Please go to to get an HTML version of this announcement. We appologize if you have seen this announcment before. Call for Participation and Announcement December 7, 1999 Computing Portals Meeting Together with Computing Portals Working Group (Datorr), Java Grande Forum, and The 3rd International Symposium on Computing in Object-Oriented Parallel Environments Crowne Plaza Hotel in Union Square, San Francisco, California, USA and =================================================================================== Workshop Information As part of the ISCOPE conference activities, we like to announce a meeting of the Computing Portals working group. This group has been previously active under the name Datorr. Computing Portals is a collaborative effort between different Computer Science projects to enable desktop access to remote resources including supercomputers,networks of workstations, smart instruments, data resources, and more. We would like to solicit suggestions for presentations to be given during the morning session of the meeting. Participants are encouraged to submit a short paper or a pointer to a relevant online paper. If the paper is substantial, has not been previously published, and passes the review process, the opportunity exists to publish it in the Journal Concurency: Practice and Experience. The main emphasis of the meeting will be working group discussions. Suggestions for topics include (but are not limited to): Portal in Industrial applications and environments, Portals based on Jini technology, Benefit of XML for the development of Portals Gridforum activities and interactions Please send suggestions to, or stop by the Argonne National Laboratory booth at SC99 to reach Gregor von Laszewski. While this meeting is open to the public, advance registration is strongly encouraged to reserve necessary meeting space. To register, please e-mail the following information to ( Name: e-mail: Institution: Address: Phone: Fax: Suggestions: Travel information The travel information can be found at the ISCOPE web site: ISCOPE Alternative hotel suggestions will be posted when available. Future Meetings 1.Meeting at ISCOPE, 2.Meeting at JavaGrande 2000, around the 3-4th June 2000 with exact time and location will be announced at ISCOPE. AGENDA(Subject to Change) We will make changes to the agenda published on the web as soon as they are available. Duration Topic Start 8:30am PART I: Introduction 20 minutes Datorr, Computing Portals, and Science Portals 30 minutes An approach to General Computational Science Portals, Geoffrey C. Fox PART II: Talks by Industry and Researchers iPlanet, Sun Microsystems, TBD Other talks to be determined including a discussion of relevant Grid Forum Activities Lunch PART II:Working groups in Parallel Sessions Group A: Computing Portal Middle Tier and Frontends. This might include discussions about the Computing Portals previous working groups (i.e. DATORR reports), as well as, some proposals that are submitted to the Gridforum in the area of the backend. Group B: Industrial Portals This might include discussions on how existing technology can be used and enhance Computing Portals in existing/future industrial applications and frameworks Other groups upon suggestion by the community PART III: Summary ---- Gregor von Laszewski Argonne National LAboratory 9700 S. Cass Ave Argonne, IL 60439 (630) 252 0472