Subject: management structure Resent-Date: Mon, 24 Jan 2000 08:10:19 -0500 Resent-From: Geoffrey Fox <> Resent-To: Date: Sun, 23 Jan 2000 23:53:28 -0500 (EST) From: "M. Y. Hussaini" <> To:


Appended below is the first draft of the Mangement Structure. Should I include the names of the members of the Advisory Board and Review Board. Please feel free to edit/revise. Please keep in mind it cannot be more than a page. Thank you.

Yousuff ================================================= The School of Computational Science and Information Technology has three arms - research, education and an infrastructure to support the research and education agenda. The infrastructure is called the Computational and Information Science Laboratory (CISL). This Laboratory is managed by the Associate Director, Geoffrey Fox. The high-performance computing infrastructure which the present proposal addresses will be in CISL.

Director: The Director is responsible for accomplishing the School's goals and objectives (its vision and mission) and for making budgetary and operational decisions. He relies on the steering committee (which includes the Associate Directors of Research, Education and Computational and Information Science Laboratory) and other formal and informal mechanisms for input and advice.

Advisory Board : The School's operation is overseen by the Advisory Board which consists of the deans of the participating colleges and schools and other distinguished leaders in the field. They are appointed by the Provost who chairs the Board. The Board sets the direction of the School, provides broad guidance and advice, and oversees financial management. It meets quarterly or as necessary to review the School's adherence to the policies and procedures set by the Board, and review the observations and recommendations of the Review Board.

Review Board: The members of the Review Board are drawn from industry, national labs and academia. They are appointed by the Provost at the recommendation of the Director. The review Board i) advises the Director in implementing the directives set by the BoG and in selecting the science projects, ii) monitors fast-breaking scientific opportunities and iii) evaluates the School's performance and makes recommendations for the future. It meets biannually or as deemed necessary. However, in between meetings regular e-mail and/or telephone discussions will take place.

bf Steering Committee: The Steering Committee is composed of the three Associate Directors for research, education and infrastructure and other distinguished members of the faculty with interests relevant to the School. This committee is appointed by the Director who also chairs it. It assists the Director in all functions of School management such as maintaining interdisciplinary high-performance computing focus, facilitating technology transfer, raising and allocating resources, continuously assessing performance and planning future activities.

User Committee: This committee is appointed by the Associate Director of CISL to assist him in maintaining the state-of-the-art hardware/software infrastructure and resource allocation.

Administrative and Technical Staff: To ensure the smooth operation of the School and to maintain a working environment conducive to the conduct of cutting-edge research, there is initially an office manager, a senior accountant, a budget coordinator and a secretary. CISL has now four technical staff - a systems administrator, two assistant systems administrators and a network specialist. There are a few software professionals. Additional permanent and temporary staff may be hired as warranted.

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On 25 Jan 2000, 12:07.