Education and Outreach The CDIS research program and institute structure, combined with an existing infrastructure for outreach programs, are naturally suited to education and outreach. First of all, the data intensive sciences that we will pursue within the Center will provide a fertile training ground for students wanting to work in their own or similar disciplines. Moreover, the training they receive will provide ample opportunity for many of them to enter the IT industry, which is moving very quickly towards distributed IT resources as a way of improving e-commerce transactions between businesses (B2B transactions) and between businesses and consumers (B2C transactions). Students will be able to spend time at other Center institutions (while remaining students at their home institutions) and work on large-scale projects they would not be able to do otherwise. We expect that this will be a very attractive option for many of our best students. Our outreach effort builds on successful existing outreach activities. We expect, for example, to base most of our effort on the considerable resources of the EOT-PACI program run by the NCSA Alliance. In addition, UF and FSU participate in the national QuarkNet program sponsored by Fermilab to train high school teachers in high energy physics. CACR runs a program for minority youths. The GriPhyN Project also has a strong minority component represented by the participation of the University of Brownsville, a historically Hispanic institution. Need courses for undergraduates and graduates. CSIT will have some. New hires in bioinformatics at UF. What about bio organization at UF that puts together curricula (can't think of name)? Finally, we intend to have a very strong visiting program that will allow guest researchers to spend time at any of the institutes to collaborate on particular problems. We believe that a great deal of cross-fertilization between fields will take place as a direct result of visitor interactions.