Dear Colleague, We intend to submit a proposal to NSF in the Information Technology Research Program, in time for the February 14, 2000 deadline. The proposed project will research dynamic, object-oriented frameworks for message-based parallel computing. Guided initially by the successful MPI (Message Passing Interface) standard for parallel programming in C and Fortran, we will devise and investigate APIs for parallel computing in the context of modern network programming languages. The project will build on work on object-oriented bindings for MPI-like systems, carried out by members of the Java Grande Forum. An important focus will be exploitation of technologies similar to those developed in Sun's Jini project. These ideas promote federatiton of resources within the LAN or Internet. We anticipate that they will also facilitate construction of scalable and fault-tolerant platforms for parallel computing, from spontaneously discovered computational resources. Jini-like technology can add new job initiation capabilities, beyond those found in traditional high-performance computing environments. An early deliverable will be a robust pure-Java implementation of the message-passing API, MPJ, specified by the Java Grande Message-Passing Working Group. This implementation will internally adopt Jini protocols and software components to manage distributed resources and detect failures, while providing a traditional SPMD programming environment at the user level. Later research will investigate how to bring low-level techniques for dealing with partial failures into the realm of control of the high-level parallel programmer. An overall research goal is to combine successful technologies for High Performance computing with state-of-the-art object-oriented technologies for network programming. The budget will fall into the "not exceeding $500K" category. The participating institutions may include Syracuse University and Florida State University. The PIs will be one or both of us: Dr David Bryan Carpenter, Dr Geoffrey C Fox. _________________________________________________________________________ NPAC, 111 College Place FAX : (315) 443-1973 Syracuse University Email: Syracuse, NY 13244-4100 URL :