Plans for HBCU Computer Science Network March 17 by Willie Brown JSU

  1. HBCU Partners

Jackson State University

Florida A&M University

Morgan State University

North Carolina A&T University

II. Implementation Plan

Year 1

  1. Establish Necessary Distance Education Infrastructure At Each HBCU
    1. Establish and Identify Distance/Electronic Classroom Facilities
      1. Computer-Equipped Student Workstations
      2. Instructional Technology
    2. Establish Network Connectivity
  2. Perform Curriculum Review At Each HBCU
    1. Define CS Department Curriculum Specialty Areas
      1. Focus Area(s)
        1. Software Engineering
        2. Database Systems
        3. Networking
        4. Web
        5. Operating Systems
    2. Evaluate Curricula With Respect To IEEE/ACM Curricula 2001
    3. Evaluate Curricula With Respect To CSAB/ABET Criteria
    4. According To Potential Employers (Business, Industry, Government), Are Students Acquiring Necessary Skills?
      1. External Review Panels
      2. Program Review Surveys
    5. How Are Curriculum Currency And Relevancy Addressed?
      1. How Is The Need For New Courses Determined?
      2. How Are New Courses Developed?
      3. How Are Old Courses Deleted?
    6. Identify Curriculum Strengths
      1. Determine Subject Area(s) Where Department Excels
      2. Target CS Department for Distance Education Course Development and/or Delivery
    7. Identify Curriculum Weaknesses
      1. Determine Subject Area(s) Where Department is Inadequate
      2. Target CS Department for Distance Education Course Reception
  3. Identify Collective Strengths
    1. Are There Subject Areas In Which all HBCU Team Members are Adequate?
    2. If So, Eliminate Subject Areas From Distance Education Course Development Plan
  4. Identify Collective Weaknesses
    1. Are There Subject Areas In Which all HBCU Team Members Need Help?
    2. If So, Target Subject Areas for High Priority Course Development
  5. Develop Curriculum Modules for Enhancement At Each HBCU
    1. Add Needed Modules
      1. Distance Education Implementation
        1. Develop needed Modules Based on Curriculum Review


Year 2

  1. Distance Education Implementation
    1. Deliver Specific Courses to Specific HBCU Team Members Based on Curricula Reviews
    2. Faculty/Staff Training at HBCUs
  2. Assessment
    1. Success
    2. Satisfaction
    3. Efficiency
  3. Technology Improvement/Enhancement
  4. Course Content/Presentation Refinement
  5. New Technology Testing and Implementation
  6. New Course Development
  7. Disseminate Results

Years 3 – 5 – Iterations of Years 1 and 2 with additional testbed schools and courses.

Year 5 results will be based on long-term data. This will be a valid time to gauge the degree of success for the overall project.