Subject: RE: Question re NIST ATP (fwd) Resent-Date: Thu, 10 Feb 2000 19:48:45 -0500 Resent-From: Geoffrey Fox Resent-To: Date: Thu, 10 Feb 2000 19:09:54 -0500 (EST) From: Wojtek Furmanski To: Geoffrey Fox CC: Wojtek Furmanski I guess she didn't have problem with listing SBIR but had similar concern as you did today, i.e. how could Translet alone possibly complete and market the product. So I think I will approach Teknowledge but want to see first if she made any progress with her contacts. ---------- Forwarded message ---------- Date: Thu, 10 Feb 2000 10:50:06 -0500 From: Marcie Sonneborn To: 'Wojtek Furmanski' Subject: RE: Question re NIST ATP Wojtek, This might work, but I would like to review your proposal application for the business side of this project. Marcie Marcene S. Sonneborn CNYTDO 1201 East Fayette Street Syracuse, NY 13210 (315) 425-5144, Fax: (315) 475-8460 -----Original Message----- From: Wojtek Furmanski [] Sent: Wednesday, February 09, 2000 4:50 PM To: Marcene S. Sonneborn Cc: Wojtek Furmanski Subject: Question re NIST ATP Marcie, I am trying to quickly build some team for the NIST ATP project. I don't think there is enough time to build serious enough partnership with a large company so I view it as a small business proposal. But even then, given that the upper limit is $2M, I think it is more reasonable to propose something in the range say of $1M+ rather then trying a truly small proposal for a few hundred K. If so, and given that only direct costs can be charged, I need more souls for this proposal. I checked with Geoffrey (see attached email below) who might be interested (as Florida State sub from HPC domain) and I will talk tonight with Utpal Roy (as SU sub from Manufacturing domain). I/Translet could bring Modeling and Simulation plus general Web based Computing domains and I wonder how to handle Teknowledge - who could bring knowledge bases/intelligent agents domain. However, if I ask them to partner, they will have natural tendency to dominate the project. On the other hand, I have pending proposal with them to DARPA and so I could list this proposal (as well as the DoD SBIR) as potential cost sharing - but for this I don't need them to partner with me for the NIST proposal. We can discuss it in more detail when we meet but given that time is short, I could start talking to them right away if you feel their presence could be essential. Otherwise, I will just try to follow a model: Translet as prime with two university subs (Geoffrey/FSU and Utpal/SU). See you Friday, thanks Wojtek ---------- Forwarded message ---------- Date: Wed, 9 Feb 2000 10:50:02 -0500 (EST) From: Wojtek Furmanski To: Geoffrey Fox Cc: Wojtek Furmanski Subject: NIST ATP I am contemplating a response to NIST ATP (Advanced Technology Program). This is somewhat similar as SBIR i.e. funds risky research in corporate environment (but not product development) and admits cooperation with universities (but as subs only i.e. business is the lead). They require cost sharing which looks somewhat different for small and for large business (for small business, you can charge only direct costs to ATP and all overhead most come from other funds, for large business you need to bring 50% costs from outside ATP). Translet has some pending proposals which I could try to use for cost sharing. I think something like "WebFlow done right" i.e. based on emergent standards such as CORBA components, EJB, COM+, XML, HLA would be a good theme. Lessons learned from WebFlow/Gateway could make a good contribution to such a proposal as current/interim 'success story' but that's more yours/Tom Haupt's success than mine. I checked with Tom and I hear that he might be interested but he is also looking for a job so I'm not sure how he decides to spend the rest of Feb. Proposal deadline is early March. Would you like to talk about it? Some issues to discuss could include: a) your possible participation via FSU or/and Translet; b) who will own/what's the future of Gateway; c) other possible parters I need to decide on and clarify soon such as Utpal Roy from MAME (has funding from NIST) or Teknowledge (has interest in WebFlow/UML via joint DARPA proposals). ATP as an option for Translet was suggested to me by Marcie Sonneborn who also has some ideas re possible partnerhsips and I will talk to her more this Friday. thanks Wojtek