray Crystallography, thanks to {\small NSF} funding. Researchers expect to provide better semi-local optimization techniques for obtaining an atomic arrangement that fits the experimental intensity data. Two techniques have been proposed: a modified Newton's method and a weighting scheme. These techniques can not only be applied to the phase problem where a zero or small residual in the objective function is desired, but also to other application areas, such as seismic problems, that can also be modeled as least-squares problems. The {\small NSF} is funding a Rice-based {\small CRPC} effort to develop Successive Linear Programming ({\small SLP}) Software. As a result, the {\small COPILOT} package, which uses successive linear programming and the user's choice of {\small LP} solver, has been made more widely available. {\small COPILOT} has been used to solve a problem in multidisciplinary optimization from {\small NASA} Langley, and on standard benchmark sets. \newpage The Department of Energy and National Institutes of Health have provided funding to {\small CRPC} researchers at Rice who actively collaborate with Baylor College of Medicine researchers in the Fitting Contrast Transfer Function in Electron Microscopy Project. The project's goal is to best model the Fitting Contrast Transfer Function of an electron microscope, a crucial step in three-dimensional image reconstruction in computational biology. A {\small CRPC} researcher at Rice, in collaboration with a {\small CRPC} External Advisory Committee member from Sandia Labs, is participating in the Sandia Labs {\small OPT}++ Engineering Optimization System, funded by the Department of Energy. The constraints version of {\small CRPC}-developed Parallel Direct Search ({\small PDS}) has been incorporated into the Sandia Labs {\small OPT}++ Engineering Optimization System. With funding from the Pacific Northwest National Lab, {\small CRPC} researchers at Syracuse University and Argonne National Laboratory are developing new methodology, algorithms, and tools for parallel computational chemistry. The project has achieved record-sized {\small RI-MP}2 calculations and a Global Array programming model extended to multi-dimensional arrays ({\tt\_chem/index.html}). Additional {\small CRPC} applications efforts are discussed in \S~\ref{optimization-applications}, \S~\ref{AD-applications}, \S~\ref{PAPS-applications}, and \S~\ref{PAPS-plans}. \paragraph{VBNS Connections Enable Applications Process.} {\small CRPC} sites at Caltech, Rice University, the University of Tennessee, and the University of Texas, and affiliated sites at Drexel University, Indiana University, the University of Houston ({\small UH}), the University of Illinois, and the University of Maryland have been awarded connections to the very-high-speed Backbone Network Service (v{\small BNS}), an experimental network launched in 1995 that connects national supercomputing centers and universities across the country to collaborate and share powerful computing and information resources. For more information on the v{\small BNS}, see {\tt} or {\tt}. Rice University, {\small UH}, and the Baylor College of Medicine were among 13 original institutions awarded links to the v{\small BNS} in 1996 as part of the Houston Area Computational Science Consortium ({\small HACSC}). This {\small CRPC} collaboration is using the v{\small BNS} to conduct computationally intensive research projects in areas like surgical simulation, 3-D modeling of molecular structures, computational steering of hydrocarbon reservoir models, and aircraft design. Rice researchers are developing the software infrastructure that will make such distributed computer systems usable. Initially connected at speeds of 45 megabits per second, the {\small HACSC} established in December 1997 a fledgling Texas Gigapop, a value-adding, three-layer meet point where customers can meet providers. This will eventually be the main connection for the Houston schools to the Internet 2 consortium. Researchers at the University of Texas are using the v{\small BNS} for environmental simulations of groundwater transport in porous media. Ongoing collaborations with the {\small CRPC} and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Waterways Experiment Station, as part of {\small DOD} modernization work, are focused on the performance of water models for distributed memory computers, such as the long-term environmental impact of flows in bays and estuaries. The v{\small BNS} allows timely access to large-scale data for applications that involve 3-D, time-dependent simulations that can require hundreds of realizations to complete a single analysis in a given region. {\small CRPC} site Caltech was awarded a connection to the v{\small BNS} through its affiliation with the Corporation for Education Network Initiatives in California ({\small CENIC}), a nonprofit benefit corporation formed by California universities to achieve robust, high-capacity, Next Generation Internet communications services for the higher education academic and research communities. Its goals are to oversee and deploy a cost-effective, state-of-the-art statewide communications infrastructure for all post-secondary institutions in California, and to support ready access to supercomputing facilities and collaborations with federally sponsored research laboratories and partners. \newpage {\small CRPC} affiliated site University of Maryland is using the v{\small BNS} to connect to supercomputer sites as part of its involvement with the National Partnership for Advanced Computational Infrastructure ({\small NPACI}). The Maryland work focuses on programming tools and environments and involves creating testbeds to develop experimental tools and streamline their dissemination and support. These tools are being evaluated on a scale that has not been feasible previously. Other {\small CRPC} affiliated sites are using the v{\small BNS} for projects ranging from performance analysis tool development to stellar simulations. Indiana University's link is being used for wide-area metacomputing and tele-immersive ({\small CAVE}-to-{\small CAVE}) visualization experiments. Drexel University's newly-awarded connection will be used for research in star cluster dynamics, numerical modeling, computational astrophysics, advanced cluster computing, etc. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign is using the v{\small BNS} for research on performance tool development, I/O characterization, visualization, and collaboration, and a wide range of other projects related to the {\small NSF}'s Partnership for Advanced Computational Infrastructure ({\small PACI}). Illinois is the headquarters for the National Computational Science Alliance ({\small NCSA}), which, along with {\small NPACI}, is a lead institution for {\small PACI}. \paragraph{Presidential Information Technology Advisory Committee (PITAC) Applications Plans.} One of the goals set by the {\small PITAC}, of which {\small CRPC} Director Ken Kennedy is Co-chair, is to demonstrate new applications on the Next Generation Internet ({\small NGI}) that meet important national goals and missions. Higher-speed, more-advanced networks will enable a new generation of applications that support scientific research, national security, distance education, environmental monitoring, and health care. The principal agencies involved in this initiative are the National Science Foundation, the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, the Department of Energy, {\small NASA}, and the National Institutes of Health. Other agencies may be involved in promoting specific applications related to their missions. {\small CRPC} applications, such as those described above, are helping to pave the way for these {\small NGI} applications. ======================================================== >Did you send / Do you have what I did last year > >Geoffrey Fox, >Director of NPAC and Professor of Physics and Computer Science >Phones Cell 3152546387 Office 3154432163 Npac 3154431723 Fax 3154434741