EOT (Education Outreach Training) program for NSF PACI teams is a) SDSC local b) NCSA local c) Partnership activities in EOT which are JOINT between UCSD/SDSC and NCSA Note Roscoe Giles from Boston is an NCSA Alliance partner but joint leader of NPACI/NCSA EOT program. I have contacted EOT from the Alliance Where as in my summary below they are needed especially as emphasis of both the STC CRPC and the NCSA/NPACI EOT team has been/is K-12 education, Minorities and universal access. CRPC did not do universal access. I don't think we have credentials in these areas at moment. University courses are not stressed except at undergraduate level The party line is that graduate courses are important but no special steps are needed as they will happen "automatically". Proactive steps are needed in K-12 and to some extent for undergraduates. Note that it is easier to integrate computer science advances as these directly impact students and teachers. On the other hand, although science education is critical, the latest science is not the key issue -- we need modern science with a learning model that works. Basic Education and Outreach Thrust Areas for NCA/NPACI EOT 1) Minorities including Women 2) Disabled and universal access 3) Education including K-12, Undergraduate, Graduate, Continuing Education (in order of prority). 4) Technology support (here we could customize to some STC technology e.g. if one included data-mining, portals or collaboration as cross-cutting themes then these can clearly form part of tools to help web-based education in general) 5) Outreach to new communities (Government, Museums) The critical way NCSA/NPACI can help is in Minority programs, Universal access and K-12. We can have some activities here but don't I think have the national leaders. Thus we need to bring in outsiders. I would be happy to step down as I dont feel effective now and FSU cannot prepare a strong enough case to get matching funds. Maybe SURA could lead Education and Outreach? Geoffrey Fox gcf@cs.fsu.edu or fox@csit.fsu.edu Phones Cell 315-254-6387 FSU Office 850-644-4587 FAX 850-644-0098